Kentucky Kim and cakes


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Hall of Fame
Right! And you are a great role model for disciplined self control and courtesy?
Nor, may I add, am I! :)

So it's the old "so are you" defense.:chuckle:

This chick's paid to deal with the public. And we all deal with folks and things we can't stand every single day. This doesn't entitle a bureaucrat to stand on a soap box and pretend she's being persecuted.


New member
So it's the old "so are you" defense.:chuckle:

This chick's paid to deal with the public. And we all deal with folks and things we can't stand every single day. This doesn't entitle a bureaucrat to stand on a soap box and pretend she's being persecuted.

I'm not a bureaucrat. BUT, I reserve the right to stand on my soap box!:blabla:
Furthermore, entitled or not, she did it!:singer:


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Hall of Fame
I'm not a bureaucrat. BUT, I reserve the right to stand on my soap box!:blabla:
Furthermore, entitled or not, she did it!:singer:

Yes, and she paid the legal consequences. Now she'll cash in on her fifteen minutes of fame to the best of her ability, GoFundMe or not.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Which 'judiciary" is that? We saw what happened when the State of Indiana's legislature passed legislation allowing religious freedom in that State:

Threats of national boycotts by the LGBTQueer movement, etc.

The spineless Governor then backed down and didn't sign the bill.

So what makes you think that other state legislators will even attempt to touch this topic with the proverbial 10 foot pole knowing the economic harm (from boycotts and endless lawsuits) that it will bring to their respective state?

I think you call it "The Federal Grand Jury"

You must be seeing something in the duties of a Federal Grand Jury that I'm not seeing.

"Because of the Fifth Amendment, the federal legal system has to use grand juries to bring charges, at least for certain offenses. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires that charges for all capital and "infamous" crimes be brought by an indictment returned by a grand jury. The amendment has been interpreted to require that an indictment be used to charge federal felonies, unless a defendant waives his or her right to be indicted by a grand jury. The Supreme Court has held that this part of the Fifth Amendment is not binding on the states, so they can use grand juries or not, as they wish."

Who is this "Federal Grand Jury" that you're talking about going to charge and with what?

Why can they not reach a compromise that satisfies everyone?

Because right and wrong, good and evil can coexist?

Here, print this out and put it on your car (you probably already have one).



New member
Because right and wrong, good and evil can coexist?

Here, print this out and put it on your car (you probably already have one).


Your stance is quickly losing, aCW. For you the option seems to be either Coexist or perish.

Kinda reminds me of the deal society gave the native Americans long ago that you support so much. Kinda stinks when the shoe is on the other foot, huh?

Maybe we can give you a nice Fundamentalist Reservation in the desert?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Because right and wrong, good and evil can coexist?

Your stance is quickly losing, aCW.

When you talk about my "stance" you're talking about laws and culture that reflect the morals that from come from Holy Scripture, right?

For you the option seems to be either Coexist or perish

If you believe that people of faith and those who believe in decency can coexist with baby murderers, sodomites and drug addicts, I'll love to hear how.

Kinda reminds me of the deal society gave the native Americans long ago that you support so much. Kinda stinks when the shoe is on the other foot, huh?

Many of the savages were converted to Christianity and others...

built casinos.


New member
When you talk about my "stance" you're talking about laws and culture that reflect the morals that from come from Holy Scripture, right?

Yes, the laws that came from the very old writings of tribal clans that often fought with each other and were quite nomadic.

Wow, you do have a lot in common with the Native Americans. . .

If you believe that people of faith and those who believe in decency can coexist with baby murderers, sodomites and drug addicts, I'll love to hear how.

Show me a time with nothing outside of your morals.

What's that? You can't? Well, by golly, you must have coexisted this long.

Many of the savages were converted to Christianity and others...

built casinos.

Many Christians will convert to society, and the others...

Like I said above, there is a nice desert reservation awaiting.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
When you talk about my "stance" you're talking about laws and culture that reflect the morals that from come from Holy Scripture, right?

Yes, the laws that came from the very old writings of tribal clans that often fought with each other and were quite nomadic.

Wow, you do have a lot in common with the Native Americans. . .

Both your ignorance of Holy Scripture and your out and out HATRED of God are duly noted.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you believe that people of faith and those who believe in decency can coexist with baby murderers, sodomites and drug addicts, I'll love to hear how.

Show me a time with nothing outside of your morals.

What's that? You can't? Well, by golly, you must have coexisted this long.

I know this is asking a lot of someone who is already stoned out of his mind at 10 in the morning, but take a look at the thread's subject title. Since you can't put two and two together: people of faith are losing their jobs and businesses, being heavily fined and being incarcerated for standing up against the LGBTQueer lifestyle and agenda.

How is that "co-existing"?

Quote: Originally posted by a CultureWarrior
Many of the savages were converted to Christianity and others...

built casinos.

Many Christians will convert to society, and the others...

Your kind of "Christian": One that sells out God.

Like I said above, there is a nice desert reservation awaiting.

I would say "Come and get me shag", but that would involve putting down your bong.


New member
I know this is asking a lot of someone who is already stoned out of his mind at 10 in the morning, but...

Once again you are wrong

take a look at the thread's subject title. Since you can't put two and two together: people of faith are losing their jobs and businesses, being heavily fined and being incarcerated for standing up against the LGBTQueer lifestyle and agenda.

However, Davis isn't losing her job for standing up to gays. She's losing her job for not doing the job.

That is kinda like how you told me a few times that if you don't work the land, it isn't yours.

Well, if you don't work the job it isn't yours either.

How is that "co-existing"?

So by coexisting you mean getting paid to not do your job?

I would say "Come and get me shag", but that would involve putting down your bong.

I'm getting you... through legislation.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I know this is asking a lot of someone who is already stoned out of his mind at 10 in the morning, but...

Once again you are wrong

Yet I don't see you disagreeing with my earlier statement:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Both your ignorance of Holy Scripture and your out and out HATRED of God are duly noted.

Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior
take a look at the thread's subject title. Since you can't put two and two together: people of faith are losing their jobs and businesses, being heavily fined and being incarcerated for standing up against the LGBTQueer lifestyle and agenda.

However, Davis isn't losing her job for standing up to gays. She's losing her job for not doing the job.

That is kinda like how you told me a few times that if you don't work the land, it isn't yours.

Well, if you don't work the job it isn't yours either.

How is that "coexisting"? It appears to me that you want people to abide by the rules set forth by the judicial activists of the LGBTQueer movement or "perish"?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How is that "co-existing"?

So by coexisting you mean getting paid to not do your job?

1: to exist together or at the same time
2: to live in peace with each other especially as a matter of policy

Again, show me how people of faith can coexist with baby murderers, sodomites and every other piece of vermin that slithers along the ground and still be a faithful follower of Christ.

I would say "Come and get me shag", but that would involve putting down your bong.

I'm getting you... through legislation.

But that's not "coexisting" :

1: to exist together or at the same time
2: to live in peace with each other especially as a matter of policy


New member
Yet I don't see you disagreeing with my earlier statement:

It was too dumb to reply to. Once you finally discover what God is, you'll realize I don't hate it at all.

How is that "coexisting"? It appears to me that you want people to abide by the rules set forth by the judicial activists of the LGBTQueer movement or "perish"?

People should be free to do business as they see fit if it is their business. Workers should work by the boss's rules or find other employment.

But if somebody like Davis freely chooses to work for Caesar, then she ought to abide by Caesar's rules. Don't you think?

Again, show me how people of faith can coexist with baby murderers, sodomites and every other piece of vermin that slithers along the ground and still be a faithful follower of Christ.

But that's not "coexisting" :

Are you suggesting you are forced to perform or have abortions, have gay sex, take and sell drugs? Because if not, then I'm not exactly sure how you are being prevented from living your life as you want.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Once again, Kim Davis did not go to jail for her beliefs, she went to jail for ignoring a judicial ruling made specifically about her and her JOB as county clerk.

she has contempt for the court ruling
she has contempt for the judge
many others do as well


New member
Hall of Fame
she has contempt for the court ruling
she has contempt for the judge
many others do as well

Tough. The Supreme Court ruled, and that's that. She works for Caesar. If she doesn't like the way the shop is run, she can quit, or just do the job taxpayers are paying her eighty grand to do.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Tough. The Supreme Court ruled, and that's that. She works for Caesar. If she doesn't like the way the shop is run, she can quit, or just do the job taxpayers are paying her eighty grand to do.

and I have contempt for you