Jesus is God.


New member
The verse says ALL scripture. Why would that exclude texts such as the Koran? When the constitution says all men are created equal was that supposed to exclude black men too?

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Ben Masada

New member
If a person is living on this earth, and they want the kingdom of God in their heart, if they want to be saved, they must come through Jesus.

If a person has died and appeared before God, they must go through Jesus.

If a person is in prison/Hell, they want to get out and be saved, they will have to go through Jesus.

That's not what Jesus said. They must come through "Moses" aka the Law, he said. Read Luke 16:29-31.

Ben Masada

New member
Because the Koran is not the Word of God.

Why? If it is because it did not exist during Jesus' lifetime, I agree with you. But so is with the NT; since it did not exist during Jesus' lifetime, it can't be the Word of God. BTW, Jesus never even dreamed that the NT would ever rise.

God's Truth

New member
The verse says ALL scripture. Why would that exclude texts such as the Koran? When the constitution says all men are created equal was that supposed to exclude black men too?

Black men and all men have to obey Jesus. There is no getting around that Truth.

The Koran came after Christ, and is from an angel, as stated by Mohammad himsielf.

Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!


New member
Jesus is God.

What you say does not just sound like some new age mumbo jumbo, it is.

God's salvation is conditional.

How about this---

All knees will bow.

That sounds pretty conditional to me. LOL

Romans 14:11 It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.'"

Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

All knees bowing refers to the fact that once we are in the presence of God the ego is shattered to a billion pieces. The reverence, the holiness, and the sanctity instantly obliterates the personality. All it can do is behold the majesty and glory.

Again, the personality's version of salvation is conditional on events in time for example. It is an imitation of true salvation that does not depend on anything fort its existence because it is existence in itself. It is one with the state of utter stillness and silence. One with the Alpha and Omega which is timelessness in itself. The purity is of another order than anything the personality can conceive. There is not one particle of dust that this salvation does not cover. It is the spotless immaculate Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world, always forever present without condition, without failure, without wavering. This salvation accomplishes everything without lifting s finger. It is infinite strength and power accessible through the perfect weakness of the personality. It is here for our own good. We are to feel the magnificence so that we may know we are one with the almighty creator. It is so that we may know our infinite value and worth. Somehow we convince ourselves it's ok to live without this true self-worth. We settle for shallow substitutes. The dependence on the beliefs of the personality is one example of the many forms of bondage. The experience of infinite liberation and eternal freedom is what sets us free. This is exactly what Jesus represents. It is the soul.

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God's Truth

New member
All knees bowing refers to the fact that once we are in the presence of God the ego is shattered to a billion pieces. The reverence, the holiness, and the sanctity instantly obliterates the personality. All it can do is behold the majesty and glory.
It. is. conditional. as. you. have. here. stated.

Again, the personality's version of salvation is conditional on events in time for example. It is an imitation of true salvation that does not depend on anything fort its existence because it is existence in itself. It is one with the state of utter stillness and silence. One with the Alpha and Omega which is timelessness in itself. The purity is of another order than anything the personality can conceive. There is not one particle of dust that this salvation does not cover. It is the spotless immaculate Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world, always forever present without condition, without failure, without wavering.



New member
Black men and all men have to obey Jesus. There is no getting around that Truth.

The Koran came after Christ, and is from an angel, as stated by Mohammad himsielf.

Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!

Trying to use the scripture to prove that the scripture is correct is going in circles. The interpretation of scriptures also differs between populations. Be aware that the interpretation also comes from man so it is not infallible.

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God's Truth

New member
It says ALL scripture. Are you the one who gets to decide how to interpret that ALL scripture really means only scripture that I say is scripture counts? I find that arrogant. Prideful.

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You demon. The Word of God has come to us as is recorded in the Holy Bible.