Islam burns a man alive and broadcasts it

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I see our oh so tough keyboard warrior trys to make person insult make way for his lack of intellectual application.

ISIS has one interpretation of Islam among many, the fact that the person killed was a Muslim who was in armed conflict Islamic state should suggest that Islam and Islamic State are not synonymous terms.

Different forms of Islam include,


The violent Islamic fundamentalism we see in ISIS is Wahabi Islam, which is not 8th century Islam, but a originated in 18th century Saudi Arabia.

Not a disagree with Islam entirely but I also disagree with blood thirsty lunatics like you who tell bared faced lies and distort truth to generate hatred to Muslims, and justify insane ideas such as bombing mecca.

As regards yoru views on the teaching of Jesus, dont make me laugh.

Why don't you tell us the difference between islam and the islamic state.

I have a better idea, I will tell you. In an islamic state, islam is the law and is followed to the letter. If you followed the Lord Jesus Christ by the letter (which you don't) you would turn the other cheak and live in poverty. But don't let facts get in your way, you demon possessed pervert.


New member
Only to degenerate hippies like you, and by peace you mean defeat of America. It is the sign for victory around the world.

I admit to exposure to the 60's but not to being a hippy and why would my stating it could be a peace sign mean that I think that means defeat of America? Do you always jump to such ridiculous conclusions?


Hall of Fame
I'm lost here? You'd better believe I would fight! I did fight during an attempted rape.

I would love to think I would fight. I would advise people in such situations to fight. However, the reality of it is ... I simply don't know. I might be so paralyzed with fear that I am unable to respond.


New member
I see our oh so tough keyboard warrior trys to make person insult make way for his lack of intellectual application.

ISIS has one interpretation of Islam among many, the fact that the person killed was a Muslim who was in armed conflict Islamic state should suggest that Islam and Islamic State are not synonymous terms.

Different forms of Islam include,


The violent Islamic fundamentalism we see in ISIS is Wahabi Islam, which is not 8th century Islam, but a originated in 18th century Saudi Arabia.

Not a disagree with Islam entirely but I also disagree with blood thirsty lunatics like you who tell bared faced lies and distort truth to generate hatred to Muslims, and justify insane ideas such as bombing mecca.

As regards yoru views on the teaching of Jesus, dont make me laugh.

Islamic terrorists generate hatred of Islam. If one reads the Quran from cover to cover with commentaries one is filled will fear of Islam.
If Muslims would stay out of Western countries and leave us alone we would be okay with that. Even if they come to our countries and mind their own business and quit trying to install Sharia Law and tell us that we must change to accommodate them we could get along peacefully with them.
Either moderate Muslims eliminate the terrorists in their midst or we shall have to eliminate them to protect ourselves.
I believe Jordan's King is about to go on the offensive against Isis. God bless him! I pray that he is successful.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Islamic terrorists generate hatred of Islam.

true, but also when allowed them to o that they win, they want to provoke a war between all the west and all muslims.

If one reads the Quran from cover to cover with commentaries one is filled will fear of Islam.

I agree it is in many ways a foul and evil book, howvere we do not fight against flesh and blood ....

If Muslims would stay out of Western countries and leave us alone we would be okay with that. Even if they come to our countries and mind their own business and quit trying to install Sharia Law and tell us that we must change to accommodate them we could get along peacefully with them.

You have just described what 98% of western Muslims do.

Either moderate Muslims eliminate the terrorists in their midst or we shall have to eliminate them to protect ourselves.
I believe Jordan's King is about to go on the offensive against Isis. God bless him! I pray that he is successful.

No ones defending the terrorists, I just draw a distinction between terrorists and muslims, than some of more blood thirsty members are actively trying to tear down.


New member
true, but also when allowed them to o that they win, they want to provoke a war between all the west and all muslims.

I agree it is in many ways a foul and evil book, howvere we do not fight against flesh and blood ....

You have just described what 98% of western Muslims do.

No ones defending the terrorists, I just draw a distinction between terrorists and muslims, than some of more blood thirsty members are actively trying to tear down.

What you are hearing is justified fear. We have not rampaged into mosques or into Muslim neighborhoods and slaughtered or beheaded or raped peaceful civilians. We have not retaliated...yet.
I hope peaceful Muslims will address this and attempt at least to end it.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I would love to think I would fight. I would advise people in such situations to fight. However, the reality of it is ... I simply don't know. I might be so paralyzed with fear that I am unable to respond.

God made all men (humanity), even you. Samuel Colt made the equal.

But that was then, this is now. Make yourself familiar with a Glock 19.

ISIS has one interpretation of Islam among many

Interpret this for us.

Quran (48:29) - Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves

the fact that the person killed was a Muslim who was in armed conflict Islamic state should suggest that Islam and Islamic State are not synonymous terms.

You know not of what you speak.

CAIR said:
“Muslims are the vilest of animals…”

“Show mercy to one another, but be ruthless to Muslims”

“How perverse are Muslims!”

“Strike off the heads of Muslims, as well as their fingertips”

“Fight those Muslims who are near to you”

“Muslim mischief makers should be murdered or crucified”

The violent Islamic fundamentalism we see in ISIS
And he final gets to the truth. At its fundamental structure, islam is violent and perverted.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I hope peaceful Muslims will address this and attempt at least to end it.

The majority agree. They just wouldn't do it themselves. By the hundreds of millions they agree with al-qaeda. (ISIS)

How is that JV team doing, Barry?


Quran (48:29) - Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves.

Guess that merciful among themselves didn't work out so well. :CRASH: Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6 GWT, :straight: 1 Jn 3:13–14
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In case your head is in the sand.

He was a Jordanian pilot. The set a liquid fuse and burned him up until there was only ashes.

Click here for the youtube list.

I was going to watch it but it took 30 seconds to long to load so I closed the video. If you seen the beheading many years ago, you've seen it all. I saw Africans burn a person alive but the fire was a third as big as a normal fireplace and took a while to burn the person.

I guess that means I'm not going to watch the new video. Too much for me. Lots of sadness. I can see why Oboma is doing a fantastic job doing something about it. What a fantastic president ever existed.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't excuse it. Not at all. Religion at times brings much harm and misery to the world. You might want to retake 4th grade reading comprehension. Just stick with it, you'll eventually make it to middle school.

Although I will admit religion wasn't the sole factor in any of these deaths (although it was certainly a contributing factor). Do you agree? Does Christianity sometimes contribute to leading people to burn and torture child "witches" to death, as Islam sometimes contributes to leading people to burn or behead men to death?

Sometimes as in now? No. :nono:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I don't think so. I think what I'm doing is reviewing human behavior for a specific purpose...seeking the truth. Beyond that, I have tried to put myself in the shoes of those people, drawing on my experience as a victim. Those people, especially the journalists, know that their chance of surviving that situation is next to nil. They're not stupid people and they know they have a choice. Out of the four or five videos that I've seen beginning with James Foley, I can see a few of them making the choice to be stoic and accepting but I can't see them all acting that way. It doesn't make sense. Hence my questioning.

Would it make more sense if you knew that the man in question was informed that there were deep cover cells in your neighborhood...That they knew where your children went to school...When they got out...Where your parents liked to go shopping...Where your spouse worked? That these cells would be turned loose if you were "uncooperative"?

Please note that I don't have any knowledge that happened, but it is a typical M.O. of that sort of organization.

How enthusiastic would you be about calling their bluff? :plain: Particularly if you lived in that part of the world.


New member

It will bring alot of Attention to the ISIS purpose to Recreate the old 7th Empire

which is becoming the 8th as Daniel and Revelation say.

King that will kill Christians and fight the return of Jesus (Daniel 8:23-25)

Beast with seven heads and ten horns who will rule earth 42 months (Revelation 13:1-8)
Beast with two horns like lamb but spoke like a dragon (Revelation 13:11)
Eighth head that is Beast "that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth" (Revelation 17:11)
Ten horns (kings) that will give their power to fight against the Lamb (Revelation 17:12-14)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
He may be the quarterback....

He is merely one of the hundreds of millions of muslim that support al-qaeda (ISIS). He himself is un-athletic with low motor skills. He has bench warmer written all over his face.


Lolwut? Islam burns X?

The Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam) saw an anthill that one of his companions had burnt with fire and he said: “No one should punish with fire except the Lord of fire.” (Abu Dawood)
classed as saheeh by Imaam al-Nawawi in Riyadh al-Saaliheen and by Sheikh al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah.

If Islam prohibits even them small pests/insects of bring burnt then how can Islam then allow fanatical deviant extremists burning a human? Reason m8

PS Islam is the most persecuted religion in the world and the sources of the fitnah matches 100% with the prophecies. We are burning from within. Satan sits in the straight path more than anywhere else.


I also don't excuse Americans (especially women) for utilizing abortion. Other types of murders and atrocities happen as well. The difference is that most of us do not condone them.

So you think most of us Muslims don't condemn the evil that is done to Islam by these so called Islamic organizations? We do. We are the ones being attacked left, right and center. Not you'll. Islam is being burnt down today - not Christianity.
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