Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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New member
No, Jesus is not God; Jesus is dead. God does not die. Jesus did and according to his Faith which was Judaism, he will never return from the grave. (Isa. 26:14; II Sam. 12:23; Job 10:21)
Jesus has already returned from the grave.

Acts 4:10
10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.​



Well-known member
God The WORD was incarnate in Jesus when Jesus was born.
Time and again, you show just how little you understand about the clearly defined hypostatic nature of Jesus as shown in Heb 1:3 (NIV)

You may not throw it away but you definitely abuse and eisegete it.

Not do, the WORD (Christ) entered Jesus at his anointing. Acts 10:38.

Your not going to understand Stan. Your not chosen I would guess.


Well-known member
If you believe Jesus is God what are the consequences and vice versa. Anyone can answer as I can generally discern who believes what at this point.

If I believe that Jesus was God that would be breaking the first of the Ten Commandments.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus has already returned from the grave.

Acts 4:10
10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.​

Prove it that Jesus has already returned from the grave. The only thing you have is your faith. Faith cannot be proof of any thing.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Prove it that Jesus has already returned from the grave. The only thing you have is your faith. Faith cannot be proof of any thing.
1 Corinthians 15:3-8 Modern English Version (MEV)

3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: how Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 was buried, rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and was seen by Cephas, and then by the twelve. 6 Then He was seen by over five hundred brothers at once, of whom the greater part remain to this present time, though some have passed away. 7 Then He was seen by James and then by all the apostles. 8 Last of all, He was seen by me also, as by one born at the wrong time.


Does God have parts? I don't know about that friend.
I'm beginning to see the frustrations that others have with you keypurr; Scripture, clearly, speaks of GOD'S "arm (Isa 51:9; Isa 53:1; Joh 12:38)", "hand (Ex 9:3; Ex 16:3; De 2:15; Jos 4:24; Jos 22:31; Jg 2:15; Ru 1:13; 1Sa 5:6,9; 1Sa 7:13; 1Sa 12:15; 2Sa 24:14; 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 3:15; 1Ch 21:13; Ezr 7:6,28; Job 12:9; Ps 75:8; Ps 118:15-16; Pr 21:1; Isa 19:16; Isa 25:10; Isa 41:20; Isa 51:17; Isa 62:3; Isa 66:14; Eze 1:3; Eze 3:14,22; Eze 8:1; Eze 33:22; Eze 37:1; Eze 40:1; Lu 1:66; Ac 11:21; Ac 13:11)", "face (Ge 19:13; 1Sa 26:20; 1Ki 13:6; Ps 34:16; La 2:19; Lu 1:76; 1Pe 3:12)", "back parts (Ex 33:23)", etc., so that we can understand, in proper context, what is actually being stated. So for you to maintain that you "don't know about that", greatly diminishes, either your credibility, or your knowledge . . . or possibly both, of what you purport to know about THE GOD being discussed here.

JESUS CHRIST Prayed a Prayer once, and this is what HE said, ". . . Jesus answered and said, I thank you, O FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth, because YOU have hid these [Spiritual] things from the [worldly] wise and prudent (intelligent), and have revealed them unto [Spiritual] babes. (Matthew 11:25 KJ2000)"

Now that, prayer of JESUS, begs the question, 'What is it about Spiritual "things", that GOD will reveal them only to Spiritual Babies?' The answer is simple: Babies accept what you offer without questions, opinions, suggestions, etc., because they TRUST THE ONE making the Offer. Which is one reason JESUS said, "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. (Luke 18:17 KJV; see also Mark 10:15)"

If you want to know more about Spiritual Things, as well as, in the words of the late Marvin Gaye, "What's going on?", then try approaching GOD as a hungry baby seeking nourishment, rather than a know-it-all adult full of worldly opinions and even worst worldly ideas . . . and you'll begin to discover, as it is written, ". . . Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which GOD has prepared for them that love HIM. (1 Corinthians 2:9 KJ2000)"

On GOD's worst day (if that was possibly), HE IS Infinitely more Brilliant than any of us are on our best day . . . so much so that HE has declared, as it is written, ". . . I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. (1 Corinthians 1:19 KJ2000)".

Isaiah 9.6 has been debated for centuries. I would not trust this verse to build my faith on. Mighty God is seen as Mighty Worror by some.
You have a buffet style approach to Scripture, my friend. You pick and choose what you believe, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:7 KJV)" . . . and that's really bad, because, it is written, ". . . the scripture cannot be broken; (John 10:35 KJ2000)"
Regardless of how a passage "is seen . . . by some", Scripture is its own BEST Interpreter! That said, the world GOD in Isaiah 9:6 is the same word, "'el (THE MOST HIGH GOD)", as found in, Ge 14:18-20,22; Ge 16:13; Ge 17:1; Ge 21:33; Ge 28:3; Ge 31:13,29; Ge 35:1,3,11; Ge 43:14; Ge 46:3; Ge 48:3; Ge 49:25; Ex 6:3; Ex 15:2,11; Ex 20:5; Ex 34:6,14; Nu 12:13; Nu 16:22; Nu 23:8,19,22-23; Nu 24:4,8,16,23; De 3:24; De 4:24,31; De 5:9; De 6:15; De 7:9,21; De 10:17; De 28:32; De 32:4,12,18,21; De 33:26; Jos 3:10; Jos 22:22; Jos 24:19; Jg 9:46; 1Sa 2:3; 2Sa 22:31-33,48; 2Sa 23:5; Ne 1:5; Ne 5:5; Ne 9:31-32; Job 5:8; Job 8:3,5,13,20; Job 9:2; Job 12:6; Job 13:3,7-8; Job 15:4,11,13,25; Job 16:11; Job 18:21; Job 19:22; Job 20:15,29; Job 21:14,22; Job 22:2,13,17; Job 23:16; Job 25:4; Job 27:2,9,11,13; Job 31:14,23,28; Job 32:13; Job 33:4,6,14,29; Job 34:5,10,12,23,31,37; Job 35:2,13; Job 36:5,22,26; Job 37:5,10,14; Job 38:41; Job 40:9,19; Ps 5:4; Ps 7:11; Ps 10:11-12; Ps 16:1; Ps 17:6; Ps 18:2,30,32,47; Ps 19:1; Ps 22:1,10; Ps 29:1,3; Ps 31:5; Ps 36:6; Ps 42:2,8-9; Ps 43:4; Ps 44:20; Ps 50:1; Ps 52:1,5; Ps 55:19; Ps 57:2; Ps 63:1; Ps 68:19-20,24,35; Ps 73:11,17; Ps 74:8; Ps 77:9,13-14; Ps 78:7-8,18-19,34-35,41; Ps 80:10; Ps 81:9; Ps 82:1; Ps 83:1; Ps 84:2; Ps 85:8; Ps 86:15; Ps 89:6-7,26; Ps 90:2; Ps 94:1; Ps 95:3; Ps 99:8; Ps 102:24; Ps 104:21; Ps 106:14,21; Ps 107:11; Ps 118:27-28; Ps 136:26; Ps 139:17,23; Ps 140:6; Ps 146:5; Ps 149:6; Ps 150:1; Pr 3:27; Isa 5:16; Isa 7:14; Isa 8:8,10; Isa 9:6; Isa 10:21; Isa 12:2; Isa 14:13; Isa 31:3; Isa 40:18; Isa 42:5; Isa 43:10,12; Isa 44:10,15,17; Isa 45:14-15,20-22; Isa 46:6,9; Isa 57:5; Jer 32:18; Jer 51:56; La 3:41; Eze 10:5; Eze 28:2,9; Eze 31:11; Eze 32:21; Da 9:4; Da 11:36; Ho 1:10; Ho 11:9,12; Jon 4:2; Mic 2:1; Mic 7:18; Na 1:2; Zec 7:2; Mal 1:9; Mal 2:10-11.

So according to your opinion/belief (and "some"), that's quite a number of "Mighty Worror"s, huh?

Ben Masada

New member
1 Corinthians 15:3-8 Modern English Version (MEV)

3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: how Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 was buried, rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and was seen by Cephas, and then by the twelve. 6 Then He was seen by over five hundred brothers at once, of whom the greater part remain to this present time, though some have passed away. 7 Then He was seen by James and then by all the apostles. 8 Last of all, He was seen by me also, as by one born at the wrong time.

All according to the Scriptures. What Scriptures if there was no NT? If you mean the Tanach, I am all ears. Quote to me in the Tanach where there is any thing about Jesus' resurrection. You can't because there is nothing in there about Jesus.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
All according to the Scriptures. What Scriptures if there was no NT? If you mean the Tanach, I am all ears. Quote to me in the Tanach where there is any thing about Jesus' resurrection. You can't because there is nothing in there about Jesus.

How about the complete Jewish Bible. Stern has it right.


Well-known member
I'm beginning to see the frustrations that others have with you keypurr; Scripture, clearly, speaks of GOD'S "arm (Isa 51:9; Isa 53:1; Joh 12:38)", "hand (Ex 9:3; Ex 16:3; De 2:15; Jos 4:24; Jos 22:31; Jg 2:15; Ru 1:13; 1Sa 5:6,9; 1Sa 7:13; 1Sa 12:15; 2Sa 24:14; 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 3:15; 1Ch 21:13; Ezr 7:6,28; Job 12:9; Ps 75:8; Ps 118:15-16; Pr 21:1; Isa 19:16; Isa 25:10; Isa 41:20; Isa 51:17; Isa 62:3; Isa 66:14; Eze 1:3; Eze 3:14,22; Eze 8:1; Eze 33:22; Eze 37:1; Eze 40:1; Lu 1:66; Ac 11:21; Ac 13:11)", "face (Ge 19:13; 1Sa 26:20; 1Ki 13:6; Ps 34:16; La 2:19; Lu 1:76; 1Pe 3:12)", "back parts (Ex 33:23)", etc., so that we can understand, in proper context, what is actually being stated. So for you to maintain that you "don't know about that", greatly diminishes, either your credibility, or your knowledge . . . or possibly both, of what you purport to know about THE GOD being discussed here.

JESUS CHRIST Prayed a Prayer once, and this is what HE said, ". . . Jesus answered and said, I thank you, O FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth, because YOU have hid these [Spiritual] things from the [worldly] wise and prudent (intelligent), and have revealed them unto [Spiritual] babes. (Matthew 11:25 KJ2000)"

Now that, prayer of JESUS, begs the question, 'What is it about Spiritual "things", that GOD will reveal them only to Spiritual Babies?' The answer is simple: Babies accept what you offer without questions, opinions, suggestions, etc., because they TRUST THE ONE making the Offer. Which is one reason JESUS said, "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. (Luke 18:17 KJV; see also Mark 10:15)"

If you want to know more about Spiritual Things, as well as, in the words of the late Marvin Gaye, "What's going on?", then try approaching GOD as a hungry baby seeking nourishment, rather than a know-it-all adult full of worldly opinions and even worst worldly ideas . . . and you'll begin to discover, as it is written, ". . . Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which GOD has prepared for them that love HIM. (1 Corinthians 2:9 KJ2000)"

On GOD's worst day (if that was possibly), HE IS Infinitely more Brilliant than any of us are on our best day . . . so much so that HE has declared, as it is written, ". . . I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. (1 Corinthians 1:19 KJ2000)".

You have a buffet style approach to Scripture, my friend. You pick and choose what you believe, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:7 KJV)" . . . and that's really bad, because, it is written, ". . . the scripture cannot be broken; (John 10:35 KJ2000)"
Regardless of how a passage "is seen . . . by some", Scripture is its own BEST Interpreter! That said, the world GOD in Isaiah 9:6 is the same word, "'el (THE MOST HIGH GOD)", as found in, Ge 14:18-20,22; Ge 16:13; Ge 17:1; Ge 21:33; Ge 28:3; Ge 31:13,29; Ge 35:1,3,11; Ge 43:14; Ge 46:3; Ge 48:3; Ge 49:25; Ex 6:3; Ex 15:2,11; Ex 20:5; Ex 34:6,14; Nu 12:13; Nu 16:22; Nu 23:8,19,22-23; Nu 24:4,8,16,23; De 3:24; De 4:24,31; De 5:9; De 6:15; De 7:9,21; De 10:17; De 28:32; De 32:4,12,18,21; De 33:26; Jos 3:10; Jos 22:22; Jos 24:19; Jg 9:46; 1Sa 2:3; 2Sa 22:31-33,48; 2Sa 23:5; Ne 1:5; Ne 5:5; Ne 9:31-32; Job 5:8; Job 8:3,5,13,20; Job 9:2; Job 12:6; Job 13:3,7-8; Job 15:4,11,13,25; Job 16:11; Job 18:21; Job 19:22; Job 20:15,29; Job 21:14,22; Job 22:2,13,17; Job 23:16; Job 25:4; Job 27:2,9,11,13; Job 31:14,23,28; Job 32:13; Job 33:4,6,14,29; Job 34:5,10,12,23,31,37; Job 35:2,13; Job 36:5,22,26; Job 37:5,10,14; Job 38:41; Job 40:9,19; Ps 5:4; Ps 7:11; Ps 10:11-12; Ps 16:1; Ps 17:6; Ps 18:2,30,32,47; Ps 19:1; Ps 22:1,10; Ps 29:1,3; Ps 31:5; Ps 36:6; Ps 42:2,8-9; Ps 43:4; Ps 44:20; Ps 50:1; Ps 52:1,5; Ps 55:19; Ps 57:2; Ps 63:1; Ps 68:19-20,24,35; Ps 73:11,17; Ps 74:8; Ps 77:9,13-14; Ps 78:7-8,18-19,34-35,41; Ps 80:10; Ps 81:9; Ps 82:1; Ps 83:1; Ps 84:2; Ps 85:8; Ps 86:15; Ps 89:6-7,26; Ps 90:2; Ps 94:1; Ps 95:3; Ps 99:8; Ps 102:24; Ps 104:21; Ps 106:14,21; Ps 107:11; Ps 118:27-28; Ps 136:26; Ps 139:17,23; Ps 140:6; Ps 146:5; Ps 149:6; Ps 150:1; Pr 3:27; Isa 5:16; Isa 7:14; Isa 8:8,10; Isa 9:6; Isa 10:21; Isa 12:2; Isa 14:13; Isa 31:3; Isa 40:18; Isa 42:5; Isa 43:10,12; Isa 44:10,15,17; Isa 45:14-15,20-22; Isa 46:6,9; Isa 57:5; Jer 32:18; Jer 51:56; La 3:41; Eze 10:5; Eze 28:2,9; Eze 31:11; Eze 32:21; Da 9:4; Da 11:36; Ho 1:10; Ho 11:9,12; Jon 4:2; Mic 2:1; Mic 7:18; Na 1:2; Zec 7:2; Mal 1:9; Mal 2:10-11.

So according to your opinion/belief (and "some"), that's quite a number of "Mighty Worror"s, huh?

I see God as a spiritual being friend. Did not Jesus say he was a spirit? That would make his express image a spirit also. You forgot to include the finger of God in your post. But does God have fingers? Maybe?

The Father has hidden the truth from certain people. Not everyone will find it. Dis you forget that many are called but few are chosen. Who are the few that are chosen? It just be the folks who see things as a baby does. I agree with that. Sometimes we look to deep and miss the message. But that is just being human.

I sincerely believe that God has blessed me with a certain knowledge of him. Do I know it all, no, I am a long way from that. But I am very comfortable in the thoughts he has given me over the years.

We all pick and chose the verses to build our faith on, I am not different. But I have seen things as a little child would and it has made a huge difference in my thoughts. Like the express image of God, I overlooked that for sixty years or more.i just could not see God creating an exact copy of himself. But after a study, it is right there in his words.

Most of the time when I post verses I post the verse itself. I do not list them as you did, no one would take the time to read them that way. I have a great Bible program that I got on the web.
If you do not have one this is great and it is free, a guy named Rick Myers put a lot of time and effort to make this for us.

Got to go out, might be gone for a day or two, but I will keep checking to see who is still here.


No, Jesus is not God; Jesus is dead. God does not die. Jesus did and according to his Faith which was Judaism, he will never return from the grave. (Isa. 26:14; II Sam. 12:23; Job 10:21)

If what you claim is true, then:
1) 11 of JESUS' Disciples (and later on, the Apostle Paul) died for a lie (JESUS CHRIST'S RESURRECTION), that they KNEW was a lie!
2) 1Corinthians 15:6 is a lie, because it claims that more people saw THE RESURRECTED JESUS CHRIST than all the people who saw the assassinated Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, [JF]Kennedy, [ML]King, and [RF]Kennedy.
3) All of Scripture is a lie, because ALL of Scripture's CENTERPIECE is JESUS CHRIST, THE WORD of GOD.

BTW, in their proper context, Isaiah 26:14 talks about "other lords (humans rulers) . . . are dead...";
2Samuel 12:23, is about David's infant son that he had with Bathsheba;
and Job 10:21, is Job speaking about his own death.

None of the passages you reference refer to JESUS CHRIST
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
JESUS CHRIST Prayed a Prayer once said:
Jesus answered and said, I thank you, O FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth, because YOU have hid these[/B] [Spiritual] things from the [worldly] wise and prudent (intelligent), and have revealed them unto [Spiritual] babes. (Matthew 11:25 KJ2000)"

Now that, prayer of JESUS, begs the question, 'What is it about Spiritual "things", that GOD will reveal them only to Spiritual Babies?' The answer is simple: Babies accept what you offer without questions, opinions, suggestions, etc., because they TRUST THE ONE making the Offer. Which is one reason JESUS said, "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. (Luke 18:17 KJV; see also Mark 10:15)"

If you want to know more about Spiritual Things, as well as, in the words of the late Marvin Gaye, "What's going on?", then try approaching GOD as a hungry baby seeking nourishment, rather than a know-it-all adult full of worldly opinions and even worst worldly ideas . . . and you'll begin to discover, as it is written, ". . . Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which GOD has prepared for them that love HIM. (1 Corinthians 2:9 KJ2000)"

On GOD's worst day (if that was possibly), HE IS Infinitely more Brilliant than any of us are on our best day . . . so much so that HE has declared, as it is written, ". . . I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. (1 Corinthians 1:19 KJ2000)".

Good post


New member
No, Jesus is not God; Jesus is dead. God does not die. Jesus did and according to his Faith which was Judaism, he will never return from the grave. (Isa. 26:14; II Sam. 12:23; Job 10:21)

Well that would be a typically Jewish response, but Christians KNOW Jesus rose from the dead and now LIVES at the right hand of the Father.

Matt 28:6 (NIV)


New member
How one TheologyOnline poster "rightly divides" the Bible is always different from how other TheologyOnline posters "rightly divide."
Read the replies on any thread on this website and see.
"Rightly divide" is an interpretation. An opinion. A judgement.
And everyone has one.

a POV is not rightly dividing. Many PsOV are wrong not right.

Only those who don't want to commit to anyone else's proper understanding would say this.


New member
About twenty years ago I left.
No one cares for your thoughts Stan.

and when was it you had all these revelations about God?

Sure you go ahead and believe that keypurr. It consistently shows how BAD your judgement and understanding is.