Kentucky Kim and cakes


Hall of Fame
People do have concerns of conscience.

I agree ... though personal conscience should not be the criteria insofar as an employees willingness to perform their duties.

For example: I used to work at at a mortgage company in which many of my co-workers were Christian.

The company owners were Jewish and when a few of the employees asked for permission to send out Christmas cards, they were told they could only send out cards saying "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings".

Her job does not include violating her duties.

Kentucky Kim would have disobeyed a direct order and sent out cards to CLIENTS with the greetings of "Merry Christmas".

Totton Linnet

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She has put forward a reasonable compromise in asking for her name to be removed from the licence, which shows a willingness to accommodate...let the other side also be willing to reach an accommodation and we have a solution


Hall of Fame
She has put forward a reasonable compromise in asking for her name to be removed from the licence, which shows a willingness to accommodate...let the other side also be willing to reach an accommodation and we have a solution

I don't think anyone should have to make a compromise in order for her to do her job.


Hall of Fame
That is not the concern of this thread.
You feel free to cast a stone?

She is making her decision based on her judgment of other couple's values when her own judgment insofar as the sanctity of marriage has been compromised.


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If in January when the judiciary meets to make a ruling, they decide to make an accommodation to Christians on the grounds of freedom of conscience how will this ruling effect Christian bakers who do not wish to decorate a cake in a way that promotes homosexuality? Christian booksellers who do not wish to supply people with what they believe to be ungodly literary matter? Christian hoteliers who do not wish to let out rooms for the purpose of homosexual activity, Christian adoption agencies who do not wish to procure children for same sex couples?

A bookstore can refuse to sell dirty books? A used bookstore may refuse to buy dirty books?

A grocer, here, can refuse to sell alcohol.

Why is it not mandatory because the dirty book readers and boozers are being discriminated against. Are boozers and dirty book reader more disturbing to the moral conscience than homos?

Totton Linnet

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I don't think anyone should have to make a compromise in order for her to do her job.

Your position is of having no qualms about consenting to immorality, Christians hold a different view.

Here is my perspective

I worked as a receptionist of a hotel, they all knew I was a Christian.

Now the barman and the manager ganged up and went to the boss and said I should help in the bar when it was busy...they both were homos, which you might say is beside the point...but they pursue Christians...they are the aggressors.

I said to the boss that I was willing to collect empty glasses and bottles and clear tables which would be a massive help in busy times but I would in no circumstance serve alcohol.

...or else I would accept demotion to the kitchen. The boss who was Jewish accepted the compromise...but it caused just the same stink as Kim is causing on a much smaller scale.

They changed the conditions of her job in a way that touched upon a matter of conscience.


New member
Hall of Fame
That is not the concern of this thread.
You feel free to cast a stone?

Well I sure do. She's a showboating grandstanding pot disturber, her personal life's a mess, and she's in no position whatsoever to lecture anyone about the "sanctity" of marriage. Unless her intention was proving it was good and sacred four times.

This bureaucrat's conversion to Christianity doesn't give her a blank check.

Totton Linnet

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A bookstore can refuse to sell dirty books? A used bookstore may refuse to buy dirty books?

A grocer, here, can refuse to sell alcohol.

Why is it not mandatory because the dirty book readers and boozers are being discriminated against. Are boozers and dirty book reader more disturbing to the moral conscience than homos?

What happened to a baker in N. Ireland recently was [and they knew it was run by Christians] they ordered a wedding cake and asked for it to be decorated with two male figures with a motif saying "support gay marriage"

I'm telling you any true Christian will have a problem with that...they refused politely and were hailed in front of the beak, they were fined.

Even the homosexual fraternity protested against the unfairness.

They target Christian guest houses. They went into Christian bookstores and demanded that the staff ordered and brought in for them explicitly homosexual material....that Christian bookstore was fined and is no longer there.

Totton Linnet

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Well I sure do. She's a showboating grandstanding pot disturber, her personal life's a mess, and she's in no position whatsoever to lecture anyone about the "sanctity" of marriage. Unless her intention was proving it was good and sacred four times.

This bureaucrat's conversion to Christianity doesn't give her a blank check.

She is not lecturing..she just wants to be left out of their dirty do I


Hall of Fame
Your position is of having no qualms about consenting to immorality, Christians hold a different view.

Here is my perspective

I worked as a receptionist of a hotel, they all knew I was a Christian.

Now the barman and the manager ganged up and went to the boss and said I should help in the bar when it was busy...they both were homos, which you might say is beside the point...but they pursue Christians...they are the aggressors.

I said to the boss that I was willing to collect empty glasses and bottles and clear tables which would be a massive help in busy times but I would in no circumstance serve alcohol.

...or else I would accept demotion to the kitchen. The boss who was Jewish accepted the compromise...but it caused just the same stink as Kim is causing on a much smaller scale.

They changed the conditions of her job in a way that touched upon a matter of conscience.

Businesses change from within all the time, depending on the need and circumstances. That includes cutting job positions, adding job positions or changing job positions.

I have been on jobs where my position was changed because of changes within the company which meant I ended up with duties that were recently done by a select few, upper level employees. Several of us did.

There was no whining or complaining. We adjusted or looked elsewhere. Either all employees should have the right to make up their own duties or none should. Which is it?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Businesses change from within all the time, depending on the need and circumstances. That includes cutting job positions, adding job positions or changing job positions.

I have been on jobs where my position was changed because of changes within the company which meant I ended up with duties that were recently done by a select few, upper level employees. Several of us did.

There was no whining or complaining. We adjusted or looked elsewhere. Either all employees should have the right to make up their own duties or none should. Which is it?

Because nothing touched upon an issue of seems a small thing to you, well it is not a small matter to us.


Hall of Fame
Because nothing touched upon an issue of seems a small thing to you, well it is not a small matter to us.

It's small because it is so selective. IF it were about her Christian conscience, she wouldn't have treated her own marriageS like her newest handbag.

IF it were about Christian conscience, she would refuse to hand out licenses to fornicators, adulterers and abusers.

IF, however, the shoe were on the other foot and some atheist or Hindu, etc. refused to hand out a license to two Christians because it offended their conscience, you would be outraged that they were refusing to do THEIR job.

This is about refusal to do her job. Nothing else. Perhaps the payroll department should decide it is against their conscience to pay her.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A bookstore can refuse to sell dirty books? A used bookstore may refuse to buy dirty books?

A grocer, here, can refuse to sell alcohol.

Why is it not mandatory because the dirty book readers and boozers are being discriminated against. Are boozers and dirty book reader more disturbing to the moral conscience than homos?

boozers and dirty book readers are not recognized as "minorities"



New member
Hall of Fame
If in January when the judiciary meets to make a ruling, they decide to make an accommodation to Christians on the grounds of freedom of conscience how will this ruling effect Christian bakers who do not wish to decorate a cake in a way that promotes homosexuality? Christian booksellers who do not wish to supply people with what they believe to be ungodly literary matter? Christian hoteliers who do not wish to let out rooms for the purpose of homosexual activity, Christian adoption agencies who do not wish to procure children for same sex couples?

I dont know about the one in bold having happened, do you have a link?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I can assure you it has happened, and I can assure you that Christian bookstores like "Send the Light" have vanished from Britain's high streets. You can't find a Christian book store anymore.
Ah, that's the problem. I forget now and then to check where someone is from, because laws and foundations can differ. Here that couldn't happen. Things are a little different across the pond, sadly.

Leave off the low shots mate...she is a recent convert
True, but that's not how she sold her part when she spoke of the decision. She couched it in a different impression, saying that as the daughter of a preacher it was one of the most difficult decisions she's had to make.


New member
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Ah, that's the problem. I forget now and then to check where someone is from, because laws and foundations can differ. Here that couldn't happen. Things are a little different across the pond, sadly.

True, but that's not how she sold her part when she spoke of the decision. She couched it in a different impression, saying that as the daughter of a preacher it was one of the most difficult decisions she's had to make.

Thats false, wherever you got that, they didnt know what they were talking about, the daughter of a preacher comment came from a different clerk in Kims office, a clerk named melissa.

2:52 p.m. From AP: Deputy clerk Melissa Thompson told U.S. District Judge David Bunning that she doesn't really want to, but she will comply with the law.

She wept and said: "I'm a preacher's daughter, and this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life."

Ive seen a couple people here now perpetuating the lie that Kim Davis said that, she didnt.


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boozers and dirty book readers are not recognized as "minorities"


yet they are homos?

I do not see them as 'minorities', I see them as the same as those who read the dirty books. Here is another way to look at it: they are much like alcoholics, they have a disease, they need to seek a higher power:think:God?

I would think it crazy if alcoholics were determined to make all sober persons embrace their alcoholism, to insist we give them jobs, insist to be drunk in public, and to have free taxi service, or they will call us bigots. We need to not care about being called bigots when it comes to these people.

While 'minorities; are singled out by random thoughts about their looks, these creeps make themselves look funny, and they insist on parading around half nude. Look at any 'gay' parade, there is always someone nude of near nude. Then there are those disgusting ugly drag queens!