Let's talk about the hypocrisy of the cult of "Meshak"


Your usual rant it not of Jesus.

Many of you say Jesus teaching is not for the gentiles and it is for the Jews.

Did you change your claim?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So you think the law which will go forth from Jerusalem in the future are the laws of the old covenant.

Not likely.

No, it is not a matter of what "I think," deceiver, like your humanis. I showed you chapter, verse, that shows the OC laws will return. But what do we get from you? Denials, and "Not likely." You talk like the devil. He talks like you.....Like father, like son................Delete the scripture....Question its veracity....

Genesis 3 KJV

Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman,

Yea, hath God said, ...?


Heb 8:6.... spam

Already addressed this spam, deceiver.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I can teach you if you ask me politely, dear.

I know Jesus very well. Just ask away.

What would you like to know about Jesus' teachings?

If you knew "Jesus," troll, you would accord Him the respect, honor, that He deserves, and refer to Him as the Lord Jesus Christ. Only His enemies, while He walked the earth, referred to Him, in disdain, as "Jesus." But, then again, you are His enemy, so carry on, wolfie.
What would you like to know about Jesus' teachings?

To what teachings are you referring? God the Father's teachings on earth, the teachings the Saviour gave while on earth,or the Lord Jesus Christ's teachings, from the third heaven, as given to Paul, and taught by Paul?

She is stumbling, bumbling,as she reads this question, and is reacting like the robot, Captain James T. Kirk outsmarted, as smoke started coming from it's head...


If you knew "Jesus," troll, you would accord Him the respect, honor, that He deserves, and refer to Him as the Lord Jesus Christ. Only His enemies, while He walked the earth, referred to Him, in disdain, as "Jesus." But, then again, you are His enemy, so carry on, wolfie.

Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

this is not paying homage?

I am the one who is claiming His followers ought to follow Jesus' teachings, and you are saying, because of this claim, calling me wolf.

what a concept.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am afraid you cannot hear the truth.

Jesus says not to through pearls to the pigs.

Once again, that "I am afraid you cannot hear the truth" stunner/cliche/dodge just floors all of the TOL audience, as does that "Jesus says" puzzler. Please teach us, troll? Puh- wease?

"Jesus says" to sell all you have.

Do it.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

this is not paying homage?

I am the one who is claiming His followers ought to follow Jesus' teachings, and you are saying, because of this claim, calling me wolf.

what a concept.

Slower-Refer to Him as the Lord Jesus Christ. Only His enemies, while He walked the earth, referred to Him, in disdain, as "Jesus," as you do. But, then again, you are His enemy, so carry on, wolfie.

Show us where the disciples, troll, ever addressed him, in disprepect, as you do, as "Jesus."

"Master...Lord," yes-"Jesus," no.

You won't, because you're a biblical idiot, reading/viewing the biblle like you read/view your "TV Guide," just skimming through it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It seems that that's all you know about Jesus' word.

"It seems" like you are cementing your rep., as a troll, who avoids answering questions, and just spams, in disrespect, "Jesus loves you...Jesus says."

You assert "Jesus says...................................................."

Fine. "Jesus says" to sell all you have.

Do it.

Scamming troll-even you know it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am afraid you cannot hear the truth.

Jesus says not to through pearls to the pigs.
The troll asks...What would you like to know about Jesus' teachings?

To what teachings are you referring? God the Father's teachings on earth, the teachings the Saviour gave while on earth,or the Lord Jesus Christ's teachings, from the third heaven, as given to Paul, and taught by Paul?

Not a whimper.