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Counter to scripture, you fully believe that Satan is freely roaming the earth.
Yeah, and for aught I know, Apple7, you may be him, trying to deceive me by saying that you have no power, that you have never deceived anybody, that you've never blinded anybody against truth. You very well could be that old garden serpent, indeed. What's with that user handle, anyway? Was it not on, or shortly after, day 7, that (according to Eve) you "beguiled" her into disobeying Jehovah and eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? And, we all know that that fruit has, by tradition, at least, come widely to be symbolized by an APPLE. Nice try, Satan.
You continue to defend Satan, and his capabilities....again counter to scripture.
Again, since Trinitarians understand that Paul was referring to Satan by the phrase "the god of this world", you are accusing us (Trinitarians), of, in that understanding of ours, defending Satan. And yet, since you, yourself, go around saying that Satan is a god (as you just did, yet again, in post #456), then why don't you accuse yourself, also, of defending Satan?
Why do you, out of one side of your mouth, castigate people for using the phrase, "the god of this world, Satan", and claim that by using it, they are somehow defending Satan, while, out of the other side of your mouth, you relish using the phrase, "your god, Satan", and you refuse to take your own medicine? Why are you such a hypocrite?
You say that I "defend Satan, and his capabilities". So, against WHAT ATTACK would you say I "defend Satan"? Are YOU attacking Satan? How so? By telling people that he has no power? Since you say "Satan was bound at The Cross", and that Satan is not "present in person", how do you attack him?
And, despite the fact that you like to chant your mantra, over and over and over--"Satan was bound at The Cross!", "Satan was bound at The Cross!"--you, here, acknowledge that Satan has capabilities. So what capabilities are you acknowledging Satan to have, whom you say is a god, whom you say is θεος?
However, you are unable to locate even a single passage of scripture which shows that Satan is present in person AFTER The Cross.
Acts 26:18, for one, against which Satan has blinded your mind, seeing as you are driven to endeavor, by means of eisegesis, to cram your fruitcake amillenialism into that verse, and without even a first-glance veneer of plausibility, at that! Jesus, in that verse, spoke of Satan, didn't He? Yeah, He did. In Acts 26:14-18, Jesus said absolutely NOTHING about demons. You are a hypocrite for your eisegesis.
Satan's power (the demons) is all that exists at the present time.
Oh. So you really ARE Satan, after all! For, why else would you (knowing that you have embarrassingly failed in your attempts to deceive me with your claim that you were "bound at The Cross"), now, desperately switch tactics by trying to deceive me by claiming, now, that you don't even exist? First, you failed to get me to believe your lie that you were "bound at The Cross", and now, you have failed to get me to believe that you don't exist at the present time.
And, when you say "Satan's power", what do you mean? Satan's power to do what, exactly? You say "Satan was bound at The Cross"; do you mean that Satan's power was diminished, somehow, at the time of the cross, from what Satan's power had been before the time of the cross? Obviously, you're never going to come up with a rational answer to this question.
What did Satan have power to do before the cross that (according to you) he can't do now?
What does Satan have power to do now?
Jesus, in Acts 28:16 KJV, sent Saul to "open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God..."
You keep lying about Satan, claiming that he has no power, and then trailing off into some gobbledygook about demons you came up with. Yet, Saul was sent, by Jesus, to "turn [people] from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God", so, against your falsehood, we know that, in Scriptural fact, since the time of the cross, Satan has had power. Jesus said nothing, there, about demons. Nothing. He said something about Satan, but absolutely nothing about demons. So, you are lying.
Observe, also, that there is an obvious parallelism between Jesus' phrase, "from darkness to light", and His phrase, "from the power of Satan unto God", wherein the darkness IS the power of Satan, and the light IS God. Only a Satanic liar will deny that parallelism. But, according to your Christ-blaspheming lie, the darkness that blinds the eyes of "he that hateth his brother", in 1 John 2:11 KJV, is NOT the power of Satan, but is REALLY the power of Jesus! So, tell me, which of the following two things does Jesus, when He speaks to Paul, mean?
1. "To open their eyes, and to turn them from [the power of Satan] to light, and from the power of Satan unto God..."
2. "To open their eyes, and to turn them from [the power of Jesus] to light, and from the power of Satan unto God..."
Deal with what Jesus did for you at The Cross...instead of defending your god, Satan...
Ah, the sanctimony of a theology poser. In your phrase, "The Cross", why do you capitalize the 'c'? And, what's more, why do you capitalize the 't'? Why not capitalize, say, the 'e', or the 'o'? Purely arbitrary! Just as has been all your proclaiming of all the falsehoods you've been proclaiming.