JWs, Watchtower, Arian, Oneness, Modalist, Christadelphians, etc.


New member
just in the end times many of those people get a second death which is the death we're referring to :3

Only if that's what they choose. Our job will be to guide them in the right direction.


New member
its.. not really a choice its a judgment? if you die in this world without knowing christ your judgment will be negative at the holy throne of god.

Why is that? No one will be judged for past mistakes, you know that don't you?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
its.. not really a choice its a judgment? if you die in this world without knowing christ your judgment will be negative at the holy throne of god. because of that one will end up destroyed / second death / hell whatever you believe in

i believe jesus took up all the worlds sin at his baptism, carried it to the cross and completely wiped out sin forever! and although i believe he did this for everyone without holding back you have to repent and believe in him for this gift. Believing jesus died for everyone is different from what you're saying. i preach the gospel because through me god can save people with the faith he's given me. without faith though no one can please god.. or be saved

Romans 10:17 states: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
I agree with this post, however, we must remember WHERE faith comes from according to Scripture. Perhaps, that's what you meant, to begin with?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Why is that? No one will be judged for past mistakes, you know that don't you?

There is NO judgment for the true believer. The ONLY judment will be for rewards done in the flesh. No true believer will stand before God the Father at the Judgement. Only the unbeliever will be there. The believers will stand before Christ. Revelation 20:12 "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." The "Dead" mentioned are the unbelievers.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In Revelation 20:12, you'll notice it says they were judged "according to their works." It says that because Christ took care of the sins of ALL humanity at the cross. The unbelievers will be judged according to their WORKS.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Only if their name is erased from the books of works. If you dont repent and believe in Jesus in this life your name remains written in the books of works, where you are judged thereby. A believers name is erased from that book and put into the book of life. There deeds are then written in that book

This is EXCELLENT. I hadn't considered the "Book" issue in that light before. Thanks.


Christian believers are made into ambassadors... so they should know whether or not someone is lost! :)

Jesus expect super high standard for His followers..

We can strive to follow His examples but only Jesus can judge if you are matching His standard.

You people seem so arrogant, so self-assured.

Jesus does not approve of arrogance.

Only Jesus can ***** if you are meeting His standards.


New member
I agree with this post, however, we must remember WHERE faith comes from according to Scripture. Perhaps, that's what you meant, to begin with?

Jesus said to those who followed, "Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!" (Matthew 8:10)

What was the source of this Roman's faith?


Active member
I "studied" with the Jehovah's Witnesses BEFORE they whipped-up their "New World Translation".
The only thing "pitiful" is why anyone would believe in the Watchtower Society.

PS: John 1:1 was a real "problem verse" for the JWs when they were still using the King James. :crackup:

Yawwn...You're just so transparent and predictable. Your posts tread the same familiar path of a troll, deny, deflect, defend. What you've said has nothing to do with what i posted. It's just another of your usual inane deflections. The only joke here is you and your sordid twisted interpretation of what you think is 'Christian'.


New member
Yawwn...You're just so transparent and predictable. Your posts tread the same familiar path of a troll, deny, deflect, defend. What you've said has nothing to do with what i posted. It's just another of your usual inane deflections. The only joke here is you and your sordid twisted interpretation of what you think is 'Christian'.

Would it help you if I told you that I studied under Dr. Walter Martin, the founder of Christian Research Institute? I get a real "hoot" :rotfl: out of comparing the teachings of the Watchtower Society in the 1950s compared to their "new revelations" :nono: (which never end). The "new and improved" Jehovah's Witnesses :kookoo: bears little resemblance to the 1950s version.
Whatever happened to the 144,000? :devil:

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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And where in the NT do you find a specific definition or qualification of the label 'Christian' besides whats been presumed by your own theological bias or religious denomination?

Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16, notwithstanding, of course. :AMR:

Moonbeams. Other. Sigh.



Well-known member

Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16, notwithstanding, of course. :AMR:

Moonbeams. Other. Sigh.


Hmmm, interesting jab but your "moonbeam" comment actually more literally applies to the rapturist-futurist crowd running around here starting derogatory and inflammatory call out threads with names such as "JWs, Watchtower, Arian, Oneness, Modalist, Christadelphians, etc." and constantly poking fun at those with whom they disagree by calling people names which include such slurs and derogatory terms as "UFO" and "cultist" in an attempt to marginalize and humiliate those whom they perceive as their enemies, (which are usually just ordinary people simply sharing what they believe). All one really needs to do is take a look at what the rapturist-futurists actually believe and the truth is plain as day that they live in a fantasy world where God is going to come take them away from this terrible world and judge all the "Left Behind" who disagree with their own doctrines. Some of them even roam around in forums such as these having names like "beameup" and other similar rapturist imagery in their names making them easy to spot from a mile away. It is surprising that you never seem to have noticed this reality though I have seen you use the moonbeam comment on quite a few occasions now. Are Calvinists also rapturites too? Meh, who cares anyways. :)

"One of the greatest (biggest) lies the devil is ever going to have to spin is to explain away the Rapture. The Rapture is a time in the future when all God’s people will instantly and simultaneously, disappear from the earth (I’ll explain more about the Rapture in a moment). This Satanic deception will seek to turn people away from the Bible’s explanation of this event, and therefore, turn people away from God. This lie may well be the thing that sets the scene for a New World Order and a One World Government. More on that later. First, let me give you a quick overview of what the Rapture is then I’ll share with you what I believe the devil may use to explain this away when it happens."







Ahah, yes, beameup moonbeam! :chuckle:


Eclectic Theosophist
A label doesn't make anything so........

A label doesn't make anything so........

Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16, notwithstanding, of course. :AMR:

Moonbeams. Other. Sigh.


I'm aware of the those passages,....so? My original inquiry stands in that so many have their own assumptions or definitions of what a 'christian' is, and so many brands and denominations. It just so happens that those listed in this call out thread share the same beliefs that some of the earliest followers of Jesus had being more Unitarian. Arianism at times gained the upper hand of power and popularity in the 4th century, until the church-state powers adopted Trinitarianism, and that was made 'orthodox' by their own appointment. The rest is history. This does not discount these particular expressions of Christian tradition or theology.

See: The Arian Catholic Church