What are your thoughts on the Seven Spirits of God?
Good catch, (Rev 22:5). Seven Spirits?
Perhaps the name of the Seventh is Grace, (Isaiah 11:2, Zechariah 12:10, John 1:17, Heb 10:29).
What are your thoughts on the Seven Spirits of God?
No you don't.
I guess the rules are different in this board; in fact, in most boards you are not even allowed to talk about reports and mod actions: but to each their own ways I suppose.![]()
She exposed what you did.
I will not read what you write and debate you. You keep saying untruths about me. That is dishonest.
Please do not post to me anymore.
Excellent! :chuckle:
You are a dishonest hypocrite and have nothing to do with "God's Truth".
I now expect the same from you if you have it in you: do not post to me anymore.![]()
Good catch, (Rev 22:5). Seven Spirits?
Perhaps the name of the Seventh is Grace, (Isaiah 11:2, Zechariah 12:10, John 1:17, Heb 10:29).
Good catch, (Rev 22:5). Seven Spirits?
Perhaps the name of the Seventh is Grace, (Isaiah 11:2, Zechariah 12:10, John 1:17, Heb 10:29).
The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
We also note that 7 has a special numerical value, as we also have the 7 eyes of God, and a 7-fold pattern thru-out creation, such as 7 days in a week, 7 colours of the rainbow (also in esoteric teaching, the '7 rays'), 7 octaves in the musical scale, and so on.
Concerning the 7-fold anointing above,....grace could be the 7th anointing, as all of these enfold into and as the One Infinite Spirit interacting with man. It goes without saying then as well, that the body of the Messiah, the sonship collective (ecclesia) is graced with the 7-fold anointing![]()
But according to their works do not do, for they say, and do not; for they bind together weighty injunctions and lay them on the shoulders of men, but they themselves will not lift a finger to do them. Like whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but within are full of the bones of dead men and of every uncleanness. Utterly lawless, appearing outwardly righteous unto men, but within full of hypocrisy and iniquity: a brood of serpents, a generation of vipers, offspring of Jezebel.
We also note that 7 has a special numerical value, as we also have the 7 eyes of God, and a 7-fold pattern thru-out creation, such as 7 days in a week, 7 colours of the rainbow (also in esoteric teaching, the '7 rays'), 7 octaves in the musical scale, and so on.
Concerning the 7-fold anointing above,....grace could be the 7th anointing, as all of these enfold into and as the One Infinite Spirit interacting with man. It goes without saying then as well, that the body of the Messiah, the sonship collective (ecclesia) is graced with the 7-fold anointing![]()
Im not sure if many in this thread are familiar with the meaning of Jesus name but it actually means “Jehovah Is Salvation”. The obvious question then is why would Jesus if he was God have a name that gives credence to someone else....
Do you know you cannot have salvation unless you come through the Lord Jesus?
What i believe isn't relavent to my question. Jesus name means "Jehovah is Salvation" which self evidently points to salvation coming from Jehovah NOT Jesus. So how have you managed to square that circle in your faith....
You cannot have salvation without the Lord Jesus the Christ.
Yeah i heard you the first time.....
Yeah i heard you the first time.....
What i believe isn't relavent to my question. Jesus name means "Jehovah is Salvation" which self evidently points to salvation coming from Jehovah NOT Jesus. So how have you managed to square that circle in your faith....
You cannot have salvation without the Lord Jesus the Christ.
You cannot have salvation without the Lord Jesus the Christ.