Jesus is the express image of the invisible God.
He is a man as the Bible says He is.
Jesus is the Word of God made flesh.
Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Can you show us where the scripture says, "Jesus is the Word of God made flesh" ???
I do not find that statement anywhere so it is rather your interpretation of what you believe it should say. Keypurr is right, (and Hi Keypurr! ), because as Paul says, "All flesh is not the same flesh", (and what follows that statement in the context proves what follows herein). And how many times must these same things be addressed to the same people before they will open their spiritual eyes? You say in the same breath, "Jesus is a man", and yet, "Jesus is the Word of God made flesh", but they cannot both be true because the Spirit of the Holy One descended in somatiko-corporeal-bodily form like a Dove at the immersion of the man Yeshua, (Luke 3:22). You have a corporeal Jesus, a corporeal Word, and a corporeal Holy Spirit, (if indeed you believe that should be the rendering of Luke 3:22, but it is not likely "Holy Spirit, but rather "the Spirit of the Holy One").