Jesus' followers' hope and goal: peaceful new earth.

Ben Masada

New member
Paul explained that the physical Jerusalem was like the son of Hagar, the servant girl, but the Jerusalem above is free and is the REAL Jerusalem.

This is the introduction to the Pauline policy of Replacement Theology. The truth of the matter is that the son of physical and spiritual Jerusalem are both represented by the son of the free woman Sara aka the Jews.

These things stand as a SYMBOLIC DRAMA; for these women mean two covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar. Now this Hagar means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem ABOVE is free, and she is our mother." (Galatians 4:22-26)

The son of the slave woman Hagah gave origin to the Muslims and Gentiles in general. Hagar did not mean "Sinai" but Arabia. Sinai meant the place where the Sinaitic Covenant was made with Israel aka the Jewish People. And the New Covenant which was made in Jerusalem with Israel and Judah belonged also to the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jer. 31:31)

Have you not seen the references to HEAVENLY Mt. Zion in the Bible? (Revelation 14:1; Hebrews 12:22)

Here, the Pauline policy of Replacement Theology was fully in process.

And where is Jesus today? He is where Paul said he was in his own day. Heavenly Mt. Zion. "You have approached a Mount Zion and a city of the living God, HEAVENLY JERUSALEM, and myriads of angels." (Heb.12:22)

Today, Jesus is dead except for the gospel of Paul who fabricated the resurrection of Jesus if you read II Tim. 2:8.

"For Christ entered, not into a holy place made with hands, which is a COPY of the reality, but into heaven itself, now to appear before the person of God for us." (Heb.9:24)

And from here, Paul gave origin to the Greek myth of the demigod which is the son of a god with an earthly woman.(Mat. 1:18) Now, please, if you intend to refute what I have said above, I ask at least for the discency to quote the evidences.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
You say we must obey Jesu's commands...but you do not obey His commands

He said you must be saved.....but you are not saved
He said ye must be born again....but you are not born again
He said you must love the brethren....but you do not love the brethren

Yeah, Meshak has said, she doesn't know if she's saved? However, she's trying her best to earn her way to Heaven.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
When you say forever what authority are you quoting?

There was no promise to Adam of heaven, but there is to us. Jesus said "I go away to prepare a place for you and I will come and take you unto Myself that you might be where I am"

"In My Father's house are many mansions behold I go to prepare a place for you"

He didn't go to Jerusalem did He?

Again He says "blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven....blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth"

Don't kid yourself that you and shackles are have fangs when it comes to the church.

So you count yourself OUT of heaven and you talk yourself out of inheriting the earth.

Totton Linnet

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I am wondering why most self-proclaimed Christians object to the idea of the Christian congregation REPLACING Israel as God's spokesman. Wouldn't it be the reasonable thing to do to replace the group that rejected the redemption plan, and choose another group to carry on the work? Can someone answer this?

"Jesus said to them [the chief priests and elders], 'Did you never read in the Scriptures, "The stone which the builders rejected, this became the chief cornerstone; this came about from the LORD, and it is marvelous in our eyes"? Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU and given to a people, producing the fruit of it.'" (Matthew 21:42,43, NASB)

"After they [Barnabas and Paul] had stopped speaking, James answered, saying, 'Brethren, listen to me. Simeon has related how God first concerned Himself about taking from among the GENTILES a people for His name.'" (Acts 15:13,14, NASB)


What if it is God who proclaims us His children? Did the Christian congregation replace Israel? as His spokesman [YOU say, I don't]

Did it?

Then why do you reject God's spokesman? for you reject the Christian congregation supposing the Jw's who arose barely 150 years ago to be the only true congregation.

The Jews did NOT reject Jesus see, the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus and that is to who Christ said "the builders rejected etc" The ordinary folks received Him gladly, they flocked to Him.

After Pentecost they flocked back to the apostles, it was a MIGHTY assembly THIS is the Israel to who Paul teaches we are fellow citizens of their commonwealth and co-heirs and partakers of their promises.

The church has not replaced the natural branches we have been grafted in along with them to the olive....

....and those who were grafted out will be grafted back in. The earthly kingdom you talk so much about is THEIRS. So you evil speak the church and so forfeit the heavenly portion and you evil speak the Jews who are the earthly portion.


It is amazing why so many Christians dismiss or disregard those wonderful prophesy.

It is no wonder why most churches endorse joining the military and get involved with the politics.


New member
The Throne Christ now sits on is the same Throne He reigns from when the Kingdom of God reigns over the nations(left) after His return.

Do you intentionally contradict scripture or do you just not understand?

And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. (Zechariah 14:16)​


My friend gave me his perspective about whole this. And I have been thinking about it.

I believe there is going to be new heaven and new earth like bible says.

but it really does not matter where we end up.

What matter is that His followers will have loving and peaceful earth and heaven. This is what we need to evangelize to the world.

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HI Meshak,

I'll weigh in on this,

I understand the point your trying to make about these prophesies and promises of God. To look at them and entertain that they might be ours some day is a Joyful topic. I don't know why people don't understand that, "all the promises of God are ye in Him."

With that said, today, all those prophesies and promises are the furthest thing from my mind. Example, when a football player is in the heat of the moment, playing, running, blocking, tackling, is he thinking about the things he will acquire a year from now, even though they are his? No, it's not time for that thinking as he's playing or being a football player. Same as we being called out to follow Christ. What matters and what we should be thinking about is the "playing", or the "being" a Christian. What is that? A continual state of surrender to Him! If we are in that state of a continual surrender, we won't think of getting anything in return. Example, if you were on a battle field and the enemy has his foot on your throat, and you make the decision to surrender your life to Him, you wouldn't say, "here are my terms of surrender, you don't have any rights at that point." True surrender "CAN"T" have any expectations of anything in return! Thats the hard part about Saving Faith or "pisteuo".

Of course the christian world today is "the vending machine jesus. Put in the coin and out comes the blessing.
Or the jesus on the street corner, hat in hand, begging for people to accept Him. Those are false paths, but very, very, popular.


Thank you Faither for your perspective.

I understand what you are saying. But what do we say when we evangelize? Jesus commands us to tell to the world about God's kingdom.

We need to know what we are doing to evangelize.

Knowing what we are hoping for as Jesus' followers, it will be convincing to non-believers. At least they know why we are evangelizing.


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Thank you Faither for your perspective.

I understand what you are saying. But what do we say when we evangelize? Jesus commands us to tell to the world about God's kingdom.

We need to know what we are doing to evangelize.

Knowing what we are hoping for as Jesus' followers, it will be convincing to non-believers. At least they know why we are evangelizing.


You are not gathering you are scattering, you neither enter yourself and those who would enter you stop...just like the Pharisees


Thank you Faither for your perspective.

I understand what you are saying. But what do we say when we evangelize? Jesus commands us to tell to the world about God's kingdom.

We need to know what we are doing to evangelize.

Knowing what we are hoping for as Jesus' followers, it will be convincing to non-believers. At least they know why we are evangelizing.


I carry the message to others, because when i do, i feel Him flow through me. I never evangelized to get that feeling, i evangelized and the feeling was there. The problem is, when the feeling isn't there any more and his nature isn't as obvious, will we still carry His message. The message of Grace through Faith! What He did is Grace, what we do is Faithing or pisteuo.


I carry the message to others, because when i do, i feel Him flow through me. I never evangelized to get that feeling, i evangelized and the feeling was there. The problem is, when the feeling isn't there any more and his nature isn't as obvious, will we still carry His message. The message of Grace through Faith! What He did is Grace, what we do is Faithing or pisteuo.

It is good that you have confidence when you evangelize. that's what we all should have without sound like arrogant.:)