Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting


Well-known member
"Unfortunately, Trump listened to liberals in his inner circle, such as his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and went easy on BLM to pander to minority voters. As a result, the terror uprising spread across the country, enabling a civilizational genocide by a low IQ mob that has singlehandedly risen violent crime rates to the highest they have been in decades."

That's from Big League Politics, which is "a far right American media outlet," according to Wikipedia:
Trump may have some responsibility for the rampant mob violence we see today, and God will judge him for that if he does.

God will also judge leading politicians who not only do not condemn democrat mob violence but encourage it.


Well-known member
I regret Trump called Anti-semites, and White Supremacists his kind of people. He failed to denounce them.
I believe you fail to mention that democrats fail to denounce democrat mob violence, which has caused more death and destruction in America in the last two years than any alleged white supremacy advocates have.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The black mob assault on the innocent white trucker is another example of the type of "peaceful protesting" that dummies like Merrick Garland foolishly believe are protected by the Constitution.
Merrick Garland thinks bashing someone over the head with a brick is protected by the Constitution? When did he say that?


Well-known member
It hits the mark or it would be an effective smear because some of it is true.
I've heard idiots claim Trump must be guilty of the unproven allegations against him because he consistently claims he is innocent. I believe such idiots are morons.


Well-known member
Merrick Garland thinks bashing someone over the head with a brick is protected by the Constitution? When did he say that?
Merrick Garland refused to classify BLM violence of 2020 as domestic terrorism yet he brands parents who resist Marxist teachers and their evil curricula as domestic terrorists. Get the picture?
I've heard idiots claim Trump must be guilty of the unproven allegations against him because he consistently claims he is innocent. I believe such idiots are morons.

Exactly. (y)

It hits the mark or it would be an effective smear because some of it is true.

You have no credibility after the huge lie you told about Trump. NONE

Merrick Garland thinks bashing someone over the head with a brick is protected by the Constitution? When did he say that?


User Name

Greatest poster ever
Merrick Garland refused to classify BLM violence of 2020 as domestic terrorism yet he brands parents who resist Marxist teachers and their evil curricula as domestic terrorists. Get the picture?
Who was president in 2020?
Merrick Garland . . . .

Merrick Garland is a KGB style of Marxist who weaponized the FBI against good parents who did not want their kids stuffed with your racist CRT.

Thank God, Trump and Mitch McConnell that inhuman demon did not get on SCOTUS
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User Name

Greatest poster ever
Trump was President the whole 4 years that ungodly, unlawful, demented democrats attempted their seditious coup against him.
That sounds horrible! I guess there was nothing he could do about it then. Oh, you poor dear...
Trump was President the whole 4 years that ungodly, unlawful, demented democrats attempted their seditious coup against him.

Correct. Democrats illegally sought to thwart the will of the American people and Impeach Trump before he even took office. They had a guilty verdict and then went in search of a crime, and ended up with a half-baked Ukrainian phone call.

. . . . Oh, you poor dear...

With every post you paint yourself as a bigger and bigger liar and ill-mannered dolt.