JWs, Watchtower, Arian, Oneness, Modalist, Christadelphians, etc.

Lazy afternoon

Your "Unitarian" theology simply "falls apart" when select passages from the Old Testament are presented.
You suffer the same blindness that the Jews suffer when it comes to the Tanakh. You have to resort to "the Greek" (and the corrupted Greek at that), and other non-Biblical "sources", just like the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. Cults have one "common denominator", the denial of the Deity of Jesus Christ (that puts you firmly in the Devil's camp).

It might be better if you used scripture instead of the RCC ideas.

Mat 16:15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
Mat 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Mat 16:17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.



Well-known member
Your "Unitarian" theology simply "falls apart" when select passages from the Old Testament are presented.
You suffer the same blindness that the Jews suffer when it comes to the Tanakh. You have to resort to "the Greek" (and the corrupted Greek at that), and other non-Biblical "sources", just like the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. Cults have one "common denominator", the denial of the Deity of Jesus Christ (that puts you firmly in the Devil's camp).

Somewhere else you said the Westcott Hort was satanic when it did not agree with your own "holy and pure" understanding, (lol), but here you say that the Textus Receptus, (which is what the KJV renders from), is corrupt? They are all "corrupt" in their own ways and places if you consider the many thousands of variants to be "corruptions". However there is ample evidence from plenty of sources for the readings I posted above from the Textus Receptus. But the elephant in the room which you apparently cannot see is the fact that your understanding of those passages quoted, (Mark 13:6 and Luke 21:8), nullifies the very statement made by Yeshua in those passages so that you may continue to uphold your own private unwarranted view of other "I am" passages such as John 8:58.

Is it not true that most everyone here in this forum comes in the name of Jesus or Yeshua? But how many come in the name of Jesus or Yeshua and claim themselves to be "I am" or Jesus himself? The answer is none except the occasional oddball which immediately gets dismissed by everyone. So if someone did indeed come in the name of Jesus or Yeshua, claiming to be "I am", how many people do you suppose would be deceived by that person? Would that person deceive many as Yeshua says in the passages I quoted from Mark and Luke? Most everyone here knows the obvious answer is no; such a one coming in the name of Jesus or Yeshua, and claiming themselves to be the Messiah, would deceive NOBODY, NO ONE, NO HOW, NO WAY. Therefore you make void the statement of Yeshua by making it of no effect so that you may continue in your error with other passages like John 8:24 and John 8:58. And by the way John 8:24 also contains hoti, (and why should be the clue if you truly know what you are talking about which you do not). Telling people they are "in the Devil's camp" and part of a cult only reveals your fearfulness of the truth and your concern for your own reputation. :)


Eclectic Theosophist
Who holds a warrant on a 'label' ?

Who holds a warrant on a 'label' ?

Answer: They have no warranted claim to the label "Christian" as it is understood within Scripture.


And where in the NT do you find a specific definition or qualification of the label 'Christian' besides whats been presumed by your own theological bias or religious denomination? How often is 'Christian' found in the NT? - but a few times, and this was only a name given to Gentile believers among Paul's converts, later imposed and then defined by tradition and theological conventions in the following centuries.

It would behoove many 'christians' (those who don the 'label') to know that Jesus was a Unitarian. He upheld the Shema, and declared that the same God of the Jews (and all souls) was his 'God' and 'Father',...the Lord our God being One Lord,...the Lord is One. He declared the Father-God greater than he, teaching man to worship that Spirit-Father as DEITY Alone.

We could go on.....

Don't forget.......a 'label' is just a 'label'....just like anyone can slap the term 'biblical' on anything to give it some kind of validity, but this doesn't always cut the cake.


Eclectic Theosophist
let the fur fly.......

let the fur fly.......

Do you know what it is to be labeled a Christian within scripture?

Again, how many places in the NT (only) do you find the word 'christian', and where does it specifically lay out a definition or qualification-list in order for one to be a 'christian', apart from whats assumed by various 'christian' churches or denominations? On this score, you have many difference kinds of 'christians' challenging and decrying other 'christians' for NOT be real 'christians',....and all kinds of hoopla and shenanigans. Kinda like what goes on here, typified by this very thread....ya think? :idea:


Active member
Its truly pitiful reading the utter ignorance of so called Christians pontificating over their self righteousness while vain in their false piety determining the fate of others. There's only one judge of the righteous and the unrighteous and its not anybody in this thread.

This thread, like most posts from the OP is transparent in its agenda and most of all pointless.


Active member
Again, how many places in the NT (only) do you find the word 'christian', and where does it specifically lay out a definition or qualification-list in order for one to be a 'christian', apart from whats assumed by various 'christian' churches or denominations? On this score, you have many difference kinds of 'christians' challenging and decrying other 'christians' for NOT be real 'christians',....and all kinds of hoopla and shenanigans. Kinda like what goes on here, typified by this very thread....ya think? :idea:

While this may be true to be Christian simply means a "Follower of Christ". Put simply Christians are supposed to be imitators of Christ. After all Jesus said by their fruits you will know them. Thus it should be fairly obvious as to those who imitate Christs exceptional and unparalleled example that he left us in the gospels, along with those who do not.

True Christians don't have a need to condemn others in order to prove their piety to others. That was a tradition the Pharisee's used to espouse when they would openly pray at Luke 18:11-12 "The Pharisee stood and began to pray these things to himself, ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like everyone else—extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give the tenth of all things I acquire". And yet Jesus acknowledged the Phariseess as a group of the most reprehensible hypocrites 'judging' them as an "offspring of vipers". These were unrighteous men who displayed a false sense of Gody devotion which Jesus easily saw through.

An important point to note is the origin of the word Christian. Acts 11:26 tells us the name Christian was of divine origin. "It was first in Antioch [Syria] that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians" (NWT). This harmonizes quite well with secular evidence as in the first Century early Christians were either known as "the Sect", or the "Nazarenes" (As Jesus was from Nazareth), "the sect of the Nazarenes" or "the way".
This likely explains the rare use of the word in the Christian Greek scriptures as the eary Christians never used that word to describe themselves nor fellow disciples and followers of Christ Jesus.
In addition it is most unlikely that the Jews first styled Jesus’ followers "Christians" (Greek) or "Messianists" (Hebrew), for they would not reject Jesus as being the Messiah, or Christ, and then tacitly recognize him as the Anointed One, or Christ, by stamping his followers "Christians".


New member
Its truly pitiful reading the utter ignorance of so called Christians pontificating over their self righteousness while vain in their false piety determining the fate of others. There's only one judge of the righteous and the unrighteous and its not anybody in this thread.

This thread, like most posts from the OP is transparent in its agenda and most of all pointless.

I "studied" with the Jehovah's Witnesses BEFORE they whipped-up their "New World Translation".
The only thing "pitiful" is why anyone would believe in the Watchtower Society.

PS: John 1:1 was a real "problem verse" for the JWs when they were still using the King James. :crackup:


Well-known member
I "studied" with the Jehovah's Witnesses BEFORE they whipped-up their "New World Translation".
The only thing "pitiful" is why anyone would believe in the Watchtower Society.

PS: John 1:1 was a real "problem verse" for the JWs when they were still using the King James. :crackup:

Yes Jesus is the word of God, and why? Because he only ever spoke what God gave him. His words were Gods words. As God gave him he spoke it out. He never lived after his will but Gods. He never saw after his own eyes, or heard after his own ears and his voice was not heard in the streets. Because he never lived by his will, but by the will of God. And he totally denied Satan, so he wasn't of this world, his eyes saw God, his ears heard God, and his mouth only ever spoke the word of God. He was the true Messiah the son and Christ of the living God.

Jesus in his own words.

John 14

He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

John 12

For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak
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Well-known member
Its truly pitiful reading the utter ignorance of so called Christians pontificating over their self righteousness while vain in their false piety determining the fate of others. There's only one judge of the righteous and the unrighteous and its not anybody in this thread.

This thread, like most posts from the OP is transparent in its agenda and most of all pointless.
Yes and God's true people don't need to condemn others, the word of God does it for them. God is an ever present help. And he'll give us the mouth to speak. We don't need to condemn, ridicule, mock or lord it over others deciding who is our who isn't going to hell or who is or isn't saved. And look at ourselves as going to heaven no problem whilst judging those around us as low life destined for hell.

You will know the true spirit of God in the heart of his people, because that person won't be saying that they're ok whilst everyone else who doesn't believe as they do is hell bound, rather they will be humble, and they will have hope that everyone will hear the word of God and have a chance of going to heaven.

God knows who's heard the truth, and he knows who are his, those who have the right heart, who have faith and love him with their all, and they are those who love Jesus Christ and obey his commandments. Looking at his example to follow and living it out, laying down their lives to bring God to others, becoming living sacrifices for God to dwell in, temples not built by the hand of man and Christ living through them. Their old life gone, they are walking the footsteps Christ Jesus, walking in the spirit, born anew, worshipping God in spirit and in truth. These are God's true people. Not those who just say they believe with their mouths and then live their own lives thinking they don't have to do anything, and that they know it all!

We are to deny ourselves, bare our cross, walk the walk, and partake in Christs sufferings, and by doing this, we glorify God and Christ by bringing God to all those around us, because our old life is gone and we are covered in the blood of Christ, which is his life within us and without. And we are then entering into a new and living way, and it is then that we enter into Gods rest. Once dying to the flesh and we're alive in God and he's rested in our hearts and we become children of the living God and he becomes our father.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Again, how many places in the NT (only) do you find the word 'christian', and where does it specifically lay out a definition or qualification-list in order for one to be a 'christian', apart from whats assumed by various 'christian' churches or denominations? On this score, you have many difference kinds of 'christians' challenging and decrying other 'christians' for NOT be real 'christians',....and all kinds of hoopla and shenanigans. Kinda like what goes on here, typified by this very thread....ya think? :idea:

How about we WARN posters about you? Freelight belongs to a new age UFO cult called "The Urantia Book." It is, in no way Christian in origin. It is a cult that started up in the mid-50s.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
And where in the NT do you find a specific definition or qualification of the label 'Christian' besides whats been presumed by your own theological bias or religious denomination? How often is 'Christian' found in the NT? - but a few times, and this was only a name given to Gentile believers among Paul's converts, later imposed and then defined by tradition and theological conventions in the following centuries.

It would behoove many 'christians' (those who don the 'label') to know that Jesus was a Unitarian. He upheld the Shema, and declared that the same God of the Jews (and all souls) was his 'God' and 'Father',...the Lord our God being One Lord,...the Lord is One. He declared the Father-God greater than he, teaching man to worship that Spirit-Father as DEITY Alone.

We could go on.....

Don't forget.......a 'label' is just a 'label'....just like anyone can slap the term 'biblical' on anything to give it some kind of validity, but this doesn't always cut the cake.

How are your little green men in their shiny UFOs doing these days Freelight? Tell the nice folks what you REALLY believe in. Believe me, folks, you'll be in for a shock. Have you received any telepathic messages from the Mothership lately Freelight?


New member
Christian believers are made into ambassadors... so they should know whether or not someone is lost! :)

No one is lost at this point. Unbelievers are not lost, just not called at this time. (1 Corinthians 1:26)


New member
You make it sound like people don't go to hell. Which is wrong :p

So you have an opinion, don't we all including Paul?

Jesus had an opinion: "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."


New member
The little ole devil told Eve she would not surely die, so where is she?

And I don't buy the theory that she is in the Witness Protection program.

You might believe that, but I don't.