Jesus CANNOT be Jehovah/YHVH God

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And since jews claiming Yahushua changed the customs of Moses delivered to them was FALSE WITNESS meant to slander Stephen Acts 6:13-14 it remains ONE LAW for jew and goyim it was when the church was in the wilderness...

Confirmed by the Jerusalem Council as all 4 requirements were already in the OT for goyim...3 of which regarding dietary laws...all pleasing to the Holy Spirit of even James concludes the council expecting goyim to keep hearing Moses preached and read in every city EVERY SABBATH...Acts 15:21
Nope. The Mosaic Law has been completed, taken out of the way, nailed to Christ's cross. The Church is now under the New Testament law.... with the liberty to view everyday the same .... and the ONLY limitations on dietary things are: things strangled, and blood.


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Which, again, leads back to my question:

Did God command Jesus to lie about the commandments being Jesus' commandments?
Of course not. Nor did God command Jesus to lie, when Jesus asked "what did MOSES command you". The "lawgivers" are, Moses and Jesus of Nazareth. The LAW was commanded TO THEM, by their God, Jehovah/YHVH.


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Explaining the Trinity
by Tim Staples


I challenge people to actually thoroughly read that article and then comment please.

Having read through most of it, I found it the same ole same ole stuff that a student of scripture would find bewildering.

When you pull a couple of verses out of scripture and force it to say something that contradicts other scriptures, and think you are right, well, is it worth anyone's effort to straighten out the mess that that kind of thinking generates?

I have tried, but to no avail

To try again for people who stubbornly refuse to even consider scriptures that contradict their private interpretation is not worth anyone's time

It might be fun sometimes, but is generally fruitless.

" Jesus "breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit..." (John 20:22). "

The KJV correctly has the word "them" in italics because there is no corresponding Greek word there.

the word "en" should be translated "in" not "on"

Therefore their conclusion is wrong because their premise is wrong.

Of course, that won't stop a trinitarian, why should any scripture stop a trinitarian from thinking they are right?

And then there is the statement:

"God is not revealed to "be" love in any other religion in the world other than Christianity because in order for there to be love, there must be a beloved. "

My emphasis in the bold characters. So where does scripture teach that?

So as is typical, trinitarians will out and out contradict what God says of himself in scripture.

God is love I John 4:8 He does not someone to love to be himself.

He is what He is without anyone to assist him.

God is love whether there is anyone to love or not.
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Of course not. Nor did God command Jesus to lie, when Jesus asked "what did MOSES command you". The "lawgivers" are, Moses and Jesus of Nazareth. The LAW was commanded TO THEM, by their God, Jehovah/YHVH.
So then you agree, that Jesus is God, because the commandments are God's commandments, because Jesus called them His (Jesus') commandments.

Thank you for conceding that Jesus is God.


Well-known member
Having read through most of it, I found it the same ole same ole stuff that a student of scripture would find bewildering.

When you pull a couple of verses out of scripture and force it to say something that contradicts other scriptures, and think you are right, well, is it worth anyone's effort to straighten out the mess that that kind of thinking generates?

I have tried, but to no avail

To try again for people who stubbornly refuse to even consider scriptures that contradict their private interpretation is not worth anyone's time

It might be fun sometimes, but is generally fruitless.

" Jesus "breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit..." (John 20:22). "

The KJV correctly has the word "them" in italics because there is no corresponding Greek word there.

the word "en" should be translated "in" not "on"

Therefore their conclusion is wrong because their premise is wrong.

Of course, that won't stop a trinitarian, why should any scripture stop a trinitarian from thinking they are right?

And then there is the statement:

"God is not revealed to "be" love in any other religion in the world other than Christianity because in order for there to be love, there must be a beloved. "

My emphasis in the bold characters. So where does scripture teach that?

So as is typical, trinitarians will out and out contradict what God says of himself in scripture.

God is love I John 4:8 He does not someone to love to be himself.

He is what He is without anyone to assist him.

God is love whether there is anyone to love or not.

Seems to me that the RC thinks God would be lost without the RC's to hold His hand


Active member
So then you agree, that Jesus is God, because the commandments are God's commandments, because Jesus called them His (Jesus') commandments.

Thank you for conceding that Jesus is God.
For the sake of those reading these posts, there isn't any point discussing this utterly dishonest post.
Any objective reader (non-troll) can see for themselves the distortions of this post.


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For the sake of those reading these posts, there isn't any point discussing this utterly dishonest post.
Any objective reader (non-troll) can see for themselves the distortions of this post.

Dartman = :allsmile:

You say I'm dishonest, but you won't show how.

My assertion is that Jesus calls the commandments given to Moses "My commandments" BECAUSE THEY ARE HIS.

But they are God's commandments, because God put them onto the stone tablets for Moses, they aren't Moses' commandments, they are God's.

Either Jesus is God, and was telling the truth that the commandments are His commandments, or Jesus is a liar, and was lying about the commandments being His commandments, because His God told Him to lie about it.

Those are the only two options.

I challenge you to come up with a third.

If you cannot, then you must concede one of the two above options.

Here are the consequences of those two options, for you to consider:

Consequence 1 (Jesus is God): Your entire worldview is destroyed, and you need to reconsider almost everything you believe.

Consequence 2 (Jesus is a liar): The ENTIRE Bible should be discarded or at the very least, seriously revised, as the main character in the New Testament, who was prophesied to come repeatedly in the Old Testament, is shown to be a liar, which puts everything He taught into question. It also means that God Himself cannot be trusted.


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"commandmentS", are "sayings", are "the word" which they heard ..... NONE of those originated with Jesus, they originated with the Father.

What (if anything) do you think you mean by "originated with", here? Obviously, since that's YOUR phrase, and not the Bible's, you'll need to try to explain what (if anything) you think you mean when you say that "NONE of those originated with Jesus".

In John 14:24 KJV, Jesus says:

He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

He did NOT say:

He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and [my sayings are] not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

Clearly, Jesus refers to His sayings as "my sayings" (τοὺς λόγους μου--"the words of me"). Do you wish to deny that the words of Jesus are of Jesus?


Well-known member
Jesus said his Father is "the ONLY true God".
My Bible says that He was in the world, the world was made by Him and the world knew Him not. You're of the world.
Of course I can. The Jesus I know personally is the "Jesus" preached by the apostles. In contrast to a trinitarian, or a oneness "Jesus".
No, you pretend to know things ABOUT Him, because if you knew Him, He'd lead you to knowledge and understanding of His Word, which clearly shows Him being God, in The Flesh. The spirit you have is a lying spirit of religion, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with God. It is pretending to be God to keep you from Jesus' Presence.


Active member
You say I'm dishonest, but you won't show how.
Your posts show how.
JR said:
My assertion is that Jesus calls the commandments given to Moses "My commandments" BECAUSE THEY ARE HIS.
Where do you find this in Scripture?
Jesus NEVER called the commandments given to Moses "My commandments".
Jesus stated the origin of the commandments JESUS received, was his God.
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Active member
My Bible says that He was in the world, the world was made by Him and the world knew Him not.
And, he sent his apostles "into the world" exactly like his God sent Jesus "into the world".
John 17:18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

A said:
You're of the world.
Of course not.

I am in the world, but not of the world.

Tell me, what do you think that means?


Active member
What (if anything) do you think you mean by "originated with", here?
Obviously, Jehovah/YHVH God is the source of the words (logos) Jesus spoke..... at least, according to JESUS the logos he spoke and the apostles heard, was his GOD's logos.
John 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings (logos): and the word (logos) which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.


New member
Nope. The Mosaic Law has been completed, taken out of the way, nailed to Christ's cross.
aww man....sooo close...what was taken away was the hand written ordinances like a ticket ordnance to the law you broke...the ticket to you is paid the law believe lying jews that claimed Stephen taught yahushua changed the customs delivered by Moses...that was jewish FALSE WITNESS and desperate attempt to Stephen did NOT teach that...

The Church is now under the New Testament law....
yup...and His last will and testament was written PRIOR HIS DEATH...after which it is changes after the testator is dead...that NEW TESTAMENT is what He taught and HOW HE LIVED...demonstrated...and asked us to follow HIM HIS WAY...if we love Him

with the liberty to view everyday the same ....
Romans 14 is about diet fasting traditions NOTHING about the Sabbath there...

and the ONLY limitations on dietary things are: things strangled, and blood.
even here you are sloppy or deliberately they are not to eat meats offered to idols...

and James concluded the council expecting the goyim to keep hearing Moses preached and read in every city on every Sabbath...

so well Heb 9:4


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Obviously, Jehovah/YHVH God is the source of the words (logos) Jesus spoke..... at least, according to JESUS the logos he spoke and the apostles heard, was his GOD's logos.
John 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings (logos): and the word (logos) which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

Not logos(s.) and logos (s.), like you say, but τοὺς λόγους (the words (p.)) and ὁ λόγος (the word (s.)). You really can't distinguish between a plural noun and a singular noun? You are given to lying regarding even the most elementary things.

Now what (if anything) do you think you mean by your phrase, "God is the source of the words Jesus spoke"? I had asked you what (if anything) you meant by your earlier phrase, "originated with", and now, you've merely handed me yet another of your phrases (also not to be found in Scripture), and you've still explained nothing.


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Your posts show how.
Where do you find this in Scripture?
Jesus NEVER called the commandments given to Moses "My commandments".

You must have ignored them.

Here, I'll post them again:

“If you love Me, keep My commandments. . . . He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” - John 14:15,21,21&version=NKJV

If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. . . . This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. - John 15:10,12,12&version=NKJV

The entirety of the law is summed up:

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” - Galatians 5:14

Jesus is claiming this law:



Jesus makes no mention of "God's" commandment, but claims them as His own.

Jesus stated the origin of the commandments JESUS received, was his God.

And yet, what you're talking about is almost completely unrelated to my point.

Was Jesus a liar for calling the law "My commandments"? Or were they God's, and He, being God, is telling the truth, they being His?


Active member
aww man....sooo close...what was taken away was the hand written ordinances
clefty said:
like a ticket ordnance to the law you broke...
No. It's talking about the Law Moses written out by hand, AND it's also called;
2 Cor 3:7 ... the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones ...
The death sentence for many of the commandments is NOT just " a ticket".... and we all know what was engraven in stones ... the 10 commandments. The entire Mosaic Law is finished. Some commandments in Christ's New Testament are identical .... MANY of the Mosaic Law commandments are no longer relevant.
The Sabbath, temple worship, Levitical Priesthood, dietary laws ..... those are gone.

clefty said:
yup...and His last will and testament was written PRIOR HIS DEATH...after which it is changes after the testator is dead...that NEW TESTAMENT is what He taught
clefty said:
To a great extent, yes. His obedience, his knowledge of the Scriptures, his attitudes and values ... absolutely.
But when discussing the elements mentioned above...Sabbath, Dietary Laws, etc. ..... Nope. He was still "under the Law".... the New Testament is a DIFFERENT Law.

clefty said:
Romans 14 is about diet fasting traditions NOTHING about the Sabbath there...
You're only about half right. It IS about diet, AND it is about the Sabbath. Keeping of ANY day is purely optional now.


Active member
Not logos(s.) and logos (s.), like you say, but τοὺς λόγους (the words (p.)) and ὁ λόγος (the word (s.)). You really can't distinguish between a plural noun and a singular noun?
So tell us, WHICH single word is Jesus talking about???


Well-known member
And, he sent his apostles "into the world" exactly like his God sent Jesus "into the world".
John 17:18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
The apostles didn't make the world: Jesus DID! Ergo: He is God. :duh:
Of course not.

I am in the world, but not of the world.

Tell me, what do you think that means?
I think it means that you're deceived, because you don't believe that Jesus is God. You want to make Him equal to you. If you were of Heaven, you'd recognize Him. He isn't merely a man to those who believe. We recognize Him. He will recognize us. You: He will say, "I know you not." You don't know Him as God.


New member
No. It's talking about the Law Moses written out by hand,
law was in stone by His finger

AND it's also called;
2 Cor 3:7 ... the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones ...
glorious and not destroyed

The death sentence for many of the commandments is NOT just " a ticket".... and we all know what was engraven in stones ... the 10 commandments.
nope...the 10 were written in stone with nothing about getting stoned...that was written later and put on the side of the ark...a witness against too

The entire Mosaic Law is finished. Some commandments in Christ's New Testament are identical
LOL which is it? Think NOT abolished or identical to His in the covenant He demonstrated

.... MANY of the Mosaic Law commandments are no longer relevant.
3 of the kosher ones avoided those still...again...oh and the festivals...

The Sabbath, temple worship, Levitical Priesthood, dietary laws ..... those are gone.

From that list are STILL SHADOWS pointing to good things still to come:

Sabbath duh...dietary laws...festivals...

If they were gone Paul would NOT have written they ARE shadows but instead he would have written “were” Shadows

ok then SO DO WHAT HE DID...and He did His FATHER’S know kept the DO THAT as HE instructed...follow HIM HIS JUST He lived and demonstrated the New Testament lifestyle...

To a great extent, yes. His obedience, his knowledge of the Scriptures, his attitudes and values ... absolutely.
But when discussing the elements mentioned above...Sabbath, Dietary Laws, etc. ..... Nope. He was still "under the Law".... the New Testament is a DIFFERENT Law.
LOL...He lived His last will and testament and instructed you follow AS HE DID...even pick up your cant change the testament once it is you cant claim the New Testament is DIFFERENT than how He changes are allowed after the testator is dead...

You're only about half right. It IS about diet, AND it is about the Sabbath. Keeping of ANY day is purely optional now.

Show me where in ROMANS 14 it is about the sabbath...

Show me where in Heb 4:9 is NOT

Show me where He did NOT expect Sabbath times and winter times to continue into the future Matt 24:20

Show me where it is NOT “Here are they that keep the commandments of Yah” but just some or it is NOT “and the faith OF Yahushua”

Show me where the faith of Yahushua is NOT KEEPING HIS FATHER’S WILL

Show me where Isaiah lied when he wrote from Sabbath to Sabbath ALL flesh will worship...

Show me where the Sabbath was NOT made for man...

It really cracks me up how people insist Sodom is still burning and then claim His FOREVER LAW is no more...
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