Kentucky Kim and cakes


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It is obvious how much people want to prevent Christians with real convictions about their faith from becoming elected officials.

When you're paid by the public to serve the public you either do your job or step aside. Deliberately not doing your job gets you fired. This ain't rocket science.


New member
When you're paid by the public to serve the public you either do your job or step aside. Deliberately not doing your job gets you fired.
She did the job she was elected to do.
They changed the job after she was elected and wanted her to do something she could not do without violating her Christian beliefs.
She requested a reasonable accommodation but was denied.

This ain't rocket science.
Neither is it Dumb and Dumber, like you want it to be.


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Hall of Fame
She did the job she was elected to do.

When she stopped issuing licenses, she by definition stopped earning eighty grand a year.

They changed the job after she was elected

Job requirements and tasks change all. The. Time.

and wanted her to do something she could not do without violating her Christian beliefs.

So she should've resigned.

She works for Caesar. Caesar told her to do something. She refused. What followed isn't surprising and is completely in bounds. The only person in this situation who's being irresponsible and unreasonable happens to be the bureaucrat who's been married four times and refuses to do her job.


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In Atheists We Distrust
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Will Gervais at the University of British Columbia recently published a set of studies looking at why atheists are so disliked. His conclusion: It comes down to trust.
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Gervais and his colleagues discovered that people distrust atheists because of the belief that people behave better when they think that God is watching over them. This belief may have some truth to it. Gervais and his colleague Ara Norenzayan have found that reminding people about God’s presence has the same effect as telling people they are being watched by others: it increases their feelings of self-consciousness and leads them to behave in more socially acceptable ways.
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New member
In Atheists We Distrust
. . .
Will Gervais at the University of British Columbia recently published a set of studies looking at why atheists are so disliked. His conclusion: It comes down to trust.
. . .
Gervais and his colleagues discovered that people distrust atheists because of the belief that people behave better when they think that God is watching over them. This belief may have some truth to it. Gervais and his colleague Ara Norenzayan have found that reminding people about God’s presence has the same effect as telling people they are being watched by others: it increases their feelings of self-consciousness and leads them to behave in more socially acceptable ways.
. . .

The belief doesn't line up with the reality that Christians do bad stuff at about the same rate as every other group.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The belief doesn't line up with the reality that Christians do bad stuff at about the same rate as every other group.
Do they? What studies have you read on it? Sounds like an interesting thing to examine. I'd want a number of parameters, from people who declare but, say, don't affiliate and those who do affiliate but don't attend regular services. That sort of thing.


Hall of Fame
The only person in this situation who's being irresponsible and unreasonable happens to be the bureaucrat who's been married four times and refuses to do her job.

And has the audacity to pretend her own example justifies her judgment of other people's marriages ...


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A nurse takes a job as a nurse fully understanding that she will need to perform blood transfusions...all those things are settled in her mind before she takes the job.

I have turned down job opportunities and opportunities for promotion...I am certain MANY Christians do out of conscience.

I could not be a nurse if I was required to perform an abortion [I don't know if accomodations are made for nurses and doctors??]

I would not join the police or the army or become a politician.

People do have concerns of conscience.
Why wouldn't you be a politician?


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you also forgot that there are some things more important than others

maybe you never knew that

Yes, some things most certainly are. My problem comes from people who seize on an impossible to solve issue at the expense of all others and then lord it over anyone who disagrees with them as though they have some kind of moral high ground.


New member
Yes, some things most certainly are. My problem comes from people who seize on an impossible to solve issue at the expense of all others and then lord it over anyone who disagrees with them as though they have some kind of moral high ground.

chrys's avatar almost perfectly illustrates your point.