Jesus SEPARATE from Jehovah; calls Jehovah "my God."

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I let people speak for themselves.

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Me too, and when they themselves are "anti-trinitarians", yet calling others who disagree with them, "anti-trinitarians", I enjoy making note of that hypocrisy. All you need to do is look at the Trinitarian war-shield, (Scutum Fidei), to see that Jerry is not a traditional Trinitarian. :)
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Well-known member
We've covered Is. 9:6 elsewhere, perhaps a blog portal is needed to cover all the 'trinitarian proof texts', an archive page to access for easy reference :) - I can add it to my blog, or put a page up on your TOL blog.

We would also note that Is 9:6 is quite different in the Septuagint. Below is the NETS translation -

The online Jewish Bible with commentary by Rashi below:

Its traditionally assumed by quite a few Jewish commentators that this verse is referring to King Hezekiah, as logically assumed in context of the passage. That it refers also to some future messianic figure is speculative if this is a 'double prophecy' or not. Important to note as well the immeidate text speaks of this son already having been born (hence the reference to Hezekiah assumed), not a birth that will take place in some future time.

Yep, and the Brenton English translation of the Septuagint has also been quoted and explained, (and I think that was posted to Jerry also but do not remember for sure off hand). Nothing else counts but what Jerry Shugart says counts. :)


New member
Then wait you will, you'll have to search a little longer,...maybe its just YOU are looking for something that just conforms to your own belief-system and 'Christology', could that be it? :) - bingo. My commentary is for all other readers too. I've thorougly explained my self in former dialogue and 'exegesis' on the passages you are 'obsessing' on. I've thoroughly gone over the various 'titles' given to 'God' and his 'Christ' and that these two personalities SHARE ONE VOICE. - there is 'God' and his 'logos',...these are 'one', but relationally distinct from one another, one being the creative expression or 'generation' of the other,...remember the other is BEGOTTEN of the former? :) - the Father and Son are not the same being, the Father ever retains PRIMACY in all relationships being the Progenitor of all.

Titles Alpha & Omega, Beginning and End, First and Last apply more prominently 'God the Father' Himself, but also His Son the Christ, since it is thru the Agency of the Son, that he brings forth creation and redemption (in periodic dispensational cycles). I've been very CLEAR on this, and not dancing on the subject, but am free to elaborate the different nuances of the relationship and other details therein. You on the other hand are just trying to 'peg' Jesus into your own Christological mold and formula, when my sharing of a more Unitarian View is just as if not more consistent, since I hold the earliest apostles of Jesus were more or less Unitarian. (later Christologial development were 'conceptualized' later by church councils and church-state politics). Jesus himself was Unitarian and his own words PROVE IT....fundmentally so. Now you can presume, superimpose a trinitarian over-face into the equation, as so many creeds have attempted, and thats fine as a conceptual overlay. The distinct relationship of the Father and Son, even the Spirit inter-acting holds, and these are even professed by trinitarians, but they claim their belief is superior or more correct ('orthodox' as they say) than a more purely Unitarian view. Apples or oranges? take your pick.

Oh btw,...I can entertain an even higher more cosmic view of a Paradise Trinity, but this more expanded revelation is contained in the Urantia Book :) - we have our own thread on that ;)

I may not be able to throw bible verses around like the rest but there are moments.

1. BEGOTTEN NOT MADE. I cant tell if you are forgetting portions of that and trying to use a word in trinitarian creeds to argue your own point or simply using a single word word to equate a summarized expression that Jesus was Begotten from the Father.

From an outsiders view point, that would require more elaboration.

2. "more or less" I notice words or phrases like these that express no real meaning other than "maybe" or "I guess." Thats not a whole somewhat trust in your own typing.

3. There are still various meanings or symbolism not explained by the context which some have claimed to be Jesus's opinion. Realistically, we would use multiple sentences, the chapter, and other resources to identify what a person could be saying, and reduce it to most logical explaination. perhaps neither side has done it on this thread. I posted links somewhere that pertain this information presented by another but I could be mistaken on that. I have gotten confused over the different threads

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Eclectic Theosophist
Yep, and the Brenton English translation of the Septuagint has also been quoted and explained, (and I think that was posted to Jerry also but do not remember for sure off hand). Nothing else counts but what Jerry Shugart says counts. :)

Yes, doctrinal 'grid-lock'. With a little more 'oil' I think some 'loosening' will occur :) Or is the 'hold' too tight?


Well-known member
It is not just MADists, most trins believe Jesus is YHWH.

Again, that is not traditional Trinitarianism. Click on the link:

Me too, and when they themselves are "anti-trinitarians", yet calling others who disagree with them, "anti-trinitarians", I enjoy making note of that hypocrisy. All you need to do is look at the Trinitarian war-shield, (Scutum Fidei), to see that Jerry is not a traditional Trinitarian. :)


Well-known member
A common belief among some. Even mormons would agree with you, although their 'divine hierarchy' has its own peculiar arrangements ;) - if you assume Jesus is YHWH, then where does the Father fit into the equation of God's engagment with man thru-out the OT and into the new? Is the 'Father' just some nebulous Over-Soul to Jesus the Son, who occasionally speaks and decrees this and that, who spoke at his baptism "You are my Son, today I have begotten you", etc.? One is almost just as good with some 'modalist' spin on things, among such interesting confoundations of 'God'.

Is YHVH a self-conscious being?


New member
Me too, and when they themselves are "anti-trinitarians", yet calling others who disagree with them, "anti-trinitarians", I enjoy making note of that hypocrisy. All you need to do is look at the Trinitarian war-shield, (Scutum Fidei), to see that Jerry is not a traditional Trinitarian. :)
I have seen athiests argue with respect for some religious idea.

up to the individual which debate to partake in and what side of the debate to be

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Eclectic Theosophist
truth in this dimension is relative.................

truth in this dimension is relative.................

I may not be able to throw bible verses around like the rest but there are moments.

1. BEGOTTEN NOT MADE. I cant tell if you are forgetting portions of that and trying to use a word in trinitarian creeds to argue your own point or simply using a single word word to equate a summarized expression that Jesus was Begotten from the Father.

From an outsiders view point, that would require more elaboration.

Hi rand,

I'm usually at my desktop pc so I have full command of my forum participation here, I do NOT go online with my cellphone, its too small, and I havent upgraded to a smartphone YET. So, its all from my desktop, or sometimes one of my kindle fire tablets. I have the TOL mobile App on my kindles, but usually dont use it, instead just using the Silk browser for reg. internet access.

As far as the Trinitarian phrase/assumption of Jesus being 'begotten/not made', well, go the 'terms'. The phrase 'eternally begotten' is an even more ambitious effort to combat Arianism, so these 'creeds' and their 'terms/meanings' need to be taken in their historical context as well. I've said elsewhere I dont see any advantage in assuming a Trinitarian Christology over a Unitarian, or even an ARIAN one.....none! I've seen no reason beyond doctrinal preferencing or favor to hold one over the other, since there are devout lovers of the Lord Jesus that are of BOTH camps. - my 'christology' is very liberal, since I give the maximal human and divine potentials to the person of Jesus, while seeing that Man TOO, has some of these same quality-attributes and possibilities, since Jesus is the Firstborn of many brothers. One can take the prototype of Jesus as Man's own transformation into a Son of God, as Jesus is the HEAD of a new creation or order of MAN. - there are all kinds of ways you can interpret Jesus in a more metaphysical progressive Christainity. Why grid-lock yourself to an ancient creed made reactionally against what was presumed to be heresy centuries ago? Recognize any truths or mistakes back then, and keeping moving forward........truth is living, dynamic....its not stuck in letters. Letters/language is merely the vehicle for spirit.

2. "more or less" I notice words or phrases like these that express no real meaning other than "maybe" or "I guess." Thats not a whole somewhat trust in your own typing.

Being a philosopher, I enjoy using the term 'more or less' for the readers benefit. It enables them to use their intellectual and rational faculties at full spectrum, to reason, deduce, consider a matter in its totality, in all its dimensions. Certainly, not all is black or white. In the universal Light,....there are perhaps hundreds of various hues, tones, vibrations, frequencies of the One Light,....every colour variation possible, as long as there is 'reflection' of any kind existing. In space and time, its all RELATIVE.

3. There are still various meanings or symbolism not explained by the context which some have claimed to be Jesus's opinion. Realistically, we would use multiple sentences, the chapter, and other resources to identify what a person could be saying, and reduce it to most logical explaination. perhaps neither side has done it on this thread. I posted links somewhere that pertain this information presented by another but I could be mistaken on that. I have gotten confused over the different threads

Yes,...we have at least a few threads on the Unitarian/Trinitarian issue, I've been ping-ponging between them, and do not wish to spread myself too thin. I may archive my own commentaries on particular passages in one of my blog pages (I sometimes do blog a post, just for safe-keeping), you can blog any post you make, it goes right into your TOL blog catalog. (see lower left in each post you make)


Well-known member
I have been in many trin forums and they all claim Jesus is YHWH.

Make pole, I know most of them say Jesus is YHWH.

You have to realize that internet forums do not reflect reality especially in the sense of majority beliefs. What you say you have seen may be true on a lot of Trinitarian forum boards but that does not mean it is true Trinitariansim or that such views are held by the majority of Trinitarians.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Am I stepping out of line for calling the idea that Jesus is Jehovah ABSURD? They are clearly two distinct persons, as anyone can see who bothers to read, for example, Psalm 110:1,2 or Isaiah 61:1 (along with Luke 4:18-21).

We can also see two individuals at Psalm 2:2,6-8:

"The kings of the earth take their stand and high officials have massed together as one against Jehovah AND against his anointed one....[Jehovah says] 'I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain.' Let me refer to the decree of Jehovah; He has said to me: 'You are my son...Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession. You will break them with an iron scepter, as though a potter's vessel you will dash them to pieces,'"

Does that look like Jehovah and Jesus are the same Person?

I think we agree that Jehovah is the Father, and is God Almighty. Jesus completely subjugated himself to the Father, and called the Father, Jehovah, "my God." "I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God." (John 20:17) He also called Jehovah "my God" at Revelation 3:12, when bringing an awesome vision to John.

It seems clear, I think, to a reasonable person, that Jehovah and Jesus are Father and Son....two distinct individuals.

Your problem is, you're a "Jehovah Witness" therefore, a member of a cult.


Eclectic Theosophist
Is YHVH a self-conscious being?

Okay steko,...looks like you wanna play :)

YHWH is a name, a concept, a person, a sentient being, a 'god', or The all-supreme 'God' or 'no-thing'. Depends on who you ask eh?

The idea or assumption that Jesus is YHWH, is also just a belief, assumption, supposition. Again, depends on who you ask, and what 'proof-texts' or 'logics' they can throw up to support their OPINION.

Now what is the real reason you are asking this, your motive?


You have to realize that internet forums do not reflect reality especially in the sense of majority beliefs. What you say you have seen may be true on a lot of Trinitarian forum boards but that does not mean it is true Trinitariansim or that such views are held by the majority of Trinitarians.

In that case they don't even know their own main doctrine.


Well-known member
In that case they don't even know their own main doctrine.

Well, I think they do know the difference, but as you noted, (which is what I said to begin with), they are slowly eating away at old-school Trinitarianism while the Trinitites are asleep: and they do so by claiming to be Trinitites themselves. :chuckle:
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