It not about a "gun culture," but a "death culture."


New member
Yeah, so outside of a very very slim minority of people who participate in the Olympics, you really have nothing. Reenactments can be carried out with replicas and hunting is still the destruction of a living thing, which was my point. And it still stands.

But hunting is a necessity... we will see what you think when wolves and coyote's start eating your pets and kids.


New member
But hunting is a necessity... we will see what you think when wolves and coyote's start eating your pets and kids.
Fair enough, so if the super evil government magically made all firearms that aren't hunting rifles disappear, would that be okay?


New member
Fair enough, so if the super evil government magically made all firearms that aren't hunting rifles disappear, would that be okay?

If they could magically somehow determine what and what is not a hunting rifle.. then go for it.

But give past attempts by gun ignorant lobbyists, the resulting legislation will be as ignorant as they are in their attempts to write them.


New member
If they could magically somehow determine what and what is not a hunting rifle.. then go for it.

But give past attempts by gun ignorant lobbyists, the resulting legislation will be as ignorant as they are in their attempts to write them.
I would agree to that. In the end, it's all a pipe dream but it's fun to talk about.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
See how little you care about the 12% of people murdered with knives? Guns and knives are both weapons designed and used to kill people, so they are obviously not two completely different things. They are also both tools used in hunting, both made of metal, both implicated in accidents, etc. Come on. You're the one being obtuse.
Most knives today are designed and optimized for kitchen use. There are a few knives designed for combat and other knives designed for hunting. Knives used in battle are a close quarters combat weapon. When engaged in a knife fight you are at an extreme risk for getting injuries or killed yourself. Guns are designed to kill from a distance so that you can kill more of the enemy without exposing yourself to nearly the degree you are in a knife fight.

I'm not sure the total for this year, but there were five victims in one attack. See 5 family members found stabbed to death in Oklahoma home, 2 teen relatives arrested.
As compared to this:

Guns and knives are not on the same level when a person has mass destruction as their intention.


New member
Hall of Fame
Machetes make good weapons and this happened today:

Police: Fatal stabbing on jogging trail a random attack

DALLAS – A jogger out for his morning run on White Rock Creek Trail was targeted at random and hacked to death with a machete at about 7:55 a.m., witnesses and police said.

Investigators said the victim, a white man between 25 and 30 years old, was killed in the attack and had no identification on him.

"He was found on the trail with injuries consistent with a large-edged weapon," said Deputy Chief Rob Sherwin, with Dallas police.

Investigators said the suspect, 21-year-old Thomas Johnson admitted to the crime and was apparently upset about being evicted from his home recently.

Multiple people witnessed the murder and called police. Officers responded to the trail near 8500 Walnut Hill Lane within minutes.

"I see a silhouette of a man raising a machete up over his head and down over his head," said Brandon Davenport, a bicyclist who witnessed the attack. "I probably saw six or seven blows.".... see more at link



More links about it:

Terrified cyclist witnesses machete murder of jogger in Dallas, then flees as killer set his sights on him

Suspect Confesses to Park Murder, Was 'Angry,' Police Say
Cyclist witnesses man hacking at a jogger on a popular Dallas biking, jogging trail

Too bad the jogger didnt have a gun on him, or the cyclist watching him being hacked to death...


New member
Hall of Fame
And this one earlier this month:

Police charge first of three suspects in machete attack on Alban Court

A Frederick man who police said used a machete to attack two people in their apartment on Alban Court last week was arrested Monday.

Juan Enrique Dominguez-Lopez, 18, of the first block of Waverley Drive, was wearing a mask when he entered the couple’s bottom-level apartment in the 1200 block of Alban Court around 8:30 a.m. Friday, according to charging documents filed in Frederick County District Court. When Dominguez-Lopez attacked the man, however, the mask slid down his face, and a witness recognized him.

The man was in critical condition when police arrived. He suffered stab and slash wounds to his face, neck, ears, torso and arms, including one hand that was “almost completely severed,” according to the documents. He was flown to R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore....


Well-known member
Fair enough, so if the super evil government magically made all firearms that aren't hunting rifles disappear, would that be okay?

No, because you need more than hunting rifles to resist evil tyrants and home invaders, suppress sedition and repel foreign invaders.


Well-known member
Most knives today are designed and optimized for kitchen use.

If you go to Walmart you will see more and a greater variety of knives designed for hunting and killing humans than for preparing food.

There are a few knives designed for combat and other knives designed for hunting.

Way more than a few.

Knives used in battle are a close quarters combat weapon. When engaged in a knife fight you are at an extreme risk for getting injuries or killed yourself. Guns are designed to kill from a distance so that you can kill more of the enemy without exposing yourself to nearly the degree you are in a knife fight.

You are neither addressing my argument nor making a relevant point.

Guns and knives are not on the same level when a person has mass destruction as their intention.

Why do knives have to be at the same level for you to be interested in controlling them like you want to control people who own guns?


Well-known member
elohiym said:
What do you want to do about murderer's access to knives? Let's hear your invasive strategy for dealing with the weapon used in over 12% of the murders in the U.S.
I'd say ban large knives from schools. Make illegal those knives whose primary purpose is combat (butterfly knives, flick knives etc). Make concealed carry of large fixed or lockable blades an offence unless there is good, non-combat, reasons to carry. Make crimes involving knives carry stiffer sentences like you do for guns.

Simple, really.

It's not simple really, but I applaud you for treating knives similarly to guns because you see that both are used to commit murder. I don't agree with your regulation ideas but appreciate that you have not blown off the fact that people are murdered with knives like others apparently have.


Well-known member
elohiym said:
What do you want to do about murderer's access to knives? Let's hear your invasive strategy for dealing with the weapon used in over 12% of the murders in the U.S.
id suggest that there a sensible limits on what can be done, the US knife murder stats are not disproportionate to other countries, and unless someone can come up with a really bright idea we are probably stuck with it world wide.

However the US gun homicide rate is excessive for a liberal democracy, is a more significant issue and is one that could be addressed if there was the political will.

The homicide rate is low in the U.S. Relatively few people are murdered in the U.S. There are relatively few murderers in the U.S.

How do you explain Switzerland having high gun ownership and a very low murder rate?

You didn't give me a clear idea of what you want to do about knives.


Well-known member
I didn't say murder actually.

We are discussing murder. See the OP.

So that means all abortion laws are bad since the supreme court has affirmed a constitutional right to privacy and making abortion illegal infringes on that right.

Abortion isn't legal! It is murder being committed under color of law. You can't have fetal homicide laws and claim that abortion is legal at the same time. That's asinine. One of those laws is necessarily void. Think about it. I'm not going to debate it here.

The sheer impossibility of "banning knives" comes to mind.

So you don't want to regulate knives because you cannot ban them; therefore, you want to regulate guns because you think it's possible to ban them, which is your ultimate goal (to support).


Well-known member
Just to be clear, Alate_One: any law repugnant to the constitution is void. See Marbury vs. Madison. A fetal homicide law requires that a fetus is a person; however, if a fetus is a person, abortion is murder. See Roe vs. Wade.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You were asking me about my spiritual background.

No. I did ask once if you care that you are going to face God's wrath and you said you don't think about it. I said you were being honest and nothing more has been said.

Are you high or did you go to a public school? It has to be one of them.


New member
It's very simple, anyone living in Chicago can drive ten minutes to a nearby suburb and legally buy all the guns they can carry away.

The reason gun regulations don't work is because they are absurdly inconsistent and effectively idiotic.

... and they will never be anything but absurdly inconsistent and effectively idiotic.


There you go.

Criminals, by definition, don't are about laws or regulations, and it's easy for them to make guns and ammo.

Shockingly, it's the people that care about following the law that are restricted by gun regulations and laws.


New member
No. I did ask once if you care that you are going to face God's wrath and you said you don't think about it. I said you were being honest and nothing more has been said.

Are you high or did you go to a public school? It has to be one of them.
Yeahhhh I am just going to put you on ignore. Bye! :loser:


Well-known member
... and they will never be anything but absurdly inconsistent and effectively idiotic.


There you go.

Criminals, by definition, don't are about laws or regulations, and it's easy for them to make guns and ammo.

Shockingly, it's the people that care about following the law that are restricted by gun regulations and laws.
And rapists will find a way to commit rapes if they really want to, regardless of our laws against rape.

Yet the laws prevent a lot of circumstantial rapes: the guy gets carried away, the girl says 'no', and he doesn't want to stop … but there is a law, and he doesn't want to be convicted by it for rape, so he does stop.

And because we do have these laws, we can use them to convict people who don't care about the well-being of others, and lock them away from the rest of us. So if your point here is that we don't need any laws regulating the ownership of firearms because the criminals will disregard them, well, your argument is foolish. Because criminals disregard all our laws. Yet we certainly don't want to live in a lawless society! Because the truth is that laws do stop a lot of crime. We just don't call the people they stopped, 'criminals'.


New member
And rapists will find a way to commit rapes if they really want to, regardless of our laws against rape.

Yet the laws prevent a lot of circumstantial rapes: the guy gets carried away, the girl says 'no', and he doesn't want to stop … but there is a law, and he doesn't want to be convicted by it for rape, so he does stop.

And because we do have these laws, we can use them to convict people who don't care about the well-being of others. So if you point here is that we don't need any laws regulating the ownership of firearms because the criminals will disregard them, well, your argument is foolish. Because criminals disregard all our laws. Yet we certainly don't want to live in a lawless society! Because the truth is that laws do stop a lot of crime.
Moparguy and Rocketman would be in good company. Rocketman believes that there is no need for laws regarding drunk driving because they are pointless. His argument is to the same tune that you are referencing. :chuckle: