Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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This is not saying those three make one God. You are adding your own assumption.

Did you happen to miss the part that reads, "and THESE THREE ARE ONE"???

Now then, if:

"ONE" of "THESE THREE" is "THE FATHER", and "THE FATHER" IS GOD (Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:2), and
"ONE" of "THESE THREE", is "THE WORD", and "THE WORD" IS GOD (John 1:1c), and

Who do you say "THESE THREE" that "ARE ONE" IS???

And remember, When you don't answer a question, you've actually answered the question . . . with your no-answer!


Well-known member
Did you happen to miss the part that reads, "and THESE THREE ARE ONE"???

Now then, if:

"ONE" of "THESE THREE" is "THE FATHER", and "THE FATHER" IS GOD (Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:2), and
"ONE" of "THESE THREE", is "THE WORD", and "THE WORD" IS GOD (John 1:1c), and

Who do you say "THESE THREE" that "ARE ONE" IS???

And remember, When you don't answer a question, you've actually answered the question . . . with your no-answer!

Very nice!!!


Well-known member
Keypurr, have you not read, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed (can disguise himself) into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14 KJ2000)".

Your unbelief of certain Scripture makes you ripe for Satan's deception and a, more than prime, prospect for destruction, just as it is written, "The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy... (John 10:10a KJ2000)"

It doesn't matter how many times you've been through The Bible, your concern should be, How many time has The Bible (THE WORD of GOD) been through you!

You seem to have very shallow thoughts friend. I am well aware of the powers of Satan. You have no conception of the depth of my faith. I do not expect you to fully see what I post. Hopefully with a. Open mind, you might.


Well-known member
"It can be said about you too," meshak.

BTW, Do you, like keypurr, deny and/or not believe, "For there are THREE that bear witness in heaven, THE FATHER, THE WORD, and THE HOLY SPIRIT: and THESE THREE ARE ONE. (1 John 5:7 KJ2000)"

Isn't that the verse that was altered in the sixteenth century n
For it is not in the earliest of m/s?



Isn't that the verse that was altered in the sixteenth century n
For it is not in the earliest of m/s?

Rhetorically, are you asking or telling?

Keypurr, your god must be a chump god . . . especially since he/it can't keep any of his/its words intact, and would allow you to believe such!

Let's see if we can "reason together":

Where is GOD THE FATHER Seated, according to Scripture? (Hint: In Heaven)

And wherever THE FATHER IS Seated, is not HIS WORD ("in the bosom of the Father") Seated there, "with" HIM, as well?

And is not THE FATHER'S POWER (THE HOLY GHOST/SPIRIT - Luke 1:35) Seated there, with HIM, as well?

It is written, "No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him. (John 1:18 KJ2000)"

So then, maybe you, meshak, and the person who was actually there when "the earliest of m/s" were actually penned, can collaborate on the questions that I've posed here, and come up with a doctrinally sound answer, so that, as it is written, ". . . in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. (Matthew 18:16 KJV)"


You seem to have very shallow thoughts friend. I am well aware of the powers of Satan. You have no conception of the depth of my faith. I do not expect you to fully see what I post. Hopefully with a. Open mind, you might.

If you're that "well aware of the powers of Satan", then you must be a very willing participant in his demonic doctrine(s).

Biblical "faith" BELIEVES GOD, and conducts itself as though GOD'S WORD IS TRUE/ABSOLUTE TRUTH . . . from Genesis to Revelations . . . and ALL, ALL, ALL, points in between.
But you, keypurr, have a buffet-style approach to THE WRITTEN WORD of GOD; you pick and choose what you believe, and seem to be persuasively swayed by every demonic doctrine that's tossed at you.

Are you SAVED? And if you answer "Yes", then How do you know???


Very nice!!!

Thank You!!!
And likewise ("Today, we are seeing a piecemeal destruction of individual freedom. And in abortion, the statists have found a most effective method of obliterating freedom: obliterating the individual. Abortion on demand is the ultimate State tyranny; the State simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law. The State protects the "right" of some people to kill others, just as the courts protected the "property rights" of slave masters in their slaves. Moreover, by this method the State achieves a goal common to all totalitarian regimes: it sets us against each other, so that our energies are spent in the struggle between State-created classes, rather than in freeing all individuals from the State.")!!!


Jesus has been declared God, like it or not. But none of the synoptic gospels show Jesus making such a blasphemous remark of himself.

"Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone."
--Mark 10:18


The historic Christian Church has always believed and taught the full divinity and full humanity of Jesus Christ (see this).
As a quick survey of traditional Christian history shows, this was not always the case.

The early faith had many different competing ideas of who and what Jesus was and what his teaching meant.

When the early church got in bed with the Roman Empire, Constantine in the 4th century convened a group of bishops from many other nations to hammer out a compromise.

And the "Jesus is both man and God" won out, even though such a declaration cannot be rationally or logically argued.


Jesus has been declared God, like it or not. But none of the synoptic gospels show Jesus making such a blasphemous remark of himself.

"Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone."
--Mark 10:18

Have you not read, "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58 KJV)"?

Oh, but that's right, the book of John is not one of the "synoptic" accounts of the Gospel (singular, as there is only ONE Gospel).

Could it be that Matthew, Mark, and Luke's accounts of THE GOSPEL do not include "Jesus making such a . . . remark of himself", because of the way that each of the writers were portraying JESUS (Matthew>THE MESSIAH; Mark>THE PERFECT Servant; and Luke>THE Son of Man)?

But, again, to your statement,"none of the synoptic gospels show Jesus making such a blasphemous remark of himself", JESUS, so to speak, killed two birds with one stone (words backed up with action), because . . . in each of the Synoptic accounts JESUS did what ONLY GOD Can Do:

"And, behold, they brought to him a man sick, a paralytic, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the paralytic; Son, be of good cheer; your sins be forgiven you. (Matthew 9:2 KJ2000)"

When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the paralytic, Son, your sins be forgiven you. (Mark 2:5 KJ2000)"

And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, your sins are forgiven you. (Luke 5:20 KJ2000)"

And he said unto her, Your sins are forgiven. (Luke 7:48 KJ2000)"

When you do what ONLY GOD can do, its not necessary to make remarks about yourself . . . because others will do it for you!!!


Active member
Have you not read, "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58 KJV)"?

Oh, but that's right, the book of John is not one of the "synoptic" accounts of the Gospel (singular, as there is only ONE Gospel).

Could it be that Matthew, Mark, and Luke's accounts of THE GOSPEL do not include "Jesus making such a . . . remark of himself", because of the way that each of the writers were portraying JESUS (Matthew>THE MESSIAH; Mark>THE PERFECT Servant; and Luke>THE Son of Man)?

But, again, to your statement,"none of the synoptic gospels show Jesus making such a blasphemous remark of himself", JESUS, so to speak, killed two birds with one stone (words backed up with action), because . . . in each of the Synoptic accounts JESUS did what ONLY GOD Can Do:

"And, behold, they brought to him a man sick, a paralytic, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the paralytic; Son, be of good cheer; your sins be forgiven you. (Matthew 9:2 KJ2000)"

When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the paralytic, Son, your sins be forgiven you. (Mark 2:5 KJ2000)"

And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, your sins are forgiven you. (Luke 5:20 KJ2000)"

And he said unto her, Your sins are forgiven. (Luke 7:48 KJ2000)"

When you do what ONLY GOD can do, its not necessary to make remarks about yourself . . . because others will do it for you!!!

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.


Active member
Have you not read, "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58 KJV)"?

To be fair. He was with the Angel.

Acts 7:37-39 37 This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear. 38 This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:


Have you not read, "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58 KJV)"?

Oh, but that's right, the book of John is not one of the "synoptic" accounts of the Gospel (singular, as there is only ONE Gospel).

Could it be that Matthew, Mark, and Luke's accounts of THE GOSPEL do not include "Jesus making such a . . . remark of himself", because of the way that each of the writers were portraying JESUS (Matthew>THE MESSIAH; Mark>THE PERFECT Servant; and Luke>THE Son of Man)?

But, again, to your statement,"none of the synoptic gospels show Jesus making such a blasphemous remark of himself", JESUS, so to speak, killed two birds with one stone (words backed up with action), because . . . in each of the Synoptic accounts JESUS did what ONLY GOD Can Do:

"And, behold, they brought to him a man sick, a paralytic, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the paralytic; Son, be of good cheer; your sins be forgiven you. (Matthew 9:2 KJ2000)"

When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the paralytic, Son, your sins be forgiven you. (Mark 2:5 KJ2000)"

And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, your sins are forgiven you. (Luke 5:20 KJ2000)"

And he said unto her, Your sins are forgiven. (Luke 7:48 KJ2000)"

When you do what ONLY GOD can do, its not necessary to make remarks about yourself . . . because others will do it for you!!!
Along with the wide consensus of biblical scholars, I do not regard John as historical. It demonstrates early theology of the Christian movement.

John--along with Paul--believe that Jesus died for our sins. I guess I miss the connection with Jesus saying he was divine.

To me your red letter quotes from Jesus show that a blood sacrifice was not necessary for atonement of sins.

Jesus and John the Baptizer said forgiveness of sins was only completed by coming before a God of mercy with repentance and a contrite heart.


And the "Jesus is both man and God" won out, even though such a declaration cannot be rationally or logically argued.

Sure it can "be rationally or logically argued" aikido . . . you just have to think outside the finite box of mankind, and go into the infinite mind of GOD.

JESUS CHRIST, THE ETERNAL WORD of GOD, "made flesh" was FATHERED by GOD HIMSELF (John 1:18; 3:16), via HIS SPOKEN WORD impregnating (via THE HOLY GHOST/SPIRIT - Luke 1:35) a human virgin named Mary ("And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy WORD. And the angel departed from her."-Luke 1:38 KJV).

GOD, biologically, is JESUS' FATHER, making JESUS 100% DIVINE/GOD; and

Mary, biologically, is JESUS' Mother, making JESUS 100% Human/Man.


John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

One or two verses, taken out of context. does NOT, NOT, NOT, a Theology nor Doctrine make!

"Believe you not that I am in the Father (Making JESUS Divine/GOD, because HE would have to be Divine/GOD in order to be 'in the Father',), and the Father in me (and making JESUS Human/Man in order for GOD to Indwell HIM)? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works. (John 14:10 KJ2000)"

Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, in All of Scripture, can any human be, "in the Father", except the human be first "in CHRIST" (John 14:6).


Active member
One or two verses, taken out of context. does NOT, NOT, NOT, a Theology nor Doctrine make!

"Believe you not that I am in the Father (Making JESUS Divine/GOD, because HE would have to be Divine/GOD in order to be 'in the Father',), and the Father in me (and making JESUS Human/Man in order for GOD to Indwell HIM)? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works. (John 14:10 KJ2000)"

Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, in All of Scripture, can any human be, "in the Father", except the human be first "in CHRIST" (John 14:6).

Who is the temple made for and who dwells in a temple?

1 Corinthians 6:19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?

Also was not the body of Christ a temple?

John 2:21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body.


Along with the wide consensus of biblical scholars, I do not regard John as historical. It demonstrates early theology of the Christian movement.

John--along with Paul--believe that Jesus died for our sins. I guess I miss the connection with Jesus saying he was divine.

To me your red letter quotes from Jesus show that a blood sacrifice was not necessary for atonement of sins.

Jesus and John the Baptizer said forgiveness of sins was only completed by coming before a God of mercy with repentance and a contrite heart.

Which "biblical scholars"? Did any of these "biblical scholars" actually pen any of Scripture? Are any of the "biblical scholars" among those who taught that it took Noah '120' years to build the Ark, when, in fact, it took him 100 years or less?

JESUS CHRIST'S HUMAN death for the sins of mankind was a done deal "before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20 KJ2000)"; so for HIM to, Divinely, forgive sins prior to the manifestation of HIS HUMAN Sacrificial death was also a done deal "before the foundation of the world".

And since you selectively choose Scripture to believe . . . or not, I "guess" you did!


Active member
Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, in All of Scripture, can any human be, "in the Father", except the human be first "in CHRIST" (John 14:6).

1 Corinthians 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

John 2:21 But he spake of the temple of his body

John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

2 Corinthians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,


Well-known member
Rhetorically, are you asking or telling?

Keypurr, your god must be a chump god . . . especially since he/it can't keep any of his/its words intact, and would allow you to believe such!

Let's see if we can "reason together":

Where is GOD THE FATHER Seated, according to Scripture? (Hint: In Heaven)

And wherever THE FATHER IS Seated, is not HIS WORD ("in the bosom of the Father") Seated there, "with" HIM, as well?

And is not THE FATHER'S POWER (THE HOLY GHOST/SPIRIT - Luke 1:35) Seated there, with HIM, as well?

It is written, "No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him. (John 1:18 KJ2000)"

So then, maybe you, meshak, and the person who was actually there when "the earliest of m/s" were actually penned, can collaborate on the questions that I've posed here, and come up with a doctrinally sound answer, so that, as it is written, ". . . in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. (Matthew 18:16 KJV)"

I would guess that you would need to know who the son is.
I would guess that you don't. But I could be wrong.
The son of man is not a man, do you understand that.
Keep in mind that no one has seen God except the son of man.
Find what the WORD is and you can solve your puzzle.

It easy, you can do it if you try hard. You must see who and what the express image is to solve your questions.

My God is far from being a chump, but we sometime fit that description.


Well-known member
Have you not read, "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58 KJV)"?

Oh, but that's right, the book of John is not one of the "synoptic" accounts of the Gospel (singular, as there is only ONE Gospel).

Could it be that Matthew, Mark, and Luke's accounts of THE GOSPEL do not include "Jesus making such a . . . remark of himself", because of the way that each of the writers were portraying JESUS (Matthew>THE MESSIAH; Mark>THE PERFECT Servant; and Luke>THE Son of Man)?

But, again, to your statement,"none of the synoptic gospels show Jesus making such a blasphemous remark of himself", JESUS, so to speak, killed two birds with one stone (words backed up with action), because . . . in each of the Synoptic accounts JESUS did what ONLY GOD Can Do:

"And, behold, they brought to him a man sick, a paralytic, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the paralytic; Son, be of good cheer; your sins be forgiven you. (Matthew 9:2 KJ2000)"

When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the paralytic, Son, your sins be forgiven you. (Mark 2:5 KJ2000)"

And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, your sins are forgiven you. (Luke 5:20 KJ2000)"

And he said unto her, Your sins are forgiven. (Luke 7:48 KJ2000)"

When you do what ONLY GOD can do, its not necessary to make remarks about yourself . . . because others will do it for you!!!

Was Christ speaking through Jesus?
I would say so. After all Christ was IN Jesus.

Just a thought for you to ponder over.