It not about a "gun culture," but a "death culture."


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If you look at what I have actually said you would know that I am not trying to ban guns. I am trying to find a way to make it much harder for murderes ro actually get and keep guns. By necessity, it will have to be invasive. Many don't like that but you are not willing to do something completely different than what we are currently doing, nothing will change.

So basically you want to attack the symptom, not the disease CM. The question is why are people committing mass shootings not the guns they are using. Guns have always been a large part of American society and you never even heard of a school shooting, no? I think the better approach to this is to find out why. If you take a gun from a crazy man he will find a more sensational tool to get the job done. Taking God out of society, our courts, our schools, the breakdown of the family and a entire generation being raised without two parents...these are the just some of the elements that were different when mass shootings were not even on the radar. The disease goes much deeper than gun control can fix.

patrick jane

So basically you want to attack the symptom, not the disease CM. The question is why are people committing mass shootings not the guns they are using. Guns have always been a large part of American society and you never even heard of a school shooting, no? I think the better approach to this is to find out why. If you take a gun from a crazy man he will find a more sensational tool to get the job done. Taking God out of society, our courts, our schools, the breakdown of the family and a entire generation being raised without two parents...these are the just some of the elements that were different when mass shootings were not even on the radar. The disease goes much deeper than gun control can fix.

It really is mostly a lack of mental health care and diagnoses and a huge increase of mental issues and diseases. Every mass shooting has shown a prior mental illness. Mental disorders are a fine line of distinction, and maybe anyone with certain diagnoses accompanied by ANY violent crimes or actions in the past should be disqualified from gun ownership.

The problem is, that would cause folks to hide their illness which happens too much now anyway. Nobody wants to admit or think that they suffer from depression, anger and bitterness and worsening mental disorders. Mental Health is the number 1 issue, NOT GUNSHOWS


Well-known member
Not necessarily. Perhaps fewer people would be killed with guns, but that is just an assumption and depends on what you mean by "less available." The murder rate could remain the same.
I didn't say murder actually.


I note your graph has no label on the Y axis. I'm guessing that is a percent.

Apply some common sense to a fact: If any law infringes on a constitutional right, that law is void. I don't have to pretend that a void law is bad.
So that means all abortion laws are bad since the supreme court has affirmed a constitutional right to privacy and making abortion illegal infringes on that right.

Therefore, you are going to do nothing about weapons that account for 12% of the murders because you think they are "part of ordinary things like cooking." That's a lame reason, to put it mildly.
Because that's a "lame reason". Seriously?

The sheer impossibility of "banning knives" comes to mind. We have had knives pretty much for as long as there have been human beings. You can make them out of stones! But firearms as we know them today are perhaps 100 years old.

Huge difference.


Well-known member
If you look at what I have actually said you would know that I am not trying to ban guns. I am trying to find a way to make it much harder for murderes ro actually get and keep guns. By necessity, it will have to be invasive. Many don't like that but you are not willing to do something completely different than what we are currently doing, nothing will change.

What do you want to do about murderer's access to knives? Let's hear your invasive strategy for dealing with the weapon used in over 12% of the murders in the U.S.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
id suggest that there a sensible limits on what can be done, the US knife murder stats are not disproportionate to other countries, and unless someone can come up with a really bright idea we are probably stuck with it world wide.

However the US gun homicide rate is excessive for a liberal democracy, is a more significant issue and is one that could be addressed if there was the political will.

What do you want to do about murderer's access to knives? Let's hear your invasive strategy for dealing with the weapon used in over 12% of the murders in the U.S.


New member
What do you want to do about murderer's access to knives? Let's hear your invasive strategy for dealing with the weapon used in over 12% of the murders in the U.S.

I'd say ban large knives from schools. Make illegal those knives whose primary purpose is combat (butterfly knives, flick knives etc). Make concealed carry of large fixed or lockable blades an offence unless there is good, non-combat, reasons to carry. Make crimes involving knives carry stiffer sentences like you do for guns.

Simple, really. Kitchen knives grabbed in an emergency aren't nearly as lethal as combat knives, and if fewer teenagers are carrying knives more confrontations will end with one person running away instead of starting a knife fight, or else it will involve fists rather than lethal force.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
What do you want to do about murderer's access to knives? Let's hear your invasive strategy for dealing with the weapon used in over 12% of the murders in the U.S.

As knives and guns are two completely different things, your question is intended only to be obtuse on your part. How many mass murders have been carried out in the US using knives? What was the death toll of those knife attacks?
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New member
Add knives and vina are two completely different things, your question is intended only to be obtuse on your part. Haw many mass musts have been carried out in the US using knives? What wad the death toll of the knife attack?
I am still waiting for him to list the similarities/differences between the two. I am not holding my breath though.


New member
The one commonality that most mass murders have is that they are predominantly males that have come from broken families with no father figure.

Think on that for a while....


New member
Interesting statement, so... now what?

Maybe we should consider legislation to encourage families instead of making it easier and easier for them to break up. Maybe we should encourage real parenting instead of the 'cult of the child' we have created these days.


New member
Maybe we should consider legislation to encourage families instead of making it easier and easier for them to break up. Maybe we should encourage real parenting instead of the 'cult of the child' we have created these days.
What do you propose we do?


New member
What do you propose we do?

Start teaching about the necessity of families in our public schools at an early age. Back our teachers when they fail and or discipline their students and tell the parents that will not own up to the fact their children are failing and/or bullies to go fly a kite.


New member
Start teaching about the necessity of families in our public schools at an early age. Back our teachers when they fail and or discipline their students and tell the parents that will not own up to the fact their children are failing and/or bullies to go fly a kite.
I would support that. I am a friend with a teacher and she says the parents are the worst enemy. I am only 28, but when I failed a class, my dad punished me. I cannot remember a single time I was not held accountable for my academics. I upheld that through college and graduated with honors, so I certainly subscribe to the idea of personal accountability. Good post.


New member
I would support that. I am a friend with a teacher and she says the parents are the worst enemy. I am only 28, but when I failed a class, my dad punished me. I cannot remember a single time I was not held accountable for my academics. I upheld that through college and graduated with honors, so I certainly subscribe to the idea of personal accountability. Good post.

I deal with young kids all the time.. and raised two. The lack of accountability that young people have is very troubling and in some cases jaw dropping.

Go sit in a courtroom sometimes and watch young first time offenders disrespect the judge and in some cases end up in contempt... because the kids have never had to obey anyone in their entire lives.

Zero respect and zero discipline.

Another option would be a mandatory 2-3 year hitch in the military for everyone.


Well-known member
As knives and guns are two completely different things, your question is intended only to be obtuse on your part.

See how little you care about the 12% of people murdered with knives? Guns and knives are both weapons designed and used to kill people, so they are obviously not two completely different things. They are also both tools used in hunting, both made of metal, both implicated in accidents, etc. Come on. You're the one being obtuse.

How many mass murders have been carried out in the US using knives? What was the death toll of those knife attacks?

I'm not sure the total for this year, but there were five victims in one attack. See 5 family members found stabbed to death in Oklahoma home, 2 teen relatives arrested.


New member
See how little you care about the 12% of people murdered with knives?
That isn't what he said.

Guns and knives are both weapons designed and used to kill people, so they are obviously not two completely different things.
Sure they are. Knives have many uses outside of being used as a weapon to destroy living beings. What other uses does a gun have?

They are also both tools used in hunting, both made of metal, both implicated in accidents, etc. Come on. You're the one being obtuse.
Nonsense, since you could only name three very broad similarities, it still rests on you. The list of fundamental differences would be much longer.


New member
That isn't what he said.

Sure they are. Knives have many uses outside of being used as a weapon to destroy living beings. What other uses does a gun have?

Nonsense, since you could only name three very broad similarities, it still rests on you. The list of fundamental differences would be much longer.

Olympics, sports and reenactments.

Hunting and wildlife control are still a big concern/activity in most of the rural areas of this country... quite a few of the schools around here have a holiday for the first day of buck season... and I am all for the thinning of the herd. I've hit 4 deer in my life and the last one almost killed me because I hit her with my motorcycle.. in broad daylight at 1:30PM in the middle of summer.

Not to mention the eat all my landscaping and crap all over the place... and my dogs like to roll in it.


New member
Olympics, sports and reenactments.

Hunting and wildlife control are still a big concern/activity in most of the rural areas of this country... quite a few of the schools around here have a holiday for the first day of buck season... and I am all for the thinning of the herd. I've hit 4 deer in my life and the last one almost killed me because I hit her with my motorcycle.. in broad daylight at 1:30PM in the middle of summer.

Not to mention the eat all my landscaping and crap all over the place... and my dogs like to roll in it.
Yeah, so outside of a very very slim minority of people who participate in the Olympics, you really have nothing. Reenactments can be carried out with replicas and hunting is still the destruction of a living thing, which was my point. And it still stands.