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Well-known member
LOLOL - good lordy child. Enoch is pretty awesome anyways,...even if not alot is shared about him in the so called "canonized" (sanitized) version of the scriptures :) - the esoteric, occult schools around Enoch are very interesting, as well as the Keys of Enoch. - I dont think however that just because something is in the 'canon' (standard works) that that 'gaurantees' its authenticity, validity or usefulness. I'll play along with the 'pun' for the time being :surf:

Actually, the fact that it was so thoroughly and methodically erased from the planet, until the Ethiopian version was finally found somewhere in the 1800's, only goes to show how thoroughly their mother church tried to, and almost succeeded in, wiping the book of 1Enoch off of the face of the Earth. Then, when the Qumran fragments were found in the middle of the last century, it was like the icing on the cake; for we know that 1Enoch or a very similar version of it was highly popular and widely extant in the first century around the time of the advent of Messiah; it was already well known and in some circles even considered canonical. That means there really is no doubt that the finger points directly at their mother church and her dirty deeds once again. The question is why would the church want to eradicate it so desperately and thoroughly? It is because it thoroughly refutes their atonement theory, especially with the fact that Azazel is mentioned by Moses in Leviticus 16 several times without any sort of explanation as to why the name is there or what it is supposed mean, (because the information was already written in the book of 1Enoch as we now know from Qumran). With Jude quoting from it verbatim that adds even more weight to what I say; for Jude not only quotes from the book of 1Enoch found at Qumran, but if you read carefully enough what the Jude passage says, he actually attributes those very words to Enoch himself, meaning that Jude must have believed that work was actually originally written by Enoch himself, (then of course copied and passed down). That is a whole lot different from just quoting a source from a book; for he calls Enoch the author, by default, in the way that the Jude passage is worded, for he says, "Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied concerning these", and then gives the quote from 1Enoch. Being that most of 1Enoch has now been recovered from Qumran, at least a hundred years before the advent of Messiah, there is no way it was tampered with because of theological reasons pertaining to the Messiah or the advent of Christianity, for the Messiah had not yet come and the controversies pertaining to such issues had not yet arisen.

Additionally, how many other books in the modern canon have this kind of "a stamp of approval" from within the canonical books themselves? What the author of Jude says is about the highest kind of stamp of approval one can get for the question of whether or not another book might have been considered canonical by the New Testament Apostolic authors: it does not get much better than the Jude statement, and we know that we now have a source text, (or at least a large amount of fragments that almost make up the whole), from a hundred years before the advent of Messiah. The naysayers are flat out wrong. They simply do not like what it teaches because it refutes their own atonement theory, (just as that is Evil.Eye's precise reason for hating it). And they do the same thing with such ancient works as they do with people such as you and me: ridicule, mock, ostracize, excommunicate, anathematize, and make unfounded accusations of demonology, spirit of antichrist, and teachings of devils. The book of 1Enoch can actually teach one how to avoid falling into the traps of demons, devils, and their doctrines because their evil attributes are clearly portrayed, (even the canonical N/T scriptures do the same but not as thoroughly).

PS ~ And 1Enoch was indeed canonized by the Ethiopian church, which was why manuscripts of 1Enoch were found there; for the Ethiopian church refused to destroy them, and hid them away, for it was already canonized when the mother church in Rome began to solidify her dogmas. :)
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Well-known member
"You're" and :nono: Pure assertion from 'your' opinion. 600 of us disagree with each of you. You are the loner in the high school.

I am in good company as Christ was too.

The majority in his day did not follow him.

Belief in the Trinity is an assertion Lon, there is no verse to prove it.

Sent from my iPad using TOL


Well-known member
Daqq needs to be afraid... every time he MOCKS the Divinity of Christ and the "Unity" of the Spirit and the Flesh.

The Master plainly tells me that the flesh profits nothing in John 6:63. Why therefore do you once again not believe his words? Paul tells me that we are not to know anyone according to the flesh, and especially not the Messiah, even if we formerly thought of him or "knew him" in that way, according to the flesh, and that is pretty clear in 2Cor 5:16, (clear enough from the passage unless you now wish to spuriously insist that Paul must have known Jesus before he was crucified, for he says "we" in that statement). You do not even appear to believe the words of Paul, and yet, according to you, I am the demon possessed heretic? I am the one teaching doctrines of demons and having the spirit of antichrist because I actually believe these words and statements which I have quoted here from the same scripture you also claim to believe? Here is the reality: you cannot give up the flesh mindset because you do not even realize that it still controls your every thought; and that is because you are unregenerated and cannot perceive supernal and spiritual writings. It simply is not possible for the carnal mind to understand the things of Elohim. It really is yourself who should be afraid because you are not even capable of defending any of your arguments from scripture, (when you actually do get around to making an argument instead of all the harassment, ridiculing, belittling, and name calling), and yet you are making a multitude of false accusations, and bearing false witness, all the while thinking yourself to be justified in what you do just because you claim to "believe in Jesus". James even tells us that the demons also believe, and shudder, so your form of belief and very idea of what it means to "believe" appears to be yet another of your own self-imposed deceptions.


Well-known member
I am in good company as Christ was too.

The majority in his day did not follow him.

Belief in the Trinity is an assertion Lon, there is no verse to prove it.
You are kidding yourself. You Unitarians are banned from about every other website. It isn't because you are 'being persecuted for righteousness' but contentiousness. It gets old. The 600 are correct. You were not the valedictorian. The Samaritans, always shoving their WRONG agenda, became an object lesson in both horrible theology through their rebellion and an occasional good point when one of them managed to do something right: Object lesson was doing what is right, not believing what is wrong. You are not in good company. There was only ONE good Samaritan.


Well-known member
I'm purdy shore you and Lon threw the first punches.:juggle:
:nono: I had him on ignore. He called me Legion. It doesn't get much worse than that. You found my 'reaction' to that and misunderstood. Go figure Daqq would falsely thank you on this too. He was wicked. I was not, still am not. Calling him on his wicked accusation? Yes.

So, you think calling someone demons is a good thing? Is nice? Is appropriate TOL material? :nono:

I only answered your question about Intojoy before that, simply using scriptures of why he'd not talk to JW's at his house. That was it, and then upchucks dqq


Well-known member
:nono: I had him on ignore. He called me Legion. It doesn't get much worse than that. You found my 'reaction' to that and misunderstood. Go figure Daqq would falsely thank you on this too. He was wicked. I was not, still am not. Calling him on his wicked accusation? Yes.

So, you think calling someone demons is a good thing? Is nice? Is appropriate TOL material? :nono:

I only answered your question about Intojoy before that, simply using scriptures of why he'd not talk to JW's at his house. That was it, and then upchucks dqq

You are clearly are not any kind of word technician: I neither called you a demon nor did I say *you* were Legion. How on earth do you fancy yourself to be a teacher of men and so highly educated when you cannot even understand what people write? How can you make such accusations when it makes you look like you do not even remember what you were talking about? And my response was not even to you. And my response never even mentioned your name.

There is mention of six hundred men concerning the Philistines, the six hundred armed men of the tribe of Dan when they went and took Laish, (which later became Paneas, (of the false god Pan), and then even later became Caesarea Philippi), and likewise both Saul and David had cohorts of six hundred men. Perhaps it just depends on who is doing the big talking as to whether or not he merely speaks of nothing more than the first cohort of Legion, (<---- Hmmm, did I say that right?). :)

I guess that means you claim not only to be yourself but the imaginary six hundred who agree with you also, which is really freaky if indeed you claim to be six hundred and one people, but not really surprising seeing how you imagine yourself to speak for all. However, just so you know, in my doctrine people are not demons; no, but that is rather you who inadvertently and probably unknowingly teaches such nonsense because you believe in a literal fiery hell, where those who disagree with your doctrine are "unelect", and going to spend eternity in conscious torment, while the Master says no such thing and rather plainly says that everlasting fire is "prepared for the Devil and his angels". Who told you to include human beings with the Devil and his angels being destined for eternal fiery torment? You neither recieved that from the scripture, nor the Holy Spirit, nor the Master Teacher. And worse than that your false heretical doctrine teaches by way of "Total Depravity" that mankind can do nothing to change his relationship with the Creator, such as that all important word, Repent, (which requires a willful choice in the heart and mind of the person). So you have a God who condemns people to eternal conscious fiery torment even though they were "totally depraved", with original sin handed down from Adam, and could do absolutely nothing about it; not even repent, nope, according to you they have no choice in the matter because it is the good pleasure of your God to cast them into eternal conscious torment just because he can and it is pleasing to him. You are a closet psychopath just as I said.
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It's the the ECT thread...endorsed by one of the annihilists who posted on there.

I think I just put 2 and 2 together. This explains a mystery you and I discussed earlier. I understand your stance on a matter more clearly now and understand why you have discerned a matter as you have.


LOLOL - good lordy child. Enoch is pretty awesome anyways,...even if not alot is shared about him in the so called "canonized" (sanitized) version of the scriptures :) - the esoteric, occult schools around Enoch are very interesting, as well as the Keys of Enoch. - I dont think however that just because something is in the 'canon' (standard works) that that 'gaurantees' its authenticity, validity or usefulness. I'll play along with the 'pun' for the time being :surf:

Alright, "Switzerland"! But... yes... I really believe in the importance of cannon. Berries to Bones... sincerely I confess it.


I am in good company as Christ was too.

The majority in his day did not follow him.

Belief in the Trinity is an assertion Lon, there is no verse to prove it.

So... there is the Father... There is the Son and there is the Holy Spirit...

This is all in scripture... as in "Duh"... not complicated.

- EE


If such a fate would befall one for any reason or justification under heaven, I suppose it beats the more vicious 'belief' that she would be TORTURED alive and consciously FOR ALL ETERNITY. - thats just the beginning of problems for ECT. When it comes to children or even infants, there is issue with their soul's condition, character, experience and age of accountability before heaven. Justice and mercy ministered by love and wisdom is perfectly carried out by the Father of lights, from who every good and perfect gift comes, so I anyways have no problem with TRUSTING the universal laws and tribunals of heaven to render perfect or near perfect judgments/decisions in extending mercy to all souls in their individual cases and unique circumstances. I for one have not heard among 'conditional immortality' advocates that children under 5 years old would be incinerated to nothingness. Thats a new one for me.

This sounds like a thread that evaluates ECT... from a philosophical evaluation on the character of God... utilizing scripture and reason... ahem... I wonder why no one has started it yet... "loudly clearing throat".


The Master plainly tells me that the flesh profits nothing in John 6:63. Why therefore do you once again not believe his words? Paul tells me that we are not to know anyone according to the flesh, and especially not the Messiah, even if we formerly thought of him or "knew him" in that way, according to the flesh, and that is pretty clear in 2Cor 5:16, (clear enough from the passage unless you now wish to spuriously insist that Paul must have known Jesus before he was crucified, for he says "we" in that statement). You do not even appear to believe the words of Paul, and yet, according to you, I am the demon possessed heretic? I am the one teaching doctrines of demons and having the spirit of antichrist because I actually believe these words and statements which I have quoted here from the same scripture you also claim to believe? Here is the reality: you cannot give up the flesh mindset because you do not even realize that it still controls your every thought; and that is because you are unregenerated and cannot perceive supernal and spiritual writings. It simply is not possible for the carnal mind to understand the things of Elohim. It really is yourself who should be afraid because you are not even capable of defending any of your arguments from scripture, (when you actually do get around to making an argument instead of all the harassment, ridiculing, belittling, and name calling), and yet you are making a multitude of false accusations, and bearing false witness, all the while thinking yourself to be justified in what you do just because you claim to "believe in Jesus". James even tells us that the demons also believe, and shudder, so your form of belief and very idea of what it means to "believe" appears to be yet another of your own self-imposed deceptions.


At least you're not quoting yourself for pages and pages! I see improvements.

But seriously... I'm resting on the back and forth with you for now... it is going nowhere and seems to result in your blasphemy towards the Spirit of Grace...

Chillax and know a rematch will come in the future...

All frustration and prayer,

- EE


Well-known member

At least you're not quoting yourself for pages and pages! I see improvements.

But seriously... I'm resting on the back and forth with you for now... it is going nowhere and seems to result in your blasphemy towards the Spirit of Grace...

Chillax and know a rematch will come in the future...

All frustration and prayer,

- EE

The Spirit of Grace is the Testimony of the Anointed One because he paid for that holy Testimony with his own blood, even though it was not his own, for he received it from the heavens according to Yohanan the Witness, John 3:27-36, (and therefore his Testimony is in fact his blood and the Spirit of Grace, Heb 10:29). But all these things have already been explained to you, and you have openly rejected the Testimony of the Messiah in favor of your own privately held doctrines, and therefore the wrath of Elohim abides upon you, John 3:36, because by openly rejecting the holy Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts you do trample his blood; for his Testimony represents his blood which paid for that Testimony, (for his Testimony is the very reason why they killed him). And if you will trample the blood of Messiah and the Spirit of Grace the way that you do then no wonder you treat his servants and his brethren the way that you do. Yeah, perhaps you need some time off to regroup and repent, and I do forgive you for your blasphemy but that is only for my part: what the Master says about it in the passages already quoted is between you, him, and the Father.


The Spirit of Grace is the Testimony of the Anointed One because he paid for that holy Testimony with his own blood, even though it was not his own, for he received it from the heavens according to Yohanan the Witness, John 3:27-36, (and therefore his Testimony is in fact his blood and the Spirit of Grace, Heb 10:29). But all these things have already been explained to you, and you have openly rejected the Testimony of the Messiah in favor of your own privately held doctrines, and therefore the wrath of Elohim abides upon you, John 3:36, because by openly rejecting the holy Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts you do trample his blood; for his Testimony represents his blood which paid for that Testimony, (for his Testimony is the very reason that they killed him). And if you will trample the blood of Messiah and the Spirit of Grace the way that you do then no wonder you treat his servants and his brethren the way that you do. Yeah, perhaps you need some time off to regroup and repent, and I do forgive you for your blasphemy but that is only for my part: what the Master says about it in the passages already quoted is between you, him, and the Father.

Daqq... did you know you teach Isa just as Islam does? I'm not joking! It's uncanny! You are identical to its Theosophical description of the how and what.

Just saying!

Oh... and thank you for forgiving me...

I forgive you too.


Well-known member
You are clearly are not any kind of word technician: I neither called you a demon nor did I say *you* were Legion.
...he merely speaks of nothing more than the first cohort of Legion, (<---- Hmmm, did I say that right?).
And .... Legion 600 [me] have ...They are not even actual Trinitarians but only masquerading as such so as not to become outcasts from the majority herd; which is "600 to 1"...They apparently love the praises of men more than the truth.
Clearly you did and clearly you implied by that 'demon.' (<---- Hmmm, did I say that right?).
"Legion" is capitalized in the Bible. You meant it and you know it. It isn't capitalized except as in "The French Foreign Legion." Nobody is buying your plead of innocence.
How on earth do you fancy yourself to be a teacher of men and so highly educated when you cannot even understand what people write? How can you make such accusations when it makes you look like you do not even remember what you were talking about? And my response was not even to you. And my response never even mentioned your name.
Yeah, back-pedaling won't save you. You broke an agreement so clearly cannot be trusted, which is a life of living by lies where your yes is not yes and your no is not no. I of course knew this about you after the first time you stabbed behind my back. Me you? :nono: I ignore you and those talking about you EXCEPT when you practice this hypocrisy and backstabbing. If people didn't repost, I'd never know about your gross breach of promise. It comes from your inability. A regenerate soul should be able to keep a promise and HONOR it.

I guess that means you claim not only to be yourself but the imaginary six hundred who agree with you also, which is really freaky if indeed you claim to be six hundred and one people, but not really surprising seeing how you imagine yourself to speak for all.
Yep, pay attention: 600 Million Christians on the planet. 1 Million Unit-arians. Guess?

However, just so you know, in my doctrine people are not demons; no, but that is rather you who inadvertently and probably unknowingly teaches such nonsense because you believe in a literal fiery hell, where those who disagree with your doctrine are "unelect", and going to spend eternity in conscious torment, while the Master says no such thing and rather plainly says that everlasting fire is "prepared for the Devil and his angels"
Nope. I don't tell people they are sons of the devil or demons. I didn't call you "Legion." You called me that. Nobody is buying your ugly little rework of history. You said it, you know it. It came right from your soul and you stand before God for this attempt.

Who told you to include human beings with the Devil and his angels being destined for eternal fiery torment? You neither received that from the scripture, nor the Holy Spirit, nor the Master Teacher.
Not the right thread for your off-topic trash-talk. You are not my equal. Not my guru. Nobody's teacher. :plain:

And worse than that your false heretical doctrine teaches by way of "Total Depravity" that mankind can do nothing to change his relationship with the Creator, such as that all important word, Repent, (which requires a willful choice in the heart and mind of the person). So you have a God who condemns people to eternal conscious fiery torment even though they were "totally depraved", with original sin handed down from Adam, and could do absolutely nothing about it; not even repent, nope, according to you they have no choice in the matter because it is the good pleasure of your God to cast them into eternal conscious torment just because he can and it is pleasing to him. You are a closet psychopath just as I said.
Not a thread about Total Depravity either. Take it someplace else, you are inept in both of your assessments and full of venom in your every conversation. Why ELSE bring up two things that have absolutely nothing to do with this thread other than spitting poison? None. No reason, but that.

And if you will trample the blood of Messiah and the Spirit of Grace the way that you do then no wonder you treat his servants and his brethren the way that you do. Yeah, perhaps you need some time off to regroup and repent, and I do forgive you for your blasphemy but that is only for my part: what the Master says about it in the passages already quoted is between you, him, and the Father.
As well as backhanded forgiveness all the while accusing :vomit: You spew and spew and spew, Daqq. You are nothing that anybody give a rip what you think and ESPECIALLY not what little you know of God. You are nobody's guru. I don't need you. Nobody does. There is no lording-it-over anybody pronouncing verdicts from the throne-room as if you are special-privilege. You shoot every Trinitarian and modalist down as if this is your website. It isn't. You don't get to be a beast just because you are arrogant and prideful about yourself. You chose Arian theology, and you can live with it, including this horrible judgmental mindset and pronouncement that I've ever seen from this crowd. Your mouth is full of vile poison and you spit venom every conversation you have that doesn't go 'your private interpretation' way. You are a child in an adult body who never grown up and certainly is not fit to teach anybody any thing. You've ruined your 'godly' witness by speaking behind my back, backstabbing, and not honoring YOUR request that we both ignore each other and leave each other alone. You lied and vileness comes from your soul because of it. I will not be expecting an apology from you, because you are incapable of admitting your sins to me or God. You are incredibly too prideful to ever 'lower' yourself to God's standards. And you are remiss in keeping your promise. You lied. Even if you hadn't called me Legion, you lied and lost any integrity you might have had. You are not a great person. Certainly no great scholar that anyone should esteem you. Nobody needs you. The Lord Jesus Christ does His OWN work Ephesians 2:10. We don't need you. -Lon
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Now the Islam card again? You really are a sick man.

No Daqq... this is a "sick man"...

A man hasn't been feeling well, so he goes to the doctor to get a checkup. Afterward the doctor comes out with the results. "I'm afraid I have some very bad news," the doctor says. "You're dying, and you don't have much time left." "Oh, that's terrible!" says the man. "How long have I got?"

"Ten", the doctor says sadly.

"Ten?" the man asks. "Ten what? Months? Weeks? What?!"



Well-known member
No Daqq... this is a "sick man"...

A man hasn't been feeling well, so he goes to the doctor to get a checkup. Afterward the doctor comes out with the results. "I'm afraid I have some very bad news," the doctor says. "You're dying, and you don't have much time left." "Oh, that's terrible!" says the man. "How long have I got?"

"Ten", the doctor says sadly.

"Ten?" the man asks. "Ten what? Months? Weeks? What?!"


As already explained to you in so many words from the scripture: my Doctor says you are already dead, (and that is plainly evident by the death always pouring forth from your mouth).


As already explained to you in so many words from the scripture:
My Doctor says you are already dead.

Dr. Satan?

You're a Rob Zombie Horror film fan, too?

Is this your "Doctor"... Daqq?
Are you clowning around again?


Well-known member
Dr. Satan?

You're a Rob Zombie Horror film fan, too?

More blasphemy. I told you that it was in the scripture that has been posted to you.
Here it is again condensed:

1 John 3:14-15 KJV
14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

Matthew 15:18-20 KJV
18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

It is not difficult to understand: all one needs to do is actually believe the Testimony.
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