It's despicable when Rs speak against other Rs


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Does John Boehner even know the right wing won the election? I said America is over in 2008. If you fools voted for him now, there is absolutely no chance you will do right when given the chance.

Boehner passed the spending bill for amnesty. He continues to give the anti-Christ anything he wants.

And Chrys is going to bloviate how these progressive RINO's are somehow any different than their progressive Democrat brethren...hardly! What a bunch of gutless cowards they are in the RNC. Well, the RNC should get ready for their next big loss to Hillary in 2016 because they just stabbed the voters in the back...yet again, for that they deserve to be abandoned by the voters.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Well, they will railroad Scot Walker, who isn't even super strong (hard right) just because he is so far to the right of their left leaning tendencies. Otherwise, he would clean up in the general election. And that will leave a path for Mrs. Bill Clinton. No doubt.

Boehner just handed it to her on a silver platter.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Well, they will railroad Scot Walker, who isn't even super strong (hard right) just because he is so far to the right of their left leaning tendencies. Otherwise, he would clean up in the general election. And that will leave a path for Mrs. Bill Clinton. No doubt.

Boehner just handed it to her on a silver platter.

Walker, Cruz, Perry or any other conservative will be squashed by the RNC, which will usher in Clinton as the next POTUS because putting a RINO as their candidate won't garner the votes needed to win, and after the snub that the RINO's gave the voters today I can see why conservatives have thrown up their hands. What a bunch of gutless cowards...:nono:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the goal here is to destroy the democratic party
the goal is to defeat every democrat
as long as their party supports abortion
that is not the only issue
it is the most important one
so we vote republican solely to defeat democrats
no one is really satisfied with the republicans
we have the tea party
the primaries to take care of that


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
the goal here is to destroy the democratic party
the goal is to defeat every democrat
as long as their party supports abortion
that is not the only issue
it is the most important one
so we vote republican solely to defeat democrats
no one is really satisfied with the republicans
we have the tea party
the primaries to take care of that

Newsflash genius! if the the republican party is complicit with this president or too gutless to engage him than what is the point? They have already surrendered the power of the purse, refused to uphold the constitution (their sworn duty), and for all purposes stabbed the voters that gave them a majority in the back. Now tell us why they are any better than the lawless clan on the left Chrys? The primaries won't do squat when you have RINO's spending RNC money to smear conservatives within the republican party. The fix is in and the RINO's will spend any amount of money and destroy those within their own party to get their man on the ticket...and they will lose again because they are completely out of touch with their voters that is why the primaries will be a great show but, a complete per usual.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
top ten reasons to destroy the democratic party

liberal judges
lousy lawyers
lousy teachers
same sex marriage
government run healthcare
unionized government workers


New member
And Chrys is going to bloviate how these progressive RINO's are somehow any different than their progressive Democrat brethren...hardly! What a bunch of gutless cowards they are in the RNC. Well, the RNC should get ready for their next big loss to Hillary in 2016 because they just stabbed the voters in the back...yet again, for that they deserve to be abandoned by the voters.

I really don't think it is as simple as all that. Yes, it looks like the only R in Congress who has... "a pair..." as someone once put it is Ted Cruz and maybe a few others... But I feel most of them are doing the best they can... You don't know what it's like to be in Congress... where NOTHING gets done when... well, for one, when every bill is VETOED by... as someone put it "antichrist"



New member
top ten reasons to destroy the democratic party

liberal judges
lousy lawyers
lousy teachers
same sex marriage
government run healthcare
unionized government workers

you forgot one:

they LIE all the time... live in a fantasy world (same thing).

What do they lie about, yo u may ask?

see itemized list above


New member
the goal here is to destroy the democratic party
the goal is to defeat every democrat
as long as their party supports abortion
that is not the only issue
it is the most important one
so we vote republican solely to defeat democrats
no one is really satisfied with the republicans
we have the tea party
the primaries to take care of that

well, here u sound pro life...


that one post you wrote... uh... Who would've guessed?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Newsflash genius! if the the republican party is complicit with this president or too gutless to engage him than what is the point? They have already surrendered the power of the purse, refused to uphold the constitution (their sworn duty), and for all purposes stabbed the voters that gave them a majority in the back. Now tell us why they are any better than the lawless clan on the left Chrys? The primaries won't do squat when you have RINO's spending RNC money to smear conservatives within the republican party. The fix is in and the RINO's will spend any amount of money and destroy those within their own party to get their man on the ticket...and they will lose again because they are completely out of touch with their voters that is why the primaries will be a great show but, a complete per usual.

don't you want to
destroy the democratic party
vote republican


Does this violate the 11th commandment?

I don't know, but here goes anyhow

Jeb Bush.. he did amazing things for Florida's economy.. cut the unemployment rate down to something like 3%

wow.. and other things

but I don't like his position on immigration.

if I were to let the illegals stay in this country, I would say they have to go to jail.. like anyone else who violates US law...

Then when they get out, they will have a crime on their record... like any other person who violates US law

making it harder to get a job... but not impossible..

but sending them back is what I would prefer.. They are all criminals, all the ones who came here unlawfully. too bad if they had children after arriving... they should have thought about that...

and we cannot make exceptions of their children or EVERYONE would.. well, violate our laws so their children can have a better life.

Do YOU do such things??


I too am conservative. But there are certain things you are suggesting that I don't think you realize the future ramifications of.

You simply cannot arrest or deport all current Mexican immigrants here today. Net immigration is down to zero now, and they have provided a huge boost to our economy by working tough, blue-collar jobs that today's high amount of college graduates simply won't apply for. These immigrants have been an integral part of keeping America's economy afloat. They are fleeing third-world conditions to get here, and unlike many citizens who exploit government handouts, these immigrants are hard workers. Plus, nearly all of the occupations these Mexican immigrants take are currently available just unwanted, and our jails/prisons are overcrowded anyway.

They are technically criminals yes, but so is a man who steals bread to feed his starving family. Psychological and background checks should be run on all of them, and each should be given a month to prepare for a citizenship test, which must be passed to become US citizens.

Additionally, after two years a census of the newly acquired citizens should be used to determine which are in fact supporting themselves and not relying on government handouts. We cannot afford more people who live off of welfare. If that is ends up happening then California should be told by the the Feds that there will ne no more bailouts ever again. That would make unproductive immigrants only California's problem and A. keep handouts to the state from the alwaysraising the National debt and B. hopefully show Cali that their excessive social services are out of control.

In any case, they're here to stay, and Republicans should be doing all that they can to procure as many of these new voter's allegiances as possible. Continually opposing inevitable citizenship will only make them dislike the party, even though the GOP actually fits these Mexican immigrants' interests better.

The GOP is still WAY too white. Jeb Bush is leading the charge to change that. By gaining 60% of these potential new immigrant votes then taking down the Hillary machine in 2016 seems way more realistic. Republicans have white and wealthy votes. By bringing in a huge number of middle to lower class minority votes then the tide changes in the Republicans' favor.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You simply cannot arrest or deport all current Mexican immigrants here today....

Jeb Bush is leading the charge to change that. By gaining 60% of these potential new immigrant votes then taking down the Hillary machine in 2016 seems way more realistic. Republicans have white and wealthy votes. By bringing in a huge number of middle to lower class minority votes then the tide changes in the Republicans' favor.

great post


top ten reasons to destroy the democratic party

liberal judges
lousy lawyers
lousy teachers
same sex marriage
government run healthcare
unionized government workers
I have no doubt you're engaging in hyperbole by saying you'd like to destroy the Democratic Party, but in case you're not then you should look take a look at single party systems (Nazi Germany, monarchies, empires, dictatorships) and 3+ major party systems (Greece, Italy, Iraq for about a month). For whatever reason, western society works best when two major political parties are dominant and occassionally challenged by an upstart third (Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party, Ross H. Perot)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have no doubt you're engaging in hyperbole by saying you'd like to destroy the Democratic Party, but in case you're not then you should look take a look at single party systems (Nazi Germany, monarchies, empires, dictatorships) and 3+ major party systems (Greece, Italy, Iraq for about a month). For whatever reason, western society works best when two major political parties are dominant and occassionally challenged by an upstart third (Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party, Ross H. Perot)

a christian cannot support a party that supports abortion
must do whatever they can to destroy it


New member
Well, they will railroad Scot Walker, who isn't even super strong (hard right) just because he is so far to the right of their left leaning tendencies. Otherwise, he would clean up in the general election. And that will leave a path for Mrs. Bill Clinton. No doubt.

Boehner just handed it to her on a silver platter.

could u please interpret this 4 us?



Weak American republicans. Too bad.
They need a kick in the butt. A good beating goes a long way.


OK, I can't say i have never done this, said something against another R that wasn't too... uh... nice or whatever... but truth be told, usually it is not REALLY a R I criticize but a RINO

so anyway, I hate when Rs attack really good Rs...

Scott Walker is one example. Someone on Fox.. can't recall whom, but I think it was... oh never mind... don't recall perfectly... (I read the captions..)

But that person said that Walker.. .well, 2 things were said, one having to do with Walker being asked if Pres O is "Christian." I think Walker had the perfect answer, namely that he didn't know.

How the heck is someone going to know that kinda thing...? Well, now that I think about it... When people are "out there" about their Christian faith (Huckabee) you do KNOW it... so maybe Pres O is NOT remotely Christian since he is far from "out there" about it... very far from it...

Anyway, then Walker was criticized for his answer RE evolution. Frankly, off the top of my head, i can't recall his response on that one, but if it had been a really wacky one, I would definitely remember it... wouldn't I?

But in any case, he got a little negativity from other Rs (though not a lot) over his responses.

I hate that...

Reagan was right about the 11th Commandment..

For one thing, We should cede NOTHING to the enemy...

especially when you consider that the enemy is usually aligned with Satan.. (seriously... Jesus said you are either for Him or against Him)

i say Usually b/c there ARE some Dems who get it right... sometimes: McCaskill and Manchin on Keystone Pipeline, etc

They are not all... as bad as Pelosi et al.

Healthy dialogue, diversity of opinion and valued critical thinking is the bane of tyranny.

Tyrannical governments and tyrannical organizations and tyrannical styles of thinking do not care for shades of gray.


New member
Healthy dialogue, diversity of opinion and valued critical thinking is the bane of tyranny.

Tyrannical governments and tyrannical organizations and tyrannical styles of thinking do not care for shades of gray.

gray is said to be the devil's favorite color
