I do remember and I don't judge you as unsaved either....only pretentious, and unaware that most of what you say is nothing but Greek to me. I had a neighbor lady from Mexico who didn't speak a word of English. We would sit out on the patio and smile at each other, and I would try to offer her coffee (called it java) and she'd smile. That was as far as we ever got. It just seems a pity that you act like everyone else is so far below you. That's just wrong...in any language.
I neither think, speak, nor act like everyone else is below me, or any other such equivalent.
That's inference as the inevitable product of puffed up gnosis (present and fragmentary experiential) knowledge in response to epignosis (clear and exact experiential) knowledge that abounds from agape love (Phi. 1:9).
And it largely comes from language-patterned high-context thought and heart content. It's actually maddening to be down here at the foundation with all the gnosis floating by overhead, and others presuming I'm puffed up.
The simple point that is often nearly impossible to get across is that one's native first language being a high-context type means concepts drive ALL "knowledge" and alleged understanding in deference to the depth, breadth, and height of individual semantics from terms/words themselves.
People think and speak continuously without ever realizing their very fundamental thinking patterns are fallacious to a great degree.
Language is one of the preeminent devices of the enemy that we're not to be ignorant of. And it's predominantly passive, which is why it goes undetected and unnoticed as everyone blythely continues in a foundational high-context mode of thought and speech as their logos.
What's really amazing is that I'm also a volunteer prison Chaplain, and I teach two groups of inmates at two different facilities. Within 6-8 2-hour sessions, they understand the Greek semantics, definitions, and grammar to enough of an extent for it to change their lives and comprehend the ontological Gospel and begin developing low-context patterns of thought according to God's Rhema instead of English nebulosity and ambiguity.
I think most here are more spiritually adept than most convicted murderers, rapists, thieves, and other malcontents. So despite the learning curve and unfamiliar vocab, it shouldn't be that difficult with all the language resources available for those with stewardship to learn.
It does little good to build another high-context parallel to high-context English. Infusing and interspersing low-context Greek either drives someone to blow it all off in pride, or allows them the opportunity to have a renewed mind at the language level.
Just redefining English words a different way does little or nothing to enable high-context thought to escape concept-driven understanding. Individual words aren't the impetus for high-context thought, so it's just a differenct plug-n-play of little importance compared to one's overall pre-conceived concept.
The few that put in any effort whatsoever are always glad they did. Most don't or won't. Their engrained conceptual perceptions are easier.
That's why most won't budge off their gnosis. And that's why I'm the one presumed to be prideful, etc. All I want is for everyone to have access to some information and tools to divest themselves of high-context dependency and redundancy.