Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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New member
If I believe that Jesus was God that would be breaking the first of the Ten Commandments.

Actually you have that backwards...the fact that you don't believe Jesus is God breaks the first commandment.

Ex 20 says; I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD. (1st Commandment)
Ex 3 says; I AM WHO I AM.

God's Truth

New member
What else does Jesus say?

Matthew 11:27
27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.​

Think about it.

How do you ever get that you disproved something?

Jesus says he is the First and the Last.

Don't you believe Jesus?

God the Father says He is the First and the Last.

Don't you believe Him?


Well-known member
Our faith is to INCLUDE what the Bible says, not what keypurr says.

Faith is built on input from many sources, but scripture is most important. Keypurr just points out what he sees in scripture, it is up to each to do what they will with it.


Well-known member
and when was it you had all these revelations about God?

Sure you go ahead and believe that keypurr. It consistently shows how BAD your judgement and understanding is.

My thoughts on the express image came to me about three years ago. That changed a lot of my thinking, it is positive proof that the trinity is a false doctrine. It is proof that Christ is a created spiritual being for he is the exact image of the Father.


Why is that a problem?

It saves folks from looking it up.

Wow keypurr! You come to a public forum to argue, debate, and/or discuss, Scripture and/or Theology . . . and your major concern is to not have to look up Scripture that you obviously don't know exists.

On my computer, in this forum, I don't, necessarily, have to look up any Scripture; all I have to do is to place my cursor over a referenced passage and that passage magically appears for my consideration!

You have shown, with your most recent responses to me, why you're so very misguided in your beliefs: Your entire theology is based on a few passages (and inaccurately at that), rather than being properly based on the entirety of Scripture itself.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My thoughts on the express image came to me about three years ago. That changed a lot of my thinking, it is positive proof that the trinity is a false doctrine. It is proof that Christ is a created spiritual being for he is the exact image of the Father.

That is the proof that your theory is false. In your theory Christ is not divine.


Well-known member
Wow keypurr! You come to a public forum to argue, debate, and/or discuss, Scripture and/or Theology . . . and your major concern is to not have to look up Scripture that you obviously don't know exists.

On my computer, in this forum, I don't, necessarily, have to look up any Scripture; all I have to do is to place my cursor over a referenced passage and that passage magically appears for my consideration!

You have shown, with your most recent responses to me, why you're so very misguided in your beliefs: Your entire theology is based on a few passages (and inaccurately at that), rather than being properly based on the entirety of Scripture itself.

Are you telling me you can remember every word in all thoes verses in you post? I don't think you can. I know you can display the verse by putting the cursor over it, but who needs to read 100 verses at a time to prove any point? Besides, I can post the verse in 30 translations to see the content.

Over the years I have read the Bible at least 12-15 times and every time I do I see something new of interest. But at close to being eighty years old I can not retain everything I have learned. But I do have a great computer program to help me.

Five years ago I might agree that I have misguided beliefs, but that is not so now. As you said yourself we must see God as a child would. That is not easy to do friend for we know to much.

As for my thoughts, they are formulated from my years of study and what God has blessed me with. It was not easy to discard what you have been taught all your life, and it was costly for me also. But when you feel so strong about what God seems to tell you, you just got to let go and let GOD run your life. I assure that my thoughts are based on my years of prayer and research. Not just a few verses.


Are you telling me you can remember every word in all thoes verses in you post? I don't think you can. I know you can display the verse by putting the cursor over it, but who needs to read 100 verses at a time to prove any point? Besides, I can post the verse in 30 translations to see the content.

Over the years I have read the Bible at least 12-15 times and every time I do I see something new of interest. But at close to being eighty years old I can not retain everything I have learned. But I do have a great computer program to help me.

Five years ago I might agree that I have misguided beliefs, but that is not so now. As you said yourself we must see God as a child would. That is not easy to do friend for we know to much.

As for my thoughts, they are formulated from my years of study and what God has blessed me with. It was not easy to discard what you have been taught all your life, and it was costly for me also. But when you feel so strong about what God seems to tell you, you just got to let go and let GOD run your life. I assure that my thoughts are based on my years of prayer and research. Not just a few verses.

Keypurr, have you not read, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed (can disguise himself) into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14 KJ2000)".

Your unbelief of certain Scripture makes you ripe for Satan's deception and a, more than prime, prospect for destruction, just as it is written, "The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy... (John 10:10a KJ2000)"

It doesn't matter how many times you've been through The Bible, your concern should be, How many time has The Bible (THE WORD of GOD) been through you!


New member
Wow keypurr! You come to a public forum to argue, debate, and/or discuss, Scripture and/or Theology . . . and your major concern is to not have to look up Scripture that you obviously don't know exists.

On my computer, in this forum, I don't, necessarily, have to look up any Scripture; all I have to do is to place my cursor over a referenced passage and that passage magically appears for my consideration!

You have shown, with your most recent responses to me, why you're so very misguided in your beliefs: Your entire theology is based on a few passages (and inaccurately at that), rather than being properly based on the entirety of Scripture itself.

You now see what we ALL have seen for a long time.


New member
Faith is built on input from many sources, but scripture is most important. Keypurr just points out what he sees in scripture, it is up to each to do what they will with it.

So even though you do use the KJV sometimes you don't believe it either in this regard?

Rom 10:17
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

How predictable.


New member
My thoughts on the express image came to me about three years ago. That changed a lot of my thinking, it is positive proof that the trinity is a false doctrine. It is proof that Christ is a created spiritual being for he is the exact image of the Father.

So it took God that many years to get through to you or you finally succumbed to the enemies lies?

Laidlaw wrote in the Hastings' Bible Dictionary;
the special function of creating and upholding the universe is ascribed to Christ under His titles of Word, Image, and Son, respectively. The kind of Creatorship so predicated of Him is not that of a mere instrument or artificer in the formation of the world, but that of One 'by whom, in whom, and for whom' all things are made, and through whom they subsist. This implies the assertion of His true and absolute Godhood"

The Greek uses the word χαρακτήρ (charaktēr) which is properly rendered in modern English as EXACT REPRESENTATION. What you infer from the KJV is that the Greek word is χάραγμα (charagma) which connotes a carved image, as found in Acts 17:29, which BTW actually also addresses you issue, but I'm sure you won't accept what Paul says there either. Another example of why you should defer to people of superior knowledge to KNOW what the original Greek conveys if you did get it in your KJV English or any other English for that matter.
That you don't see the difference after many years of being told shows just how deceived you have been made by this so called thought, that came to you.


Well-known member
So it took God that many years to get through to you or you finally succumbed to the enemies lies?

Laidlaw wrote in the Hastings' Bible Dictionary;
the special function of creating and upholding the universe is ascribed to Christ under His titles of Word, Image, and Son, respectively. The kind of Creatorship so predicated of Him is not that of a mere instrument or artificer in the formation of the world, but that of One 'by whom, in whom, and for whom' all things are made, and through whom they subsist. This implies the assertion of His true and absolute Godhood"

The Greek uses the word χαρακτήρ (charaktēr) which is properly rendered in modern English as EXACT REPRESENTATION. What you infer from the KJV is that the Greek word is χάραγμα (charagma) which connotes a carved image, as found in Acts 17:29, which BTW actually also addresses you issue, but I'm sure you won't accept what Paul says there either. Another example of why you should defer to people of superior knowledge to KNOW what the original Greek conveys if you did get it in your KJV English or any other English for that matter.
That you don't see the difference after many years of being told shows just how deceived you have been made by this so called thought, that came to you.

I am not impressed with what Laidlaw wrote Stan.

There are more translation showing my thoughts Stan. Exact representation, express image are pretty much the sam thing. God created a copy of himself and gave it his fullness. This is his spiritual son through which God created all.

Why do they not discuss the express image in the churches?

Because they are deaf and dumb to the truth in God's book. They swallow the traditions that were at one time forced onto the church. You vigorously promote the breaking of God's first commandment. There is only one true God. If Jesus went to his God then he is not God. Jesus was born, created in Mary. He did not exist before he was born. It was the Christ in him that laid the foundation of the Universe. Its time for you to think about the spiritual world Stan.


Keypurr, have you not read, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed (can disguise himself) into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14 KJ2000)".

Your unbelief of certain Scripture makes you ripe for Satan's deception and a, more than prime, prospect for destruction, just as it is written, "The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy... (John 10:10a KJ2000)"

It doesn't matter how many times you've been through The Bible, your concern should be, How many time has The Bible (THE WORD of GOD) been through you!

It can be said about you too, friend.


It can be said about you too, friend.

"It can be said about you too," meshak.

BTW, Do you, like keypurr, deny and/or not believe, "For there are THREE that bear witness in heaven, THE FATHER, THE WORD, and THE HOLY SPIRIT: and THESE THREE ARE ONE. (1 John 5:7 KJ2000)"


"It can be said about you too," meshak.

BTW, Do you, like keypurr, deny and/or not believe, "For there are THREE that bear witness in heaven, THE FATHER, THE WORD, and THE HOLY SPIRIT: and THESE THREE ARE ONE. (1 John 5:7 KJ2000)"

This is not saying those three make one God. You are adding your own assumption.


New member
I am not impressed with what Laidlaw wrote Stan.

There are more translation showing my thoughts Stan. Exact representation, express image are pretty much the sam thing. God created a copy of himself and gave it his fullness. This is his spiritual son through which God created all.

Why do they not discuss the express image in the churches?

Because they are deaf and dumb to the truth in God's book. They swallow the traditions that were at one time forced onto the church. You vigorously promote the breaking of God's first commandment. There is only one true God. If Jesus went to his God then he is not God. Jesus was born, created in Mary. He did not exist before he was born. It was the Christ in him that laid the foundation of the Universe. Its time for you to think about the spiritual world Stan.

Your assertions don't cut it keypurr, especially when you NEVER support them with ANY kind of corroboration. Are there ANY Uni scholars? I don't believe so.
It's time for you to actually THINK keypurr.