New member
Hello TOLers. I'm new today and I can't wait to see what comes of my time here. I just finished an intro to philosophy class at my community college so watch out, I know just enough to be dangerous.
They all come in with a good attitude. Give 'em a couple of posts, he'll be as grumpy and touchy as the rest.
Does that have anything to do with sophtware?here we will introduce you to sophism
Does that have anything to do with sophtware?
Welcome OP!!
I hope that's not the case. I'm really not here to convince everyone of my views. I just like talking with people about cool stuff like evidence for the Ressurection, reliability of the Bible, etc. Is anyone here interested in that kind of stuff???
Does that have anything to do with sophtware?
Welcome OP!!
No, we just like to argue about everything in general.