logos_x said:
It is a form of idolatry.
Bibliolatry --- Bible worship
I will not compromise with you on this.
I do commend you for taking a stand,and not compromizing.We can only go by the light that we have,or can possibly believe.I have no beef with you on that account at all.
May God richly bless your work for the Lord in all things.
It may be,however that you have missunderstood me,in reguards to the 1611 AV.
This is not idolatry at all.In fact,those that would use more than one version,are the real ones that are into idlolatry.Idolatry is nothing more than a false god.
With one version,Guess what?God and his word is the final authority.But here is the key,and we learn of it right in the garden of Eden.Yea,Hath God said?
Now learn this,whenever there are conflicting authorities,as there was in the garden with the serpent challenging God's words,WE BECOME THE ARBITER.Why?Because now we are CHOOSING which authority to follow.And so,mankind usurps the authority of God.Who'd a thunk it?
Follow the yellow brick road,as it were.She went of to see the wizard,we to God Almighty.
When there is a fork in the road that also APPEARS yellow at first glance,many get sucked in,because they did not listen and obey.Otherwise confusion is the order of the day.We all know that God is not the author of confusion.Ever since the new versions came upon the scene,that has been the norm here,in the church.Cofusion,and every evil work.
Satan is alive and well in the confusion business.We are to speak the same things,says God's words.Why?So that there is no divisions among you.
Modern Bible studies are now just pumping out confusion,because every person has a private take on a certain verse,mostly because of the version he or she follows.They all become as gods.This is because they are being the arbiter and deciding for themselves just which rendering is good,and which rendering is evil.
So,insead of having the word of God correcting us,we correct the word of God,showing no fear of God and his words.Shame.We need to instantly repent of that.
We desparately need the correction and judgement of God and his words in this day and age.
Different versions becomes a Bible Babel,dividing the Church.Satan would like to be like the most high.
According to the Bible,divisions are caused by heresies.1Cor 11:18,19.Plus it reveals just who is the approved.
Satan has not changed his tactic under the guise of the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE.
This is where many good godly men have been duped.
This tree of knowledge is nothing more than bait,good,pleasent,& to be desired to make one wise.Don't forget,that the initial temptation is never to to be bad.But that is the outcome.The temptation is always to usurp the authority of God Almighty.
Today,it is occuring in the churches under the form of subtly dismanteling the authority of the words of God,and redirects it over to the words of men.Man-made sources.
The Greek lexICON is the ICON of choice today,to make one wise,and to change God's authoritative voice.
We are just like the Laodicean Church,Luke Warm,Can't hear God's voice.Now the LORD is outside the church doors knocking to come in.
We are to go outside the camp,bearing his reproach.But that hurts.No person likes ridicule,now,do they?
Jesus said ;The words that I speak unto you,they are spirit.With lots of the words of God gone out of the new versions,the flesh takes over.All we are left with is ,a form of Godliness,without the power thereof.
There are four ways the Devil keeps us from the words of God and steals them.
1]Persecution and burnings,such as Diocletian till 1400's.
2]new Perversions,that rip out some 64,000 words of the prescious word of God.
3]Correcting the Bible in the pulpit by saying "A better reading would be"...the Bible is misleading here...the Greek says...
4]The fourth way that the Devil steals the words of God from out hearts is by making it it hard to read and memorize and study each day in our daily devotions.He likes to occupy our time with things.