Jesus the Messiah died for me.


New member
Acts 4:12 NASB - 12 "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."

I've found these verses to be symbolic of the soul. The soul is salvation in itself and it is our true identity. That is what the story of Jesus is trying to tell us but so many people are adamant that there can be no other interpretation except the one that the majority has agreed upon. I was the same way for a long time.


I've found these verses to be symbolic of the soul. The soul is salvation in itself and it is our true identity. That is what the story of Jesus is trying to tell us but so many people are adamant that there can be no other interpretation except the one that the majority has agreed upon. I was the same way for a long time.
If Jesus said he is the only way to the Father and this verse says salvation is only found in Jesus, who am I to argue with that?!


New member
If Jesus said he is the only way to the Father and this verse says salvation is only found in Jesus, who am I to argue with that?!

Right. I thought the same for 35 years. Now I ask myself who am I NOT to argue with that? The system gives us the impression that we are not worthy. We don't feel good enough to challenge and find out the answers for ourselves. I'm not talking about a selfish need to satisfy lust here. I am talking about a genuine self-esteem and value that comes from the divinity within. It's unconditional. I am here to stand up and say something about this. I refuse for people NOT to know about their infinite self-worth. This is what God has given us yet many fall into the trap of agreeing otherwise. We have good intentions but often miss the point so we try our best to live up to expectations and do what we think will get us into heaven, etc. There's nothing wrong with any of that but depending on something outside ourselves for self-worth leads to suffering. Self-esteem bobs up and down according to how well we are doing, how tightly we hold onto a belief, etc. This is the false version of self-worth and it becomes a social problem because we often compensate by putting down others, for example. I am guilty of this too. Most people are only doing the best they can with what they know and I honor that. I think a little bit of awareness about genuine self-worth can go a long way. So I've found the story of Jesus points to the source of this unconditional self-worth and genuine self-esteem. I don't think the authorities are going to like it (and I didn't either at first) but I've been called to stand up and speak.


Right. I thought the same for 35 years. Now I ask myself who am I NOT to argue with that? The system gives us the impression that we are not worthy. We don't feel good enough to challenge and find out the answers for ourselves. I'm not talking about a selfish need to satisfy lust here. I am talking about a genuine self-esteem and value that comes from the divinity within. It's unconditional. I am here to stand up and say something about this. I refuse for people NOT to know about their infinite self-worth. This is what God has given us yet many fall into the trap of agreeing otherwise. We have good intentions but often miss the point so we try our best to live up to expectations and do what we think will get us into heaven, etc. There's nothing wrong with any of that but depending on something outside ourselves for self-worth leads to suffering. Self-esteem bobs up and down according to how well we are doing, how tightly we hold onto a belief, etc. This is the false version of self-worth and it becomes a social problem because we often compensate by putting down others for example. I am guilty of this too. Most people are only doing the best they can with what they know and I honor that. I think a little bit of awareness about genuine self-worth can go a long way.
I realize you are doing the best you can with what you have. I know none of us is divine. I know self-worth sounds like a great thing. You talk about a system, and you demonstrate that you do not know the gospel.

Consider Ephesians 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5. No one is saved by their works. No one is saved by their deeds. The gospel is a free gift. I know you missed this or have not had it presented to you before. I can keep sharing with you about it if you would like. Here in public I can share the gospel with you, whatever you do not understand. There is also private messaging if you do that and if you would prefer that. Not necessary by some but okay by me.

I have time as long as you need it today. I don't know everything, but I know you have erred and I believe it is unintentional and in ignorance of all that God has for you.


New member
I think interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. For example, if we're both looking at a car and you see it from the front and I see it from the back then maybe there's more pieces to the puzzle. Yes, I admit I was very attached to the traditional interpretation for the majority of my life like a lot of other people. The only problem was I did not account for the infinite and eternal part of us. I had discounted it because my religious leaders did the same. I went and asked a Catholic priest about it and he advised the soul is a part of us but we are not a part of it. I understand this is the standard response. So I never questioned it. I figured the church authorities know best.

Looking back after my spiritual awakening experience I recognize the story of Jesus is a simple and clever metaphor for our own inner divinity. It is a way to tell us that we are one with God through the soul. I believe this was the original meaning of the Gospel but the literal interpretation was favored because it was easier to understand for the majority of people. "No one goes to the Father except through me" is more likely about the infinite eternal part of us which is already one with God rather than the literal person of Jesus. "God gave us his only begotten Son" can be taken to mean God gave us a part of himself in the soul. The purity, the miraculousness, the rejection and burial yet it still lives. There is a much higher interpretation.

And no I don't hate Constantine.

No, Constantine bashers, or accusers, usually hate Catholics.
So you are a relativist that doesn't believe in any absolute truth. You think the world works that way? And you seem to be misinterpreting Christian doctrine on the soul, as no one in any denomination that I'm aware of, (well maybe JWs; I don't really know all the tens of thousands of Protestant denoms) discount the soul. I see how relativists may think they "find God", but, without truth, I just don't see how that holds up in the long run. God is Himself Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.


Right. I thought the same for 35 years. Now I ask myself who am I NOT to argue with that? The system gives us the impression that we are not worthy. We don't feel good enough to challenge and find out the answers for ourselves. I'm not talking about a selfish need to satisfy lust here. I am talking about a genuine self-esteem and value that comes from the divinity within. It's unconditional. I am here to stand up and say something about this. I refuse for people NOT to know about their infinite self-worth. This is what God has given us yet many fall into the trap of agreeing otherwise. We have good intentions but often miss the point so we try our best to live up to expectations and do what we think will get us into heaven, etc. There's nothing wrong with any of that but depending on something outside ourselves for self-worth leads to suffering. Self-esteem bobs up and down according to how well we are doing, how tightly we hold onto a belief, etc. This is the false version of self-worth and it becomes a social problem because we often compensate by putting down others, for example. I am guilty of this too. Most people are only doing the best they can with what they know and I honor that. I think a little bit of awareness about genuine self-worth can go a long way. So I've found the story of Jesus points to the source of this unconditional self-worth and genuine self-esteem. I don't think the authorities are going to like it (and I didn't either at first) but I've been called to stand up and speak.

It seems you are preaching world's wisdom. Jesus teaches selfless life.

YOu seem to be going backwards, friend.



New member
No, Constantine bashers, or accusers, usually hate Catholics.
So you are a relativist that doesn't believe in any absolute truth. You think the world works that way? And you seem to be misinterpreting Christian doctrine on the soul, as no one in any denomination that I'm aware of, (well maybe JWs; I don't really know all the tens of thousands of Protestant denoms) discount the soul. I see how relativists may think they "find God", but, without truth, I just don't see how that holds up in the long run. God is Himself Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

I said that I was the one who discounted the soul. But it is left out of the Trinity. This is the most important piece, the cornerstone the builders rejected and buried. It is the interface between man and God yet the religious leaders are trained to tell us that it is a part of us but we are not a part of it? Where does it say that? The soul is misunderstood like Jesus in the Gospels. I find this ironic. It's inconvenient I know but it's too important NOT to bring it into awareness. Humanity has been spiraling out of control for centuries and we take it to be normal. I have a hunch it's because we've neglected a very important part of ourselves that's necessary for our own well-being. I'm not blaming anyone because I have played my part in it too. I'm just bringing this to light. I don't have all the answers either. We need to figure this out together but I am not going to stand by and watch the future generations of humanity continue without knowledge of their own divinity. My conscious refuses for me to say nothing and allow such a tragedy to happen knowing what I do now. It would be an injustice to mankind.


New member
I realize you are doing the best you can with what you have. I know none of us is divine. I know self-worth sounds like a great thing. You talk about a system, and you demonstrate that you do not know the gospel.

Consider Ephesians 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5. No one is saved by their works. No one is saved by their deeds. The gospel is a free gift. I know you missed this or have not had it presented to you before. I can keep sharing with you about it if you would like. Here in public I can share the gospel with you, whatever you do not understand. There is also private messaging if you do that and if you would prefer that. Not necessary by some but okay by me.

I have time as long as you need it today. I don't know everything, but I know you have erred and I believe it is unintentional and in ignorance of all that God has for you.

I studied the Gospel so much. I didn't realize I was so attached to it that I couldn't see the bigger picture. I unconsciously depended on it for self-worth. I used it as a substitute for the true self-worth of the soul but I didn't know that's what I was doing. It wasn't until I let go of the need to hold on that I found out the truth. It was very counter-intuitive and incredibly terrorizing. I understand why people are cautious and that's fine. But rest assured there is divinity in each and every one of us. I didn't know until I found the divinity in myself, however. We are one with God.


I studied the Gospel so much. I didn't realize I was so attached to it that I couldn't see the bigger picture. I unconsciously depended on it for self-worth. I used it as a substitute for the true self-worth of the soul but I didn't know that's what I was doing. It wasn't until I let go of the need to hold on that I found out the truth. It was very counter-intuitive and incredibly terrorizing. I understand why people are cautious and that's fine. But rest assured there is divinity in each and every one of us. I didn't know until I found the divinity in myself, however. We are one with God.
Man was created in the image of God. This is different from saying that man is divine. Some people confuse these. I don't know if you confused or confuse these. Man is not divine.

Genesis 1:27 NASB - 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.


New member
prizebeater said,

"It was very counter-intuitive and incredibly terrorizing.
But there is divinity in each and every one of us. I found the divinity in myself . "



New member
It seems you are preaching world's wisdom. Jesus teaches selfless life.

YOu seem to be going backwards, friend.


Thank you for your gentle approach. I have had the same feelings about going backwards on multiple occasions and still do. Yet I find this is the narrow path few are willing to travel.Remember the world's wisdom is also ingrained in the interpretation of the story of Jesus because it comes from man. But the overall general truth was actually reinforced and multiplied as I kept finding more and more instances of the soul as the fulfillment of the scriptures. I kept wondering why my experience was so similar to the story of Jesus. I kept feeling like I had become the characters in the bible experiencing His miracles. And sometimes when I tell people about it it reminds me of the way they treated Jesus. Then I one day it hit me that the story is symbolic metaphor for something much much bigger and better than anyone could expect. God is real I tell you. It's just not exactly according to the way it's made it out to be. It's way better.


Thank you for your gentle approach. I have had the same feelings about going backwards on multiple occasions and still do. Yet I find this is the narrow path few are willing to travel.Remember the world's wisdom is also ingrained in the interpretation of the story of Jesus because it comes from man. But the overall general truth was actually reinforced and multiplied as I kept finding more and more instances of the soul as the fulfillment of the scriptures. I kept wondering why my experience was so similar to the story of Jesus. I kept feeling like I had become the characters in the bible experiencing His miracles. And sometimes when I tell people about it it reminds me of the way they treated Jesus. Then I one day it hit me that the story is symbolic metaphor for something much much bigger and better than anyone could expect. God is real I tell you. It's just not exactly according to the way it's made it out to be. It's way better.

You see, Jesus' selfless prime example is that He died for our sins. That is humble attitude for His Father. He wants us to do the same.

Self esteem, self worth are all about ourselves. It is of this world, not of Jesus.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You see, Jesus' selfless prime example is that He died for our sins. That is humble attitude for His Father. He wants us to do the same.

Self esteem, self worth are all about ourselves. It is of this world, not of Jesus.


Take off that stupid hat. Good day to you, sir.


New member
Man was created in the image of God. This is different from saying that man is divine. Some people confuse these. I don't know if you confused or confuse these. Man is not divine.

Genesis 1:27 NASB - 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

There is a part of us that is one with infinity and eternity. We are inseparable from this divinity and it can be experienced through the soul. It is soooooo real that I cannot even begin to describe. It feels totally organic and 100% natural like we somehow always knew it was there. The soul remembers. I don't expect anyone to be believe me. You have to see for yourselves.


There is a part of us that is one with infinity and eternity. We are inseparable from this divinity and it can be experienced through the soul. It is soooooo real that I cannot even begin to describe. It feels totally organic and 100% natural like we somehow always knew it was there. The soul remembers. I don't expect anyone to be believe me. You have to see for yourselves.
No. You are in danger of leading someone astray from the truth of God's word. I explained to you where you didn't understand the gospel. My understanding is that you have never understood the gospel and maybe never even heard it or at least recognized it for what it is.

See 1 Corinthians 15:1-8.


New member
You see, Jesus' selfless prime example is that He died for our sins. That is humble attitude for His Father. He wants us to do the same.

Self esteem, self worth are all about ourselves. It is of this world, not of Jesus.


I hear you. Of course there are checks and balances that come into play. It can't be all selflessness nor can it be all selfishness. I found in my experience that things were often skewed to one end of the spectrum. Everyone has their own comfortable balance point and that can change. No harm there.


New member
No. You are in danger of leading someone astray from the truth of God's word. I explained to you where you didn't understand the gospel. My understanding is that you have never understood the gospel and maybe never even heard it or at least recognized it for what it is.

See 1 Corinthians 15:1-8.

I was a hardcore Catholic for 35 years. I understood the gospel mentally but I wasn't able to really feel its goodness. I didn't even I was unconsciously trying to get this feeling of goodness by reading the gospel. A part of me longed to connect the source of this goodness. Reading the bible worked occasionally but it didn't compare to the omni-present version of goodness that comes from deep within each and every one of us. It was the same thing with the feeling of richness. I tried to get it from money but now I see the feeling of richness comes from the soul too. The soul is a miracle and it supplies us with all our needs in the exact dosage and at the precise time it is needed. It is one with infinite intelligence. Expect nothing less. It contains the truest versions of qualities such as compassion, benevolence, serenity, love, grace, strength, peace, joy. The excellence of these attributes are on another order.

Don't get me wrong. The traditional version of Christianity is important too. I wouldn't be where I am without it so I am grateful. I just had an experience that allowed me to move on to a higher understanding. We will all get the same thing eventually, it's just a matter of time. I do suggest doing whatever is necessary to do the work of having the experience now while we are alive, however. It makes life so much more meaningful. It's really a wonderful thing. I can't stop giving praise and glory to God even if I wanted to. I know for a fact that once you feel it you won't be able to either.