Active member
Watchtower 10/1/1994 p. 8
All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.
I've studied with them and been to their bible class once. They are programed and very much like robots.
That statement doesn't support your initial claim and is quite different to what you initially claimed. "Jehovah Witnesses are told they cannot understand the bible without the Society to explain it to them".
The faithful and discreet slave or governing body are responsible for the religious instruction and doctrinal matters related to the Jehovahs Witnesses and the congregations. In this respect they operate exactly as the first governing body did in Jerusalem that was made up of faithul apostles like Peter and Paul. If there was no 'Organization' then there could only be disunity which has plagued Christianity for millenia hence the various Schism such as the East West Schism of 1054, or the Reformation of early 16th/17th Century. No rorganization can operate properly if multiple viewpoints/agendas existed, which rings true of religious or secular organisations.
This arrangement is no different to the Catholic Church whose leadership is provided by the Vatican who sit at the top of their Church hierachy. Likewise just as a business or corporation operates led by a board of directors, those directors would be responsible for matters related to the organization and its structure while providing leadership. That doesnt mean the board is responsible for regulating every minute aspect of their employees behavior the same way the Catholic Church cannot completely regulate the behavior of its adherents. Thus its disingenous reasoning to claim Witnesses are 'programmed like robots'. Not even the US military the worlds most powerfullest army is able to 'programme like robots' the behavior of their personnel. So i'm afraid your claim is simply untrue.
Ultimately Jesus is the head of the congregation. The faithful and discreet slave provide ALL religious instruction and guidance from the Bible as THE ONLY authority, taking into account Jesus headship. If you believe the Bible to be Gods own inspired word then you should have no problem with this arrangement which is entirely supported in Gods own word the Bible.