Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Well-known member
The scripture is about JESUS the MAN going INTO heaven, and that he is the one who CAME from heaven.
Christ was in Jesus, Christ took the form of man.

The Bible says Jesus has seen God.

John 1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

The spirit Christ SPOKE through Jesus who is the body prepared for him in Heb 10:5. Christ is the son God sent from Heaven, not Jesus.


Eclectic Theosophist
Both human and divine...............

Both human and divine...............

Do you believe it?


If you would have included as a poll option "yes and no"....I might have voted there ;):):p

In fact,....various spins of both Trinitarian and Unitarian Christology would hold that with me,...of course adding their own 'explanation' of the paradox.




Well-known member
I was actually calling you a spiritual sissy... :peach:

Thanks for making my point! Your not focused! You need to learn to seek... not preach what you were taught by men! :doh:


Ah, I see, a "spiritual sissy" now too? I suppose I will have add that to the ever growing list of personal insults and labels. I have never called myself that either but rather to you also it seems to be nothing more than a label for you so as to categorize others, shove them aside into a backroom, and nullify what they have to say. All I did was ask you a question, (whether or not you believed what so and so assumed you believe about Paul being the one who penned the Revelation of Messiah Yeshua). I have been called everything from Judaizer, to Monotheist, to Arian, to Modalist, to Uni, to "spiritual sissy", (your own latest cutesy definition-label of me) Kabbalist, Cabbalist, Gnostic, Mysticist, Allegorist, Cultist, Heretic, Veggie, Asceticist, "Fool", "IDIOT", (also your previous label which is forbidden by the Master Teacher Yeshua in Matthew 5:22 KJV) and again those are just some of the labels and names I can remember off hand. Fee, Fye, Foe, Fum, sticks and stones may crunch my bones; but all of your labels and names are going to come back to slay you in your own bitter End: and in that great day brother Titon will be there to set your house in order, (Titus 1:5 KJV) and perhaps then he will comfort you, indeed that is, after having taught you with thorns and briers from the desert like Gideon taught the men of Sukkoth. Yay! the parousia of Titon, (2 Cor 7:5-6 KJV) he will comfort you in that day if indeed you overcome in in your appointed times: for he is a minister of Elohim, and he bears not the sword in vain as I said from the very scriptures which you claim to uphold, O man, (Romans 13:3-4 KJV) and the kingdom of Elohim is not in word, but in Power, (1 Cor 4:20 KJV). Have you neither read nor heard of Titon of Makedon? Brother Paulos met this brother in a vision, (Acts 16:8-9 KJV, 2 Cor 2:12-13 KJV). Will you not therefore fear the Power? (Romans 13:3 KJV) Will you say before him that slays you, "You are a spiritual sissy"? I trow not. :crackup:

As Miykayahu said to Tsidekiah the son of Knaanah in 1 Kings 22:24-25 when he went near and smote Miykayahu on the cheek, saying, "Which way went the Spirit of YHWH from me to speak to you?" And Miykayahu says to you and the Baal of the two horns of iron: Behold, you shall see in that day, when you chamber in your inner chamber to hide yourself! :crackup:

There shall be no escape; and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

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God's Truth

New member
Christ was in Jesus, Christ took the form of man.
Jesus is the Christ.

You will never be able to get around the fact that Jesus came from heaven; Jesus the Man came from heaven.

The spirit Christ SPOKE through Jesus who is the body prepared for him in Heb 10:5. Christ is the son God sent from Heaven, not Jesus.

Jesus' Spirit is the Holy Spirit. We all have a body and a spirit. Jesus was not overtaken by the Holy Spirit.


Eclectic Theosophist


Jesus is the Christ.

Some believe so, but 'how' he is the 'Christ' varies depending on who you ask ;)

You will never be able to get around the fact that Jesus came from heaven; Jesus the Man came from heaven.

But Jesus had a beginning being born as a 'human being'. Didn't he?

Jesus' Spirit is the Holy Spirit.

There could be some problems there.

We all have a body and a spirit.

Apparently so.

Jesus was not overtaken by the Holy Spirit.

Was Jesus the man anointed by the Spirit of God, - did the Holy Spirit come down and alight upon him in the form of a dove? Didn't 'God' say at that time of his baptism..."thou art my Son, today I have begotten thee"?

Remember,....a 'Messiah' is an anointed one. An 'anointing' comes down upon a person, priest or minister....empowering him or her for 'service'. Remember, the Jewish concept of a Messiah or The Messiah, is that of a man anointed/empowered by the Spirit.


God's Truth

New member
Some believe so, but 'how' he is the 'Christ' varies depending on who you ask

You can believe the scriptures and find out.

But Jesus had a beginning being born as a 'human being'. Didn't he?
That is correct.

There could be some problems there.
There is no problem there.

Apparently so.
Glad you agree.

Was Jesus the man anointed by the Spirit of God, - did the Holy Spirit come down and alight upon him in the form of a dove?
The Holy Spirit could be in someone, and also come upon them with power.
Didn't 'God' say at that time of his baptism..."thou art my Son, today I have begotten thee"?
Where do you get that it was at Jesus’ baptism? God was Jesus’ Father at conception.
Remember,....a 'Messiah' is an anointed one. An 'anointing' comes down upon a person, priest or minister....empowering him or her for 'service'. Remember, the Jewish concept of a Messiah or The Messiah, is that of a man anointed/empowered by the Spirit.
God did not pretend to come as a Man, He really did come as a Man.
Jesus is God come in the flesh as a Man. Jesus’ Spirit is the Holy Spirit. At Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus with power before he started his earthly ministry.
The Apostles had the Holy Spirit, and then at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon them with power too before they started their earthly ministry.


New member
Every generation needs a new revival and a new translation of Jesus life, message and death.

Each one of the gospel writers felt the same way and gave us their own inspired version of the Jesus that made sense to them.

We must do the same in my opinion because the Christian faith--in my view--is getting nowhere fast.

We either change or die out. This is what history is. If something about a religion no longer works, then it needs to be transformed.

"...In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

ACTS 2:17

That may be so, for sure it was for my generation.

The ENTIRE Bible is inspired, so it's not EACH, it's the same message throughout.

I wouldn't make your observations based on what you see on forums. Most of those here that post frequently DON'T have a home church or even GO to church.

The church is nowhere near dying out, but in the REAL last days, there will be a GREAT Falling Away (apostasy).

I already dream....LOTS!


Well-known member
Jesus is the Christ.

You will never be able to get around the fact that Jesus came from heaven; Jesus the Man came from heaven.

Jesus' Spirit is the Holy Spirit. We all have a body and a spirit. Jesus was not overtaken by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did not come from heaven, he was born in Bethlehem.

Jesus became the Christ at his anointing. Acts 10:38.

Jesus is not the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was controlled by the spirit son of God, Christ.

Your not understanding my words GT, that why you think I am evil.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus did not come from heaven, he was born in Bethlehem.

Jesus became the Christ at his anointing. Acts 10:38.

Jesus is not the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was controlled by the spirit son of God, Christ.

Your not understanding my words GT, that why you think I am evil.

Why do you allow your imagination to run wild? Are you unable to control
your own thoughts? You seem to lack logic and reason?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

If you would have included as a poll option "yes and no"....I might have voted there ;):):p

In fact,....various spins of both Trinitarian and Unitarian Christology would hold that with me,...of course adding their own 'explanation' of the paradox.



You are a Urantia book follower and a mystic. You're involved with a "UFO cult" according to the Internet.
You are not a Christian and are only allowed on this forum because you provide entertainment alone I
would guess? Sort of like the clowns at a circus.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nah, throw around that word like 'pancakes' and 'butter',....its merely his belief about Jesus which was one of the early views about him, before other contending views in early Christianity arose and a particular formula or creed was chosen and made officially 'orthodox' while all others were considered heresy, and rejected. Just because your 'view' (with subtle variations) came to be accepted as more traditional-orthodox doesn't necessarily make it 'correct'.

That you identify as, or choose a particular traditional-orthodox theology or religious cult-ure, makes you just as much as a cult-ist as say someone of another point of view or school of thought. I'd look at how limited, biased and cult-ured your own 'belief' and 'opinion' is, before you go around calling others 'cultists', which is just ridiculous.


You belong to a "UFO cult." No offence but, I find that kind of silly.
Your "belief systim" is laughable. I get a giggle out of you and your
assistant Igor, I mean Caino. Oh well, they're one of the same.


Eclectic Theosophist
False assumptions............

False assumptions............

You are a Urantia book follower and a mystic. You're involved with a "UFO cult" according to the Internet.

My more esoteric leaning towards religious philosophy and experience could qualify me as a 'mystic',....being primarily a 'spiritualist' at heart, and a 'gnostic' regarding personal revelation and divine guidance, but I do sometimes as well have some agnostic or skeptical tendencies about certain subjects or assumptionis, recognizing that I don't really know (agnosis) and I can be skeptical about some religious/spiritual 'claims'.

Secondly, the UB is not a 'UFO Cult', but a collection of 196 papers on various subjects of religious significance. You continue to misrepresent the facts from presumption and ignorance.

You are not a Christian and are only allowed on this forum because you provide entertainment alone I
would guess?

'God' knows what or who I AM, and that suffices. As far as 'entertainment' goes, that's your 'playing-field' and 'MO' here,...not mine as I engage in serious discussions, creative dialogue intending towards some positive/productive end, if nothing, the expansion of consciousness, the sharing of information, individual enlightenment and progress. You're the one in the clown suit trolling the forum here, calling others 'clowns', which puts you up there in 'Bozo' status.

Also, you've been corrected about the UB in your own mock-thread here and many places elsewhere to which you've had nothing to respond back with in an intelligent manner, since you refuse such a discussion, with the intent only to ridicule. You stalemate yourself, your 'character' being your own circus.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You continue to claim this, but it is totally false.

You've been addressed here and elsewhere many times.

You're trolling must get tiring.


Are you attempting to lead posters to a "Urantia propaganda website
again?" You and Caino are involved in a "UFO cult." One need only
Google, "Urantia UFO cult" to find information on this "Occult/Cult."

Urantia ad-hearers believe that "Mystical beings" spoke through
a human conduit and were able to create their book. This cult is
similar to Scientology and came out the same time. (Mid-50s)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
My more esoteric leaning towards religious philosophy and experience could qualify me as a 'mystic',....being primarily a 'spiritualist' at heart, and a 'gnostic' regarding personal revelation and divine guidance, but I do sometimes as well have some agnostic or skeptical tendencies about certain subjects or assumptionis, recognizing that I don't really know (agnosis) and I can be skeptical about some religious/spiritual 'claims'.

Secondly, the UB is not a 'UFO Cult', but a collection of 196 papers on various subjects of religious significance. You continue to misrepresent the facts from presumption and ignorance.

'God' knows what or who I AM, and that suffices. As far as 'entertainment' goes, that's your 'playing-field' and 'MO' here,...not mine as I engage in serious discussions, creative dialogue intending towards some positive/productive end, if nothing, the expansion of consciousness, the sharing of information, individual enlightenment and progress. You're the one in the clown suit trolling the forum here, calling others 'clowns', which puts you up there in 'Bozo' status.

Also, you've been corrected about the UB in your own mock-thread here and many places elsewhere to which you've had nothing to respond back with in an intelligent manner, since you refuse such a discussion, with the intent only to ridicule. You stalemate yourself, your 'character' being your own circus.


All "Hogwash," Even your "Little green men" might admit to it.