Peter AV believes a FALSE DOCTRINE...
Peter AV believes a FALSE DOCTRINE...
Peter A V: This thread started with Will exposing the beliefs of B.Enyart.He has not refuted the claim.
He prolly thinks they're so poor he won't waste his time.
So we end up with a whole barage of posters,some pro-Bible,most pro-errored -Bible..
Actually, that would be those believers in a false doctrine, the KJVOs.
Turbo has been so deceived as to think that the New Testament quotes the LXX[72] when it was not around till 150 years AFTER the New testament was written.
drbrumley also thinks that the KJV is wrong
Not according to the AV translators.
Mr5020 says KJV only is nonsense.
He's right.
Rimi questions the KJV,and believes it has errors.but it doesn't.
Yes, it DOES.
Cranstonroby believes in no infalible Bible.He further claims that the KJV flops & has anomilies.
Infallible Bible? That would be every valid version. Booboos in the KJV? Absolutely.
He also falsely defends the LXX[72]But he USES the KJV tranlation,but claims that the KJV to be false time and again,but gives NO PROOF.
That's an outright LIE. I have supplied the proof that EASTER in Acts 12:4 is wrong. And the misstarement in Acts 5:3, "slew and hanged", requires no elaboration.
Robycop3 exposes himself by claiming that EVERY Bible is PERFECT for God's intended uses.
And, have YOU proven otherwise? Newp. And you CAN'T. All you cats can say is, "Dey aint da KJV so dey RONG. So wy'z da KJV rite? Cuz mah PREECHER gimme a koppie & sed Mr. Rukmn blest it! How do Ah NOE itz rite? Cuz it IZZ!"
Huldrych believes in the Luther Bible and any Texus Receptus,especially those of the reformation.
I've "spoken" with Huldrych many times on many boards; he knows GERMAN as well as we know English. I'd say he knows more about the Luther Bible than anyone else on this board, & that includes YOU.
As for the Textus receptus, WHICH EDITION is right? Erasmus alone revised it at least 3 times. The KJVO poster-boy, Dean John Burgon, said it needed a thorough revision!
Plus there are a few more posters,but this will suffice for the time being.The majority have no Holy Bible that they believe to be what God's word says it is.Inspired,preserved,infalible,purified,perfect.
Actually, the MAIN thing YOU have is a FALSE DOCTRINE. You cannot prove a single thing you say about the KJV.
Instead they use their own oppinions and the oppinions of others,conflicting authorities,Various conflicting manuscripts put out by hereticts,and the like.
Actually, it's the KJVO who does this! You rely upon the dope spouted by the likes of Wilkinson, Ray, Fuller, Ruckman, Riplinger, Cloud, Marrs, and the rest of those purveyors of bunk.
We are not God,God's word is the standard.We are to speak the same thing,mind the same things,etc.
But God didn't limit us to one language, while allowing/causing all in-use languages to change constantly.
But look at this mess we have made of it.We need to really take a good hard look at our direction as believers.
Yes, and ESPECIALLY YOU KJVOs. You're promoting a MAN-MADE FALSE DOCTRINE about a version of God's word.
For if this continues,then we all might as well join the Catholics,for that is the versions most are using,even though they are read in the protestant side of churches.These phony New Bibles are nothing more than the Vaticanus[Catholic] and the Sinaiticus[catholic]Jesuit Rheims 1582[catholic]LXX[72][Catholic]Westcott and Hort[Catholic]UBS[Catholic]etc.
You cannot prove the first word of it.
Are you going to be a Bible believer,or a compromizer?
There is no comparison according to God's word.
I'm gonna continue to believe GOD'S WORD, and not a man-made false doctrine about it.
Shoot, you cats are STUMPED by this one little fact: THERE'S NOT ONE WORD OF SUPPORT FOR THE KJVO MYTH TO BE FOUND IN THE KJV ITSELF. That fact alone proves your doctrine FALSE, not to mention tha MOUNTAIN of other proofs.
And I'm not talking about EMPIRICAL proofs; I'm talking about IMPLICATION. There's simply NO SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT for the KJVO myth!
If you can even BEGIN to overcome that obstacle, you have a better chance for someone to actually believe your codwallop.
But you CAN'T, so your myth LOSES.