

Well-known member
Get rid of the Jews in your life, and make friends with some good decent Hebrews. Do not let your life be soiled by Jews. There are lots of good Hebrews out there that you can be friends with.

Who exactly are these "Hebrews"? How can I identify them?
And how about "Jews"? How can I identify them?


New member
Who exactly are these "Hebrews"? How can I identify them?
And how about "Jews"? How can I identify them?

Beginning in the late 19th century, the term "Hebrew" was popular, but the government of Israel, replaced "Hebrew" with "Jew." A Hebrew is a convert from present day Judaism to Christianity. Jews are associated with being sneaky and underhanded, besides being a member of secret society. The Epistle to the Hebrews was probably written for Hebrew Christians.


New member
Get rid of the Jews in your life, and make friends with some good decent Hebrews. Do not let your life be soiled by Jews. There are lots of good Hebrews out there that you can be friends with.

I'm part Hebrew, part Jew, and a Christian.

I'm my own best friend!




New member
Perhaps you are not aware that there is covenant and non-covenant circumcision. The Jews reject Christ as the Messiah but the Hebrews do not.

You're imposing your own exclusive definition for "Jew" and "Hebrew".

But historically they are not even exclusive terms.

Hebrews are descendants of Eber.
They include Jews (descendants of Judah) but are a much bigger group,
and its nothing to do with their politics or religion.

Even many Muslims are Hebrews.


Well-known member
Beginning in the late 19th century, the term "Hebrew" was popular, but the government of Israel, replaced "Hebrew" with "Jew." A Hebrew is a convert from present day Judaism to Christianity. Jews are associated with being sneaky and underhanded, besides being a member of secret society. The Epistle to the Hebrews was probably written for Hebrew Christians.

There isn't a single "fact" in the above that is actually true.


New member
You're imposing your own exclusive definition for "Jew" and "Hebrew".

But historically they are not even exclusive terms.

Hebrews are descendants of Eber.
They include Jews (descendants of Judah) but are a much bigger group,
and its nothing to do with their politics or religion.

Even many Muslims are Hebrews.

A Jew is a convert to Judaism, and the Hebrews are an ethnic group of people.

Contrary to popular belief, Jews are not a race, but an assembly of people. Hebrews are a race.

A Hebrew may or may not be a Jew.

The term Judean did apply to all peoples of the world who worshipped the God of Abraham. The mission of the faith has always been to convert the nations to the faith.

The word "Judean" was a nickname assigned by the Babylonians to anyone who either lived in or came from the area of Judea. Jew is a modern word that is the short form of Judean.

The word (Jew is an abbreviation for (Judean,) therefore (Judean) is synonymous with the word (Jew.)

The word (Jew) is commonly used as a curse word by the people of the world.

Esther 8:17
In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nationalities became (Jews / Judeans) because fear of the (Jews / Judeans) had seized them.


New member

Thanks for playing.

But the real crime here is that you haven't even properly defined "Jew"
as it is used in the Bible, let alone how it is used in the REAL WORLD.

Lets give it a try:


I. Biblical Meanings: Literal

(1) Descendant of the Tribe of Judah, one of Jacob's sons through MALE line. (cf. Genesis etc.)

(2) Member of the Southern Kingdom of 'Judah', consisting of 2 1/2 tribes,
Judah, Benjamin, Levi (cf. Books of Kings)

(3) Member of the community of exiles primarily in Babylon,
formed after the conquest of the Southern kingdom of 'Judah'
by Babylon (cf. Esther)

(4) Exile Returning to the land of Judaea who could prove their lineage and descendancy, and member of the community formed under Ezra (cf. Ezra/Nehemiah)

(5) Member of the religious community occupying Palestine and Egypt,
formed under Ezra and having autonomy,
then resisting the Greek occupation under Alexander, and later
existing under occupation by the Romans in Jesus' time, and at times.
(cf. Maccabees etc.)

(6) Member of the 'diaspora' of exiled descendants of Israelite tribes
spread all over the Roman Empire, but self-identifying as Israelites and
practicing Phariseeism (cf. Paul)

(7) Any Person intermarrying with "Jews" (4,5,6) and adopting Jewish
religious practices.

After the advent of Ezra, there was a large split in "Judaism
with Ezra's community rejecting proselytism and intermarriage,
considering it a violation of the Mosiac Covenant through disobediance,
while "Jews" who did not return but continued intermarriage self-identified
as "Jews" also, with a different set of membership rules.

II. Biblical Meanings: Figurative

(8) Representation of the Southern Kingdom as "Judah", a poetic usage.

(9) Representation of the descendants of the ancient Israelite tribes,
a poetic usage.

III. NON-Biblical Meanings: Racial/Political

(10) A person having or claiming descendancy from the historical tribes of Israel,
i.e., an ethnic definition of "Jew". (as used by many Jews today).

(11) A person practicing some recognized form of "Judaism",
a modern religion evolving out of Phariseeism and surviving sects existing
before the Roman/Jewish Wars, i.e., a religious definition of "Jew".
(as used in the Western nations)

(12) A citizen of modern Israel, a secular state formed on ethnic
and religious lines, out of ethnically "Jewish" survivors and assenters
arising out of the 2nd World War, and Holocaust.
(as used by Arabs and Muslims throughout the Middle East today).

As an important footnote, NONE of the modern meanings of "Jew" (10,11,12)
have any proper or accurate correspondence with the many Biblical meanings
listed above
but which are often INTERPRETED, TRANSLATED, or INSERTED into
the standard religious texts as "Jew".

So called 'modern' versions of the Bible that insert "Jew" are an obvious FAIL,
and are based on a bigoted, oversimplistic, and religious or propaganda-based
spin that perpetuates racism and anti-Semitism against a modern group
of people which is largely non-religious.

Lets add one more unfortunately prejorative slang usage of "Jew",
in fact used in the very title of this thread:

(13) A derogatory term implying cheapness or cunning in business dealing,
and strongly suggestive of dishonesty and deceit, fraud,
and often used as an adjective or verb:


"You got Jewed." (i.e., got ripped off in a business exchange)

"Don't be a Jew." (i.e., don't be stingy, and pay your way or take your economic responsibility).

Such usages are not unique to anti-Semitism, as many racial and tribal groups have derogatory names
which can be used to suggest negative traits as if they were inherited or intrinsic to a nation or culture.

Lets take away one very important point:

There cannot be only one single
meaning for "Jew" at this point in history,

and it is a very poor word to use in the translation of ancient texts without
extensive footnotes and historical explanations.

Here this earlier post will help you.


New member
Please just read this before using the word "Jew":

Thanks for playing.

But the real crime here is that you haven't even properly defined "Jew"
as it is used in the Bible, let alone how it is used in the REAL WORLD.

Lets give it a try:


I. Biblical Meanings: Literal

(1) Descendant of the Tribe of Judah, one of Jacob's sons through MALE line. (cf. Genesis etc.)

(2) Member of the Southern Kingdom of 'Judah', consisting of 2 1/2 tribes,
Judah, Benjamin, Levi (cf. Books of Kings)

(3) Member of the community of exiles primarily in Babylon,
formed after the conquest of the Southern kingdom of 'Judah'
by Babylon (cf. Esther)

(4) Exile Returning to the land of Judaea who could prove their lineage and descendancy, and member of the community formed under Ezra (cf. Ezra/Nehemiah)

(5) Member of the religious community occupying Palestine and Egypt,
formed under Ezra and having autonomy,
then resisting the Greek occupation under Alexander, and later
existing under occupation by the Romans in Jesus' time, and at times.
(cf. Maccabees etc.)

(6) Member of the 'diaspora' of exiled descendants of Israelite tribes
spread all over the Roman Empire, but self-identifying as Israelites and
practicing Phariseeism (cf. Paul)

(7) Any Person intermarrying with "Jews" (4,5,6) and adopting Jewish
religious practices.

After the advent of Ezra, there was a large split in "Judaism
with Ezra's community rejecting proselytism and intermarriage,
considering it a violation of the Mosiac Covenant through disobediance,
while "Jews" who did not return but continued intermarriage self-identified
as "Jews" also, with a different set of membership rules.

II. Biblical Meanings: Figurative

(8) Representation of the Southern Kingdom as "Judah", a poetic usage.

(9) Representation of the descendants of the ancient Israelite tribes,
a poetic usage.

III. NON-Biblical Meanings: Racial/Political

(10) A person having or claiming descendancy from the historical tribes of Israel,
i.e., an ethnic definition of "Jew". (as used by many Jews today).

(11) A person practicing some recognized form of "Judaism",
a modern religion evolving out of Phariseeism and surviving sects existing
before the Roman/Jewish Wars, i.e., a religious definition of "Jew".
(as used in the Western nations)

(12) A citizen of modern Israel, a secular state formed on ethnic
and religious lines, out of ethnically "Jewish" survivors and assenters
arising out of the 2nd World War, and Holocaust.
(as used by Arabs and Muslims throughout the Middle East today).

As an important footnote, NONE of the modern meanings of "Jew" (10,11,12)
have any proper or accurate correspondence with the many Biblical meanings
listed above
but which are often INTERPRETED, TRANSLATED, or INSERTED into
the standard religious texts as "Jew".

So called 'modern' versions of the Bible that insert "Jew" are an obvious FAIL,
and are based on a bigoted, oversimplistic, and religious or propaganda-based
spin that perpetuates racism and anti-Semitism against a modern group
of people which is largely non-religious.

Lets add one more unfortunately prejorative slang usage of "Jew",
in fact used in the very title of this thread:

(13) A derogatory term implying cheapness or cunning in business dealing,
and strongly suggestive of dishonesty and deceit, fraud,
and often used as an adjective or verb:


"You got Jewed." (i.e., got ripped off in a business exchange)

"Don't be a Jew." (i.e., don't be stingy, and pay your way or take your economic responsibility).

Such usages are not unique to anti-Semitism, as many racial and tribal groups have derogatory names
which can be used to suggest negative traits as if they were inherited or intrinsic to a nation or culture.

Lets take away one very important point:

There cannot be only one single
meaning for "Jew" at this point in history,

and it is a very poor word to use in the translation of ancient texts without
extensive footnotes and historical explanations.

Here this earlier post will help you.



New member
Ok, why do you think they do not like the Jews? The Jews are hebrew also.

A Jew is a convert to Judaism, and the Hebrews are an ethnic group of people.

Contrary to popular belief, Jews are not a race, but an assembly of people. Hebrews are a race.

A Hebrew may or may not be a Jew.

The term Judean did apply to all peoples of the world who worshipped the God of Abraham. The mission of the faith has always been to convert the nations to the faith.

The word "Judean" was a nickname assigned by the Babylonians to anyone who either lived in or came from the area of Judea. Jew is a modern word that is the short form of Judean.

The word (Jew is an abbreviation for (Judean,) therefore (Judean) is synonymous with the word (Jew.)

The word (Jew) is commonly used as a curse word by the people of the world.

Esther 8:17
In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nationalities became (Jews / Judeans) because fear of the (Jews / Judeans) had seized them.


New member
The first place in the KJV that uses the term Jew, the Jews are at war with Israel.

Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to war and they besieged Ahaz, but could not overcome him. At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria and drave the Jews from Elath... (2 Kings 16:5-6 KJV)​

Remaliah was the king of Israel and Ahaz was the king of Judah and they were at war.