Its the Economy, Stupid!

The Barbarian

Two of those state polls are within the margin of error. And there is still plenty of time for the race to tighten.

In almost all political races, the numbers tighten up the last month. But here we are, less than a month away,and Biden keeps increasing his lead. He did that, again, today. And then there's this problem, as the economy remains in the dumpster:

The poll also finds that Biden leads Trump in every issue among likely voters, including the economy, which Biden had previous trailed Trump in.

Fifty percent of likely voters said that Biden would
handle the economybetter than Trump while 48% percent of likely voters said that Trump would better handle the economy.

The poll also found that 59% of likely voters said Biden would handle health care better than Trump, while only 39% of likely voters said Trump would better handle health care. Fifty-nine percent of likely voters also said Biden would better handle the coronavirus compared to the 38% that said Trump would handle coronavirus better than Biden.

Most Americans now see Biden as better for the economy than Trump.