Brandplucked: I will only briefly mention the textual issue in this article; there are many places to find out more about that. All Bibles are not translated from the same Greek and Hebrew texts. The NIV, ESV, Holman Christian Standard, and the NASB use a different Greek text than the KJB; they don’t always agree with each other; and their Greek text differs from the KJB text by about 5000 words. There are 17 entire verses missing in the NIV new testament, and even more in the RSV and ESV.
Same ole song-n-dance you've been repeating for years, Will. You generally dodge any criticism of it, and try to avoid responding to any PROOF that shows your views wrong, so I don't expect too much from you here...but that doesn't matter. What DOES matter is that the rest of the readership will see just how phony your KJVO garbage is.
As for the textual issue...Anyone can see, with a little study, that this is not a recent thing at all; such issues were being discussed before the current KJVO myth existed, and they're no closer to resolution than they were in the 1880s. And you have NO EVIDENCE AT ALL to show verses you claim are omitted weren't actually ADDED to some texts. Your argument is without merit.
Scores of times the NIV, ESV, Holman, and the NASB do not follow the Hebrew text, but use the Greek Septuagint, Syriac, or some other source. I have found at least 40 examples where the NKJV does not follow the same Greek text as the KJB, and is different still from the NIV, ESV, Holman, and NASB. None of these translations have the same meaning as the others in hundreds of verses. Which one then is God’s infallible word? I’m convinced it is the King James Bible.
You're "convinced" because you keep telling yourself over & over that the KJVO myth is right. Never mind it has NO Scriptural support. Never mind that every part of it has been proven wrong be empirical evidence. Never mind that the KJVO myth was started by a cult official and pushed by some dishonest authors. Never mind that it's based entirely upon guesswork, hearsay, imagination, opinion, and just plain misinformation. "It's STILL right!"
There is a huge battle going on today about the Bible. We are headed for the falling away, the apostasy, which will occur before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in glory and judgment. This is the most biblically ignorant generation of Americans ever, in spite of, or perhaps, BECAUSE OF the modern versions.
Actually, it's because of a shortage of God-fearing people who aren't ashamed to preach the Gospel, and a shortage of hell fire-and-brimstone podium-banging, Bible-waving preachers who remind their audiences that some day, we're ALL gonna die if not "raptured". Nothing to do with Bible versions.
The explosion of multiple-choice, conflicting modern versions has encouraged the student to pick and choose his own preferred readings and has created a tendency to treat every Bible lightly and to look upon none as the final words of God.
Actually, God has made a LOT more things available to today's student. This is part of the general increase of knowledge prophesied to Daniel. God is NOT LIMITED in how he may choose to present His word, so WE shouldn't be limited to just ONE VERSION of all that God's made available for us.
I believe the KJB to be God’s preserved, complete, pure, and inspired words.
And so do I. Where we differ is that you mistakenly guess that the KJV is the ONLY valid version of God's word in English , while I KNOW BETTER, by FACTS, not guesswork.
If I have to choose between a modern, up-to-date language Bible version that omits thousands of God inspired words from the New Testament (as do the NASB, NIV, ESV, Holman),
More guesswork...other versions/texts could just as easily have ADDED them.
that rejects the Hebrew readings in numerous places,
So what?
We've given you the plain example of Isaiah 7:14, where the KJV follows the LXX. Argue all ya want, but the Greek for this verse says"parthenos"(virgin) as the KJV reads, while the Hebrew reads "almah"(young woman) as a coupla other versions read. You may argue till you're blue in the face that almah also means virgin, but it's seldom used in that sense in Hebrew. The usual Hebrew word for virgin is "bathuwlah".
and that teaches false doctrine in several verses,
According to your wild imagination.
or choose the old King James Bible that has a few "archaic words" but teaches the whole truth of God in purity of doctrine, it is a no-brainer.
or refuse to allow some myth that seeks to LIMIT GOD to limit you also. The idea that the KJV is the ONLY valid English Bible version is phony as a football bat, akin to saying, "Ford is the ONLY valid make of car".
I will gladly and thankfully take the Holy Bible that God has set His mark of approval on like no other - the King James Bible. If you don’t have one, get it, read it, believe it, memorize it and hid its words in your heart.
I will gladly and thankfully take the several versions of the Holy Bible that God has caused/allowed to be made in MY language, both old and new, and read/use all of them according to God's providence in making them available. Believe WHAT'S IN THOSE BOOKS instead of any ridiculous man-made theories about any of them. None of those theories are true, while every word in any valid Bible version is true. Believe GOD, not man.
The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:35, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
Gotta believe that verse according to REALITY. A clear example of jesus' words which DID pass away is His writings in the dust when the woman caught in adultery was brought before Him. Not to mention all the mundane things such as His meals and His carpentry work he mentioned every day...Not to mention His preaching and miracles that are only touched upon in Scripture.
What did NOT pass away was every word Jesus wanted to be part of Scripture.
The Bible itself is not meant to be a book which can be easily understood.
Sez YOU. Pure conjecture, by the King of Guess.
Who can read through the minor prophets and not ask himself: "What is he talking about? What does this mean?"
Who? Anyone who's carefully read the preceeding books. While I don't think hardly anyone reading the Bible through for the first time, any version, understands everything he/she's read, one understands a LOT more if reading a version in his/her own language.
Yet there are many parts of the Bible that even a child can comprehend.
I do not believe the Bible is supposed to be translated into contemporary street language. The English of the KJB 1611 was not written in "street language" even at that time.
The KJV was written in the best formal everyday English of its day. However, that day was 400 years ago.
God knew beforehand that languages would change and I believe He intended that His word would be placed in a form of language that would be different from that spoken on the street. God's Book is not supposed to read like people on the street talk. It never did.
Yes, God DID know that. And He did NOT retire in 1611. He keeps right on presenting His word in current language forms. The legitimate modern versions are written in an English style that almost every English speaker can understand, same as the KJV was in its time, or the Wycliffe version of some 240 years before the AV.
The King James Bible reads differently from any other book. It is not like a newspaper, nor is it meant to sound like one. The Bible is an ancient book filled with timeless wisdom. I am impressed by the fact that this King James Bible has been around for a long time; it reads differently than any other book; it speaks like no man does in the pulpit, on radio or television, and I have to think about what it is saying. I don't just breeze through it like a tabloid magazine. When I slow down to think about what it says, I find that God speaks to me.
Same with any other valid version.
There seem to be two attitudes towards the KJB - those who want to understand it and defend it, and those who want to criticize and attack it.
You've purposely omitted your OWN attitude...You wanna make the KJV into something it was never intended to be...AN ICON, almost worshipped by some people. The AV translators, in their preface, which is conveniently left outta most current editions, explained what their version English Bible translation, made by their best efforts,, and nothing more.
In Exodus 26:14, “Thou shalt make a covering for the tent of ram's skins dyed red, and a covering of BADGER'S skins". The NKJV, Geneva, Darby, Young’s, Webster's, KJB 21, Third Millenium Bible, Rotherham's Emphatic Bible, and the Spanish all agree with the KJB. The NASB has "PORPOISE skins" while the NIV has "SEA COWS". The RSV and the 2001 ESV both have "GOATSKINS". The Holman says: "MANATEE SKINS". In the wilderness, badger's skins would be a difficult to come by, but how many porpoises (NASB) or sea cows (NIV) , or manatees (Holman) do you think they could have scrounged up?
Will, I could type ten pages exposing your deceptions from your one post above alone, but instead of lulling everyone to sleep, I'll just cite the one example above.
The Hebrew word the KJV renders "badgers' skins" is "tachash", which is a TYPE OF LEATHER, not a species of animal.. it does NOT name the animal whose hide is made into this type of leather. Apparently, tachash could be made from the skins of badgers, porpoises, or several other animals. Anyone who doesn't believe this can simply ASK someone who's proficient in Hebrew. That's much-better than simply picking up a concordance or lexicon. Apparently the AV translators chose "badger" because it was an animal known to them, and was/is common in that area of the world.
Your attempt to pull a "fast one" is once again exposed, Will! You act like some kinda scholar, hoping to fool the people with your mucho words, but we see RIGHT THROUGH YOUR DECEPTIONS. You tried to fool us into believing that some other versions are wrong for not reading "badger" at Ex.26:14, when that's simply not so, since the Hebrew says "leather" instead of the skins of any certain animal species.
Who's to say the Israelis had no porpoise hides? They coulda caught porpoises while still living in Egypt, or the Egyptians coulda given them to the Israelis as a "farewell present".
Sorry, Will, YOU'RE FOILED AGAIN. FACT versus KJVO GUESSWORK. Your doubletalk fools no one.
Those who don't believe any Bible, and more particularly the KJB, is the inspired word of God, frequently criticize the KJB for using words like "to let, prevent, suffer, and conversation". This is a bait and switch tactic, a smokescreen, and a poor excuse to get us to switch to a modern bible version which differs from the KJB both in text and meaning in hundreds of verses.
ACTUALLY, it's a reminder that the KJV's English is no longer current in many places.
The verb "to let" is used in three ways in the KJB. "Let them alone, they be blind leaders of the blind." "planted a vineyard. . .and let it out to husbandmen." The third example is the archaic use of to let meaning to withhold or to hinder.
There are still traces of this meaning today. Webster’s defines the noun "a let" as an obstacle, a hindrance, or a delay. In tennis if a ball hits the net, it is called a let ball. In 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7, "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth, will let, until he be taken out of the way."
Not only does the KJB use the word "let" in the sense of to hinder or withhold, but so also do Coverdale 1535, Bishop's Bible 1568, and the Geneva Bible 1599 has "will let" in the second part of the verse. Even the Revised Version uses "to let" in this sense in Isaiah 43:13.
OF COURSE THEY DO...THEY'RE OLDER VERSIONS! What a rocket scientist you are!
What I mean by bait and switch is the new versions say in effect "Let us clear up the confusion of the KJB and give you a modern rendering." But look at the NKJV, NIV, and NAS. They have updated the word "let" but all three have introduced a private interpretation into the passage by capitalizing certain words and not others (NKJV and NAS), or by adding words not found in any text (NIV).
As if the KJV doesn't do the EXACT SAME THING! Try making "God forbid' from the Greek "me ginomai" in a literal translation. Now, let's destroy your other codwallop:
The NKJV says, "And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way." Do you see how they have capitalized some of the "He"s and not others? They are forcing you to look at the passage in a certain way to understand its meaning. Yet there is a totally different way of looking at the passage, which is obscured by the new versions.
Yes, read the passages IN CONTEXT to see who's REALLY using a "bait-n-switch".
The first "he, his" is lower case because they're referring to the SON OF PERDITION((VERSE 3). The subsequent "He"s are referring to the HOLY SPIRIT. In modern usage, the names, and often the pronouns for the names of any of the Holy Trinity are almost always capitalized. Thus, the NKJV is correct, and YOU ARE NOT! But most of us are used to that by now.
Readers, see how Mr. Kinney tries to DECEIVE you?
These are just a few of the many examples I could give, but they will perhaps give you something to think about. All bibles are not the same and God is not the author of confusion. God's message is complete and not contradictory. If I get conflicting messages from the different versions, they can't all be from God. Satan and man are the ones who pervert the Scriptures.
As I said above, I could type page after page to go into depth and lay bare all of Will's deceptions and falsehoods within his one post above. Either I or someone else has already done that for virtually ALL your deceptions within your "versions comparisons".
As we get nearer the end, when many shall depart from the faith, the falling away will occur, and men will give heed to doctrines of devils,
Which is EXACTLY what the KJVOs have done! Anyone who thinks the KJVO myth is of GOD hasta have rocks in his head.
do you suppose that is the time when the best bibles will be popularly read? When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8 *
According to the whole chapter, He shall find both faith and unbelief. Try keeping the verses IN CONTEXT for once, Will.
If you want to find rest for your soul, peace of mind and confident faith in the words of the living God, read and believe the Holy Bible God has clearly put His mark on as being His infallible words - the King James Bible.
If you wanna try to LIMIT GOD and think you can keep Him shut up in a box, then buy into the KJVO myth.
Readers, you would do well to not believe a single word Mr. Kinney says. You should see he posts nothing but deceptions, half-truths, guesswork, and the false doctrines of the lying KJVO authors, laced with a large dose of his own imagination. HE IS NOT TELLING YOU THE TRUTH! We shall continue to expose his prevarications as often as he posts them.