Coincidentally, so are mine.
However, yours are inane, as you probably notice?
Coincidentally, so are mine.
And still, no answer is forthcoming!
By the way; the Ten Commandments were given to the House of Israel! The
gentiles (us) were NEVER given the 10 Commandments!
Romans 13:8 et seq proves you are wrong.
continually then? :thumb:
And, how does that Scripture nullify what I said?
Ask someone else to explain it to you.
I'm here to expose you, not educate you.
Your delusion is impenetrable.
Oh, I see! In other words; you can't answer my question ...
No. I can but will not. Learn the difference.
I still believe you cannot answer the question! You're just trying to
save face!
I still believe you cannot answer the question! You're just trying to
save face!
I don't care that he or Bill Clinton was a draft dodger. Conscription is immoral.
Why would Joseph Stalin put out a contract on John Wayne?
Believe whatever you want. :chuckle: