James White to Debate Bob Enyart on Open Theism


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Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.
-Philippians 2:5-7

Nothing reeks of bloated ignorance and hot air like verbosity.

Let me guess...

You're a reprobate Kenoticist. Word of Faith? or other?

Ask Mr. Religion

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What does that have to do with one essence, co-equal, co-eternal, of the Godhead? You simply are not thinking about this very carefully.

Was any member if the Godhead confined to earth with the birth of Jesus Christ? Yes or No?


Does scripture record Jesus being anywhere besides earth between His nativity and death?
Then your answer is "No". Sigh.

Jesus is God:
1. Eternality. He claimed to exist from eternity past (John 8:58; 17:5).
2. Omnipresence. He claimed to be everywhere present (Matt. 18:20; 28:20).
3. Omniscience. He showed knowledge of things that could only be known if He were omniscient (Matt. 16:21; Luke 6:8; 11:17; John 4:29).
4. Omnipotence. He demonstrated and claimed the power of an omnipotent person (Matt. 28:18; Mark 5:11–15; John 11:38–44).

Other attributes of Deity are claimed for Him by others (e.g., immutability, Heb. 13:8), but the above cited are claims He made for Himself.



New member
All who are interested are well aware of your odd and contrary views of the nature of our Lord, not to mention your inability to sustain your position when challenged:



I guess a pervert like you, has such a seared conscience, that it phases you not to constantly lie to protect to your fragile ego.

I just exposed your false god, and you have no other recourse than to post something out of context. No surprise there. That is what perverts do.


Well-known member
Does scripture record Jesus being anywhere besides earth between His nativity and death?

Of course, being God, Jesus was in heaven while on earth. The members of the Godhead can never be separated. They are one.

John 3:13 KJV
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.​


Well-known member
Ask him who died on the cross?

How about I ask you? I didn't realize there would be a dispute on this matter. God became flesh and dwelt among us....He didn't cease being God when that happened.

How about I give you my opinion first, though.

In a nutshell, God died on the cross in His body prepared for that very purpose. The ONE GOD and the only Saviour who was both God and man.

Acts 20:28 KJV


New member
How about I ask you? I didn't realize there would be a dispute on this matter. God became flesh and dwelt among us....He didn't cease being God when that happened.
We are in agreement.

How about I give you my opinion first, though.

In a nutshell, God died on the cross in His body prepared for that very purpose. The ONE GOD and the only Saviour who was both God and man.

Acts 20:28 KJV
Yep :thumb:

AMR believes that God was not in Christ when Christ died.

Nang has stated that only God the Son was in Christ. Yet, she also says that God (the Son) was not in Christ when Christ died.

They both deny that God died for us.


Well-known member
We are in agreement.

Yep :thumb:

AMR believes that God was not in Christ when Christ died.

Nang has stated that only God the Son was in Christ. Yet, she also says that God (the Son) was not in Christ when Christ died.

They both deny that God died for us.



Well-known member
We are in agreement.

Yep :thumb:

AMR believes that God was not in Christ when Christ died.

Nang has stated that only God the Son was in Christ. Yet, she also says that God (the Son) was not in Christ when Christ died.

They both deny that God died for us.

Do you believe that during the three days that Jesus was in the grave, only the Father and the Spirit were alive?


New member

Do you believe that during the three days that Jesus was in the grave, only the Father and the Spirit were alive?
Of course not. And, I don't give a crap what you think about what I know. Calvinism is a Satan worshiping cult.


TOL Subscriber
We are in agreement.

Yep :thumb:

AMR believes that God was not in Christ when Christ died.

Nang has stated that only God the Son was in Christ. Yet, she also says that God (the Son) was not in Christ when Christ died.

They both deny that God died for us.

Is that how you interpret the orthodox teaching of the death of Christ?

When it is said that "God did not die on the cross," it is the Triune God that is referenced.

The Godhead cannot and did not die.

It was Jesus the Christ who suffered death on the cross, as the Son of Man. His offering consisted of sinless flesh and blood.

Why was His blood/sin offering without spot or blemish?

Because He was also the Son of a God who came into this world as the only begotten of the Father, the promised Savior, the only Mediator between God and man, the only High Priest, and King.

As the son of God, He raised Himself bodily from the dead to resurrect and ascend to His heavenly throne.

Seems you want to dumb down the depths of Christology, just because you like to keep your theology simple.


Well-known member
Of course not.
So then the second Person of the Trinity didn't die on the cross then right?

Let me make it easy for you.

A. No, the Second Person of the Trinity did not die.
B. Yes, The Second Person of the Trinity died and was in the grave thee days.
C. Err, uh, I don't actually think through these issues, the only thing I know is that I am an anti-Calvinist reactionary, whatever the Calvinists believe, I believe the opposite...


Probably C.
