Its the Economy, Stupid!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You can honestly say that you didn't believe what the mainstream press was pushing in regard to the Russian hoax?

Given the amount of prosecutions and corruption laid bare in Trump's administration then you'd have to be naive to dismiss the idea of Russian collusion. It wasn't just "mainstream" media that covered that either. Earlier on in his tenure, Trump was obliged to allude to it himself. That hasn't magically gone away Jerry. The notion that it was Hilary who colluded is bonkers. What did she have to gain from it? The loss of an election? Oh, and I'm no fan of Clinton by a long shot.

The Barbarian

People are noticing. Trump fell in the polls again yesterday. He'd now down by double digits in the RCP average of polls.!

And yes, the economy is one reason. McConnell seems to have written off Trump,and is now acting to maximize his own power, by sabotaging the economy.

The GOP Is Sabotaging Trump’s Economy a Month Before Election Day. Here’s Why.
Which looks bizarre, on first glance. McConnell’s majority is living on a knife’s edge: In recent days,
FiveThirtyEight declared Democrats the two-to-one favorites to control the Senate next year. The GOP still has a solid shot of retaining the chamber, but doing so will require most of its embattled incumbents (in South Carolina, North Carolina, Maine, Iowa, Colorado, and Arizona) to keep their seats. And many of those incumbents were eager to vote for a stimulus package that could shore up their bipartisan bona fides. McConnell may not value his constituents’ well-being or the health of our democracy. But he does seem to value his own power. So with his president and his majority on life support, why would he walk away from a chance to get $1,200 checks mailed to most Americans by Election Day?
And that’s key to McConnell’s calculus. Even without passing a stimulus, he still has a decent shot at a 51-vote majority. The races in North Carolina, Maine, and Iowa are all close. And the Democratic candidate in the Tarheel State is
mired in an adultery scandal. What’s more, even if McConnell loses his majority, Democrats’ odds of holding more than 52 seats next January are quite low. Assuming a Biden victory, the GOP would have an excellent chance of winning back Senate control in 2022, as the opposition party almost always enjoys a major turnout advantage in midterm elections. By walking away from the stimulus, McConnell is prioritizing conservative ideology over personal power. But the political cost of doing this is relatively low.
In a two-party system, voters who identify strongly with conservative positions on cultural issues have only one partisan option. Combine this fact with the heavy overrepresentation of such voters, and you end up with a Senate GOP that can sabotage the economy a month before Election Day and still retain a shot at retaining power. That is a problem for the Democratic Party. But it’s also a problem for the American polity — one that will cost many Americans their businesses, jobs, homes, and lives in the weeks to come.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Given the amount of prosecutions and corruption laid bare in Trump's administration then you'd have to be naive to dismiss the idea of Russian collusion. It wasn't just "mainstream" media that covered that either. Earlier on in his tenure, Trump was obliged to allude to it himself. That hasn't magically gone away Jerry. The notion that it was Hilary who colluded is bonkers. What did she have to gain from it? The loss of an election? Oh, and I'm no fan of Clinton by a long shot.

What prosecutions and corruption?

You have been brainwashed by the mainstream press.

The Barbarian

Your problem is the fact that you can't distinguish between a hoax and something that is true. Even though the evidence is right under your nose.

Here's a hint, Jerry; something demonstrably true, has evidence to support it. Your hoax has no such evidence. But I'm sure everyone would be happy to see what you've got in the way of a checkable source. What do you have?

The Barbarian

At this time Trump is ahead of where he was against Hillary in 2016.

That's a testable belief. (Barbarian checks)

Oct. 12 2016, Hillary was 6.2 up on Trump and losing lead daily. Today,l Biden is up by double digits and gaining lead daily. Someone lied to you, Jerry. Best do your own checking.

How did that turn out for you?

Trump squeaked out a narrow victory in several states that put him over the required number. The republican FBI director popped a surprise, saying he had a criminal investigation into Clinton that he later admitted turning up nothing unlawful.

Why do you think Trump went bonkers when he learned that Durham wasn't going to have any results until after the election? That was his last hope.

And over 9 million people have already voted, Jerry. I'll be one of them, tomorrow. This week, Ted Cruz said it might be a "bloodbath" for republicans up and down the ticket, because of Trump.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
That's a testable belief. (Barbarian checks)

Oct. 12 2016, Hillary was 6.2 up on Trump and losing lead daily. Today,l Biden is up by double digits and gaining lead daily. Someone lied to you, Jerry. Best do your own checking.

We read the following which was written in October, 2016:

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton now has an 11-percentage-point lead over her Republican opponent Donald Trump, according to a poll released by PRRI and the Atlantic on Tuesday.

That is my source, where is yours?

The Barbarian

That's a testable belief. (Barbarian checks)

Oct. 12 2016, Hillary was 6.2 up on Trump and losing lead daily. Today,l Biden is up by double digits and gaining lead daily. Someone lied to you, Jerry. Best do your own checking.

That is my source, where is yours?

Clinton/Trump 6.2 as of Oct 12

Biden/Trump! 10.2 as of Oct. 12

Apples to apples. Someone lied to you, Jerry. Best do your own checking.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Someone lied to you, Jerry. Best do your own checking.

I quoted my source. Of course since you have Trump Derangement Syndrome you are unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Here is what my source said in October 2016:

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton now has an 11-percentage-point lead over her Republican opponent Donald Trump, according to a poll released by PRRI and the Atlantic on Tuesday.

Even though those facts are right there in back and white right before your eyes you say that someone lied to me and I need to do my own checking.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I quoted my source. Of course since you have Trump Derangement Syndrome you are unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Here is what my source said in October 2016:

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton now has an 11-percentage-point lead over her Republican opponent Donald Trump, according to a poll released by PRRI and the Atlantic on Tuesday.

Even though those facts are right there in back and white right before your eyes you say that someone lied to me and I need to do my own checking.

don't feed the troll, Jerry

The Barbarian

You still don't get it, Jerry. Ask someone who knows something about statistics. If you don't know anyone like that, let me know, and I'll explain it to you.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
You still don't get it, Jerry. Ask someone who knows something about statistics. If you don't know anyone like that, let me know, and I'll explain it to you.

If you know so much about the polls concerning the Presidental election why did you quote a nation-wide poll?

Anyone who knows anything about the Presidental elections know that nationwide polls are worthless. Only the polls from the swing states should be considered, and in 2016 the great majority of those polls were wrong.

The Barbarian

If you know so much about the polls concerning the Presidental election why did you quote a nation-wide poll?

Because the poll you cited was nationwide. Apples to apples, Jerry.

Anyone who knows anything about the Presidental elections know that nationwide polls are worthless.

Turns out, they've been excellent predictors of winners. Would you like me to show you that?

Only the polls from the swing states should be considered,

Then it was probably a bad idea for you to cite a national poll.

and in 2016 the great majority of those polls were wrong.

Turns out, those data are still available, too. Want to see them?

In 2016, the last poll had Clinton up by 1.4 in Minnesota. Biden is currently about 9.

In 2016, the last poll had Clinton up by 1.9 in Pennsylvania. Biden is currently up by 7.1

In 2016 the last poll had Trump up by about 0.7 in Florida, Biden is currently by 3.7.

In 2016, the last poll had Trump up in Arizona by 4 points. Biden is currently up by 2.7