Jewish magic or mystical Kabbalah practices


New member
How is what he did any different from what you continually do to me and others here? It is no different than if someone else came along and said you are a sodomite and a pedophile. Would you like it if someone came along and posted call out threads calling you a sodomite and a pedophile child molester? Would they even get away with it? Of course not, but you continue to do the same to me and continue to get away with telling outright lies about myself and others who post here. It is hate speech, character assassination, slander, and defamation of character, and yet you continue to do it and think that you will never answer for it. You will answer for it to the Master whom I serve, whose words are written in the Gospel accounts, the same whom you claim to know, love, and even worship, but whose words and Testimony you deny every time you do what you do because he tells us not to judge and especially not to tell outright bold-faced lies about people. Your hate speech and lying tongue proves that you have murder in your heart which proceeds out of your mouth, just as the Master says, in passages already quoted to you, which again you reject over and over as applying to yourself. And at the same time you are forcing yourself and your own will onto others, just like the men of Sodom tried to do, and you are molesting the children of God right here in this forum, just like a pedophile would do. Do you think you will never answer for accosting, harassing, assaulting, and molesting the children of God the way you constantly do? In the kingdom of Elohim you are a liar, a hater of the brethren, a murderer, a spiritual sodomite, and a spiritual pedophile, and none of those have eternal life dwelling in them. You reveal by your evil deeds that you dwell in outer darkness, outside of all things holy and true; and God will not be mocked, and whatsoever you sow, you shall reap, and you sow evil speaking, blasphemy, hatred, death, and discord, and no doubt every liar shall have his part in the lake of fire. Your righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees and Scribes because you, like them, do not have true righteousness and uprightness on the inside, but are full of the bones of a dead man: cleanse the inside of the cup, blind Pharisee, for if your righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees and Scribes there is no way you will enter into the kingdom of the heavens or the kingdom of God.

I've called you out for preaching Torah which is a works-based and legalistic path of righteousness. Everything I said about you is true so it's not slander. You falsely claim to believe in Christ and preach truth when nothing could be farther from the truth. You're self-deceived and have no faith so you trust in your works of merit which is anti-christ and anti-gospel.


Well-known member
I've called you out for preaching Torah which is a works-based and legalistic path of righteousness. Everything I said about you is true so it's not slander. You falsely claim to believe in Christ and preach truth when nothing could be farther from the truth. You're self-deceived and have no faith so you trust in your works of merit which is anti-christ and anti-gospel.

It has already been proven to you that your claim against the Torah is false.

And as also already said, and again, you deny the Word when you deny the Torah, as even Stephen tells you that the Torah contains the LIVING WORDS of the Father. The Torah is the Word of the Father and therefore the Son of Elohim. You cut yourself off from the very Root by way of your own heretical doctrine every time you deny the Torah which is the Word of the Father:

Acts 7:37-38
37 This is that Moses, who said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall God raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me.
38 This is he that was in the congregation in the desert with the Angel that spoke to him in the Mount Sinai, and with our fathers: who received living Oracles to give unto us:

The Torah is λογια ζωντα, Living Words, Living Oracles, Living Sayings, (LOGOS).
When you say "the law is abolished" you blaspheme Messiah the Word himself.

Romans 3:1-2
1 What advantage then has the Yhudi? or what is the profit of circumcision?
2 Much every way: first of all, that they were entrusted with the Oracles of Elohim.

τα λογια του θεου ~ "the Logia-Oracles of Elohim" ~ the Torah

Hebrews 5:12-14
12 For when by reason of the time you ought to be teachers, you have need yet again that some one teach you the rudiments of the first principles of the Oracles of Elohim; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of solid food.
13 For every one that partakes of milk is without experience of the Word of Righteousness; for he is a babe.
14 But solid food is for fully grown men, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil.

των λογιων του θεου ~ "the Logion-Oracles of Elohim" ~ the Torah
λογου δικαιοσυνης ~ "the Logos-Word of Righteousness"

And by the context within Hebrews 5:12-13 quoted above:

των λογιων του θεου = λογου δικαιοσυνης = the Torah

1 Peter 4:11
11 If anyone speak, let him speak according to the Oracles of Elohim; if anyone ministers, let him minister as from the strength which Elohim supplies: that in all things Elohim may be glorified through Meshiah Yeshua, to whom is the glory and the dominion into the ages of the ages. Amen.

λογια θεου ~ "the Oracles of Elohim" ~ the Torah

You do not speak according to the Torah but rather speak only ever against HIM!

Here it is, again, outside the quote boxes so that you may quote it and refute it:

And as also already said, and again, you deny the Word when you deny the Torah, as even Stephen tells you that the Torah contains the LIVING WORDS of the Father. The Torah is the Word of the Father and therefore the Son of Elohim. You cut yourself off from the very Root by way of your own heretical doctrine every time you deny the Torah which is the Word of the Father:

Acts 7:37-38
37 This is that Moses, who said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall God raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me.
38 This is he that was in the congregation in the desert with the Angel that spoke to him in the Mount Sinai, and with our fathers: who received living Oracles to give unto us:

The Torah is λογια ζωντα, Living Words, Living Oracles, Living Sayings, (LOGOS).
When you say "the law is abolished" you blaspheme Messiah the Word himself.

Romans 3:1-2
1 What advantage then has the Yhudi? or what is the profit of circumcision?
2 Much every way: first of all, that they were entrusted with the Oracles of Elohim.

τα λογια του θεου ~ "the Logia-Oracles of Elohim" ~ the Torah

Hebrews 5:12-14
12 For when by reason of the time you ought to be teachers, you have need yet again that some one teach you the rudiments of the first principles of the Oracles of Elohim; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of solid food.
13 For every one that partakes of milk is without experience of the Word of Righteousness; for he is a babe.
14 But solid food is for fully grown men, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil.

των λογιων του θεου ~ "the Logion-Oracles of Elohim" ~ the Torah
λογου δικαιοσυνης ~ "the Logos-Word of Righteousness"

And by the context within Hebrews 5:12-13 quoted above:

των λογιων του θεου = λογου δικαιοσυνης = the Torah

1 Peter 4:11
11 If anyone speak, let him speak according to the Oracles of Elohim; if anyone ministers, let him minister as from the strength which Elohim supplies: that in all things Elohim may be glorified through Meshiah Yeshua, to whom is the glory and the dominion into the ages of the ages. Amen.

λογια θεου ~ "the Oracles of Elohim" ~ the Torah

The Torah is the Living Word of the Father, the Living Oracles, the Logos, His Son.
Your doctrine abolishes the Son of Elohim and calls him evil.


New member
Antichrist - devil / specialty - false messiah / spell power - 100
Man of sin - little horn / specialty - high priest / spell power - 75
Pope - emperor class wizard / specialty - works, Mary / spell power - 50
Talmud - emperor class wizard / specialty - fairy tales / spell power - 40
John Calvin - senator class wizard / specialty - false election / spell power - 30
Jacob Arminius - senator class wizard / specialty - free will / spell power - 20
Ellen White - master sorceress / specialty - Sabbath, visions / spell power - 10
John Darby - master wizard / specialty - Israel, prophecy / spell power - 10
Joseph Smith - master wizard / specialty - visions, polygamy / spell power - 9
Charles Russell- master wizard / specialty - Nephilim, prophecy / spell power - 9
Pat Robertson - wizard / specialty - Dispy clan, Israel / spell power - 8
John Hagee - wizard / specialty - Dispy clan, prophecy / spell power - 8
Tim Lahaye - wizard / specialty - fictional prophecy / spell power - 8
L Ron Hubbard - wizard / specialty - fictional prophecy / spell power - 8
Chair - warlock / specialty - Torah / spell power - 7
Daqq - necromancer / specialty - UFOs, visions / spell power - 6
Jamie - sr. apprentice / specialty - Torah for gentiles / spell power - 5
Zeke - jr. apprentice / specialty - Dispy clan, prophecy / spell power - 4
Keypurr - jr. apprentice / specialty - Sabbath clan, prophecy / spell power - 4
Truster - trainee / specialty - Reformed Messianist / spell power - 3
CherubRam - rookie / specialty - Sabbath, prophecy / spell power - 2
Jacob - rookie / specialty - Torah for gentiles / spell power - 1

Truster is the newest legalist on the list. He was converted 19 years ago and fell into the quagmire of Reformed philosophy where God damns people before they were born. He has since fallen into something called Messianism where you have to say God's name exactly correct or you are lost. He now advocates Torah for Gentiles. What a dweeb!


New member
@ OP....Where's a good laugh smilie when you need it. Not even worth a reply, your opening post is so far off base it's not even in the same ballpark. Peace


New member
Antichrist - devil / specialty - false messiah / spell power - 100
Man of sin - little horn / specialty - high priest / spell power - 75
Pope - emperor class wizard / specialty - works, Mary / spell power - 50
Talmud - emperor class wizard / specialty - fairy tales / spell power - 40
John Calvin - senator class wizard / specialty - false election / spell power - 30
Jacob Arminius - senator class wizard / specialty - free will / spell power - 20
Ellen White - master sorceress / specialty - Sabbath, visions / spell power - 10
John Darby - master wizard / specialty - Israel, prophecy / spell power - 10
Joseph Smith - master wizard / specialty - visions, polygamy / spell power - 9
Charles Russell- master wizard / specialty - Nephilim, prophecy / spell power - 9
Pat Robertson - wizard / specialty - Dispy clan, Israel / spell power - 8
John Hagee - wizard / specialty - Dispy clan, prophecy / spell power - 8
Tim Lahaye - wizard / specialty - fictional prophecy / spell power - 8
L Ron Hubbard - wizard / specialty - fictional prophecy / spell power - 8
Chair - warlock / specialty - Torah / spell power - 7
Daqq - necromancer / specialty - UFOs, visions / spell power - 6
Gods truth - sr. apprentice / specialty - carnal obedience / spell power - 5
Jamie - sr. apprentice / specialty - Torah for gentiles / spell power - 5
Zeke - jr. apprentice / specialty - Dispy clan, prophecy / spell power - 4
Keypurr - jr. apprentice / specialty - Sabbath clan, prophecy / spell power - 4
Truster - trainee / specialty - Reformed Messianist / spell power - 3
CherubRam - rookie / specialty - Sabbath, prophecy / spell power - 2
Jacob - rookie / specialty - Torah for gentiles / spell power - 1

God's truth is the newest legalist on the list. He is part of the Messianic clan who claim to follow only the words of Christ. Jesus spoke of faith and love just as much as any of the disciples but this is lost on the Messianics who ever live to tout their works-based righteousness. In the end-time when the false Messiah arrives he will preach a gospel similar to this with a blending of law and grace aka the Judaizing heresy. Paul had a word for the Messianics - But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed Gal. 1:8.


Well-known member
When you awake all that mental monkey chatter you know spew out of that egocentric piehole will be humorous to you as it is to those of us who graduated from such ignorance, but for now you are a stagnant well poisoned by hate and to many sitcoms.


New member
When you awake all that mental monkey chatter you know spew out of that egocentric piehole will be humorous to you as it is to those of us who graduated from such ignorance, but for now you are a stagnant well poisoned by hate and to many sitcoms.

Didn't you use to be the guy who talked about prophecy all the time? Now you're just a swirl-pie of hot and steamy Yoda regurgitation where the force detonated a triple-gas stupid bomb.


New member
For those who would like to know - Satan the false Messiah will appear at the end and claim to be God. He will deceive the entire world with what I like to call the 'Judaizing heresy'. Satan's specialty is blending law and grace in just the right proportions that it is believed to be truth. In the 1st century this blend was the gospel plus circumcision or the law and many were duped by it. In our day the blends are much different. For the Dispy they will advocate the gospel alone but only for the Gentile, for the Jew it is the gospel plus the law or just the law by itself. For other Judaizers it is the gospel plus the Sabbath or food restrictions. For others it is the gospel with a plethora of works-based requirements. At the very end the blend of law and grace will be so subtle that if it were possible even the elect will be deceived. Only Protestant Christians who uphold the gospel of faith alone will be protected from these delusions. Justification by faith alone is the final city of refuge in a world that is fully under the control of the devil. As long as one stays inside this strong and sure city no harm can befall them. But if they ever venture outside the gates of this city the avenger of blood aka the devil awaits to claim his lawful prey.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
For those who would like to know - Satan the false Messiah will appear at the end and claim to be God. He will deceive the entire world with what I like to call the 'Judaizing heresy'. .

You do not even have to be there, if you are in the Body of Christ.


New member
You do not even have to be there, if you are in the Body of Christ.

The secret rapture is the biggest lie of all time that has been swallowed by so many carnal Christians that I just want to vomit. When have Christians ever escaped persecution? Never. Here's a little secret that few are privy to - when the latter rain power of the Holy Spirit is poured out at the end of time the followers of Satan will be running and cowering from the followers of Christ not the other way around.


Well-known member
The secret rapture is the biggest lie of all time that has been swallowed by so many carnal Christians that I just want to vomit. When have Christians ever escaped persecution? Never. Here's a little secret that few are privy to - when the latter rain power of the Holy Spirit is poured out at the end of time the followers of Satan will be running and cowering from the followers of Christ not the other way around.

I don't know about 'secret' but the 'catching up' of the BOC was a revelation of a mystery to the Apostle Paul, in which he encouraged believers to comfort one another with his words and the event occurs before 'the times and seasons' which Christ understood as the timeframe in which the kingdom would be restored to Israel in 'the day of the LORD'.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The secret rapture is the biggest lie of all time that has been swallowed by so many carnal Christians that I just want to vomit. When have Christians ever escaped persecution? Never. Here's a little secret that few are privy to - when the latter rain power of the Holy Spirit is poured out at the end of time the followers of Satan will be running and cowering from the followers of Christ not the other way around.

The Rapture comes before Tribulations.



Well-known member
... Only Protestant Christians who uphold the gospel of faith alone will be protected from these delusions...

Beautiful. "Anybody who thinks like me can see clearly. Everybody else is deluded. Therefore I am always right, and everybody else is always wrong. I don't even have to consider what they say- it is all lies."


Now go take your pills.


New member
The Rapture comes before Tribulations.


No the tribulation comes first where Christians and Jews and Muslims and atheists and everyone else will all be at the party. Didn't you get your invitation? Jesus is going to teach all the fake Christians a very valuable lesson that the road to heaven is paved with tribulation like you have never imagined.


New member
Beautiful. "Anybody who thinks like me can see clearly. Everybody else is deluded. Therefore I am always right, and everybody else is always wrong. I don't even have to consider what they say- it is all lies."


Now go take your pills.

I am always right at least compared to you.