Embarrassed, eh?
Why would I be embarrassed over the Testimony of Yeshua and Yohanan the Immerser?
Embarrassed, eh?
You do not know the truth about your Lord. There is much more for ALL of us to learn GT.You say that about anyone whw denies the truth about jesus.
Why would I be embarrassed over the Testimony of Yeshua and Yohanan the Immerser?
Why?? Because you have no reply as in, you don't understand what you thought you did.
You do not know the truth about your Lord. There is much more for ALL of us to learn GT.
Daqq is smarter than most and gives a different view of God's Bible. Open your mind and learn friend.
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I gave you a reply and you apparently do not know where it comes from because your harvest and redemption is yet to come.![]()
She asked me not to respond to her anymore and at that time I asked her to return the favor.![]()
You do not know the truth about your Lord. There is much more for ALL of us to learn GT.
Daqq is smarter than most and gives a different view of God's Bible. Open your mind and learn friend.
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Well, it is still not worth reporting. The mods have better things to do.
More Bull! You have nothing to offer.
We have a problem; disagreement, for I have no desire to take up with you. Sorry.
No you don't.I do what Jesus says.....
Yes it is.Sorry, that's not the "end of the story"....Those who deny the Divinity of Christ preach a false Christ. Period. End of story.
Follow the sheep through the door my friend, it's all there, (and here).
And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.
- John 20:30, 31
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods”’? If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), 36 do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.”
- John 10:34-38
Yes it is.
This is an important thread (linked above),...of which I will finish reading, since the purposed omission of "today I have begotten you" from a few places in the gospels shows a motive to support the 'Eternal Son' doctrine, since if God spoke to Jesus at his baptism as being begotten THAT DAY, then this would contradict the 'eternally begotten' doctrine held by the Trinitarians and seem to support Adoptionism. Anyways more later,...my former posts here still hold,...since no matter what Christology you hold, you are still called to follow the teachings of Jesus, live the religion he lived, if you are his true disciple, otherwise its just doctrine worship, or some other peculiar form of religiosity we're engaging in. - hey its all good all things being 'relative', but some points of view are more tenable than others
I still say that a mere statement that 'Jesus is God' means nothing to anyone but the stater, unless he can qualify and properly contextualize his statement or 'claim'. Jesus as the Son of God & Son of Man is clearly differentiated from God the Father being a 'son' of said 'God'.... and a separate distinct personality. Furthermore there is more to show Jesus is NOT 'God', but the messenger, prophet, anointed one, Son, representative of God more than anything else, and it still stands that knowing such is sufficient unto itself. The gospel of John clearly defines the purpose of it being written,..to testify that Jesus is the son of God. We too who follow Jesus and embrace the Christ-life, enter into the realization of sonship as well.
Do note Jesus claim to Sonship was primary, to reveal the Fatherhood of God and his divinely ordained mission, being His Anointed :thumb: - all else is speculative subject to point of view depending on one's own theology or philosophical orientation, but again,....that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God is the essential revelation according to John (or one of his redactors)
There wasn't a variety of viewpoints among His Apostles though. Your point is a good one, if the Apostles themselves disagreed about His nature, but I don't think that they did.in the early days after Jesus left the world, there was quite a variety of viewpoints among his followers
There wasn't a variety of viewpoints among His Apostles though. Your point is a good one, if the Apostles themselves disagreed about His nature, but I don't think that they did.
Amen Freelight, and yes, it is called the Adoptionist view, and it is no doubt older than the Trinitarian view.![]()
Yes! The Son of Man is he that has descended and ascended the heavens; at least we agree on that:But now show me where Yeshua ever says that he himself is the Son of Man: does he not always refer to the Son of Man in the third person? And how many times have we already had this same argument throughout these fora? Maybe not you and I but certainly myself and the same old crowd, over and over, again and again. What generally happens next is that someone will come along and post Matthew 16:13 KJV, (KJV of course), to supposedly "disprove" the truth with the erroneous Textus Receptus rendering of the KJV or YLT rendering; and then I will refute it with the truth once again; and then the same will go on as if nothing happened, continuing with what they want to believe, despite the truth having been placed right in front of their eyes once again.