Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Urantians (Caino and Freelight) reject the Christian Bible and go by the
"Urantia Book." They are a UFO Cult according to Internet sources. They're
similar to Scientologists, except they have fewer followers.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Urantians believe that, a "Celestial" group of Cosmic beings chose a
human conduit to speak through. The HC (Human conduit) would fall
asleep and the alien beings would speak through him. A secretary
would be close by and write down what these beings were dictating.

The Urantians added verses from the Bible, no doubt, to make it look
more legit.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So, they mixed some Science fiction with Bible verses and created
The Urantia book. It came out around the same time as L.Ron Hubbards
book. (precursor to Scientology) Circa; 1954-55.


Eclectic Theosophist
Right information............

Right information............

Just wanted to warn posters about the falsity of the Urantia book and its

And I've refuted your ignorance and misrepresentation of the UB here, and many other places. Any intelligent, open-minded person can learn from the proper resources about the UB, and then read the text for themselves, and discover what is there for themselves....something you and a few other critics here have failed to do.

Your 'warning' therefore is fraught with dishonesty, mis-directed bias and mis-information.



Another Idiot who can't read!!

Paul wrote:
Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions
or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him.17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church. He is
the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. 19 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell,

We must carefully examine both the overall context and the particular phrases before rushing to the conclusion that the apostle is teaching that Jesus the son of God created the heavens and the earth, and that he is therefore coequal with God the Father, the second member of the Trinity.

Everything we have looked at so far would indicate that Paul has not suddenly done a back flip from his clearly stated belief that there is "one God, the Father… and one Lord, Jesus the
(1 Cor. 8:6; Eph. 4:5-6, etc.).

The overall context must be clearly borne in mind. Observe in Colossians 1 that "all things" created are not "the heavens and the earth" as per Genesis 1:1, but rather "all things in the heavens and on the earth ." These things are defined as "thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities." Jesus has been given authority to restructure the arrangements of angels as well as being the agent for the creation of the body of Christ on earth, the Church.

The apostle Paul is "giving thanks to the Father" because He "has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light," which is to say that God the Father has "delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son" (v. 12-13). Paul is thus speaking of the new creation that God has effected through His Son Jesus. He is speaking of things that relate to "redemption, the forgiveness of sins" (v.14) and "the church" (v.18) and how through the Son of the Father God has "reconciled all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of his cross" (v.20).

Pay attention to scripture Caino!
Yea... I'm that good!


Paul was sincere but he never knew Jesus in the flesh, never sat at his feet and learned from him personally, therefore it is not surprising that he didn't understand him in the spirit either. None of us can really fully understand the oneness of the divine children of God with the Father. The divinity of Christ then becomes a matter of faith.

Paul would emerge as the post-ascension leader of the message, he took the Christian religion in a new, compromised direction. He just happened to be the first great charismatic evangelist among the many thousands who came after him with their own understanding.

Paul, a Roman citizen from Tarsus, was the Father of the Christian message to the Pagan world that would eventually adopt and merge with his beliefs. So they revered Paul, they even converted his simple letters of correspondence into "The Word of God", making his words equal to Christ.

I am a disciple of Jesus, of his original gospel of faith in the Father rejected by the Jews. I'm not a disciple of Paul's gospel about killing Jesus as a sacrifice to God.


What do you expect from a "Urantian Cultist?"

Grosnick hates us like he hates so many others on TOL where he won the "Troll" award and something called the "Blob" award for 2015. We speak truth and that is a thorn in Grosnicks side.

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. "If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.…


yes. and the Father IS greater than the Son while Jesus was on earth Doing His Father's Will. now they are equal. but Jesus Christ can never be the Father -

John 14:28 KJV -
So Jesus said "While I am on earth, God is God, but after I die I become God?" If such a thing is not in the text, then we are adding to the Word and your idea takes its place in the pantheon of believers' personal theologies.

Why not just admit that there are many--and sometimes contradictory--traditions found throughout the New Testament and the Gospel of John happens to mention two of them?

God's Truth

New member
You mean it sounds like you have been owned... BY ME! USING your very own scholars!!! :banana:

Stop being a baby... and accept the truth! There are no teachings of men here... I follow no man, men, or church!


You do follow the teachings of false teachers. You picked doctrines you agreed with from different teachers, and came up with your own set of false beliefs. You follow your own man made false doctrines.


New member
Paul was sincere but he never knew Jesus in the flesh, never sat at his feet and learned from him personally, therefore it is not surprising that he didn't understand him in the spirit either. None of us can really fully understand the oneness of the divine children of God with the Father. The divinity of Christ then becomes a matter of faith.

Paul would emerge as the post-ascension leader of the message, he took the Christian religion in a new, compromised direction. He just happened to be the first great charismatic evangelist among the many thousands who came after him with their own understanding.

Paul, a Roman citizen from Tarsus, was the Father of the Christian message to the Pagan world that would eventually adopt and merge with his beliefs. So they revered Paul, they even converted his simple letters of correspondence into "The Word of God", making his words equal to Christ.

I am a disciple of Jesus, of his original gospel of faith in the Father rejected by the Jews. I'm not a disciple of Paul's gospel about killing Jesus as a sacrifice to God.

You do follow the teachings of false teachers. You picked doctrines you agreed with from different teachers, and came up with your own set of false beliefs. You follow your own man made false doctrines.

Really, :think:

Because... Shortly after Paul's conversion from being a racist, sectarian, self-righteous, bigoted, and highly religious Pharisees (like you two) to a disciple of the Lord.
God led him to an Arabian desert for three years (Galatians 1: 16-18). What was he doing there? Detoxing. Everything that Paul knew as a zealous Pharisee was bled out of him in the desert. This experience was necessary for Paul's apostolic ministry because in order for him to be a dispenser of the new wine, he had to be drained of the old.

What part of... God, who had set me apart reveal His Son in me ... did you not understand? :think:

People ask why I leave for long periods of time... the reason is I struggle with dealing with spiritual babes...You have no idea how childish your post appear to me! :doh:



Really, :think:

Because... Shortly after Paul's conversion from being a racist, sectarian, self-righteous, bigoted, and highly religious Pharisees (like you two) to a disciple of the Lord.
God led him to an Arabian desert for three years (Galatians 1: 16-18). What was he doing there? Detoxing. Everything that Paul knew as a zealous Pharisee was bled out of him in the desert. This experience was necessary for Paul's apostolic ministry because in order for him to be a dispenser of the new wine, he had to be drained of the old.

What part of... God, who had set me apart reveal His Son in me ... did you not understand? :think:

People ask why I leave for long periods of time... the reason is I struggle with dealing with spiritual babes...You have no idea how childish your post appear to me! :doh:


Jesus didn't spend 3+ years trying to reach the Jews and training the 12-1 so that a new guy could come along and be trained in secret in the desert with a gospel wherein Jesus was supposed to be rejected (counter to all the work that he did as well as Gods agreement with Abraham). Even a "spiritual babe" can see the inconsistency in that.

Let me guess, when you go away are you out in the desert receiving special instruction?


Eclectic Theosophist
divine-human fusion....................

divine-human fusion....................

So Jesus said "While I am on earth, God is God, but after I die I become God?" If such a thing is not in the text, then we are adding to the Word and your idea takes its place in the pantheon of believers' personal theologies.

Why not just admit that there are many--and sometimes contradictory--traditions found throughout the New Testament and the Gospel of John happens to mention two of them?

Oh come on aikido,....Jesus morphs into a new hybridized form, a synergy of both Deity and Man....first phase during his incarnation...then upon his resurrection/ascension into the spirit-world :)

Of course as far as 'Christology' is concerned there were quite a few different views/beliefs about Jesus nature, how much of it was 'divine' and/or 'human', main view finally winning 'orthodoxy' while the others became 'heretical'.

This subject is most interesting because the traditional-orthodox view is that Jesus is NOW still in his glorified body, and is somehow 'God'...joined with-in The Trinity. So a God-Man of sorts currently abides in the Godhead, which adds a new and peculiar element to the divine company. Things from there can get more con-fusing regarding the constitution of Jesus (beyond it being a 'divine mystery'). The complex-scenario here involves the pre-existence of Jesus, his incarnation-fusion of apparently 2 natures, his resurrection body (how physical or spiritualized is it?) and if he took that body up into the heavens (spirit-worlds) with him. So, lots of ground to speculate over with many possibilities.



New member
Jesus didn't spend 3+ years trying to reach the Jews and training the 12-1 so that a new guy could come along and be trained in secret in the desert with a gospel wherein Jesus was supposed to be rejected (counter to all the work that he did as well as Gods agreement with Abraham). Even a "spiritual babe" can see the inconsistency in that.

Let me guess, when you go away are you out in the desert receiving special instruction?

A mutual friend of ours... ask me to lighten up on you... Freelight!

I'll pass on this one


New member
I am a disciple of Jesus, of his original gospel of faith in the Father rejected by the Jews. I'm not a disciple of Paul's gospel about killing Jesus as a sacrifice to God.


Paul's gospel about killing Jesus as a sacrifice to God

What are you talking about? :idunno:

OMG... Your a James follower! Nailed it!

Don't be so shy in making your beliefs known... I make James followers look stupid too! :rolleyes:



Oh come on aikido,....Jesus morphs into a new hybridized form, a synergy of both Deity and Man....first phase during his incarnation...then upon his resurrection/ascension into the spirit-world :)

Of course as far as 'Christology' is concerned there were quite a few different views/beliefs about Jesus nature, how much of it was 'divine' and/or 'human', main view finally winning 'orthodoxy' while the others became 'heretical'.

This subject is most interesting because the traditional-orthodox view is that Jesus is NOW still in his glorified body, and is somehow 'God'...joined with-in The Trinity. So a God-Man of sorts currently abides in the Godhead, which adds a new and peculiar element to the divine company. Things from there can get more con-fusing regarding the constitution of Jesus (beyond it being a 'divine mystery'). The complex-scenario here involves the pre-existence of Jesus, his incarnation-fusion of apparently 2 natures, his resurrection body (how physical or spiritualized is it?) and if he took that body up into the heavens (spirit-worlds) with him. So, lots of ground to speculate over with many possibilities.

I don't resonate much with theology. And I get bored listening to folks in Islam or Christianity taking their sacred metaphorical and mythic language literally.


Well-known member
Since almost one third of the people are not trins, there has to be a good reason for that.

the reason for that is that they have searched scripture more deeply and thoroughly and used common sense and logic to reach another conclusion.

God designed the human brain to think and to reason and to use evidence to logically and sensibly reach conclusions.

God expects us to check scripture to see what is truth and what is not. Acts 17:11, II Timothy 2:15

Those who believe in one God, who is the God and Father of the lord Jesus Christ, have done their homework.

Trins remain gullible

Believers in one God believe God's testimony regarding Himself and His son.


Since almost one third of the people are not trins, there has to be a good reason for that.

the reason for that is that they have searched scripture more deeply and thoroughly and used common sense and logic to reach another conclusion.

God designed the human brain to think and to reason and to use evidence to logically and sensibly reach conclusions.

God expects us to check scripture to see what is truth and what is not. Acts 17:11, II Timothy 2:15

Those who believe in one God, who is the God and Father of the lord Jesus Christ, have done their homework.

Trins remain gullible

Believers in one God believe God's testimony regarding Himself and His son.

The Jews had the same attitude towards Jesus, their minds were seared by the false sense of sacredness of the scripture written and redacted by the priest of former days.

It is because Jesus was, and will forever be, a duel nature personality on earth, one can find him speaking from two different perspectives while in the flesh.

After he resurrected himself, he spoke in the singular, by divine right.