Islam burns a man alive and broadcasts it


New member
So you'll just choose to believe the exact opposite of what you're told. That must've worked out gangbusters so far.

Why don't you pat yourself again on the back and tell us how you'd choose to die, especially considering the worst circumstances imaginable? Go ahead; I'll wait why you judge the dead and the way they carried themselves in their last moments. And while we're at it tell us how you would've been Captain McAwesome on one of the 9/11 flights, unlike the sheeple who just sat there. (Assuming you believe even that much happened.):yawn:

Must be awfully nice up on that steed of yours.

Where do you get the idea I'm judging the dead? That is the precise point of my questioning. Perhaps they're not really dead. Where is the proof of it? I'd certainly like to see proof before doing a knee jerk.


New member
Hall of Fame
Where do you get the idea I'm judging the dead?

"You know how I'd die? Well I'd do the exact opposite of this guy."

That's where I get the idea, GI Joe.

Perhaps they're not really dead. Where is the proof of it?

Well prove anyone died on 9/11, or at Sandy Hook, for that matter. Prove Kennedy died in Dallas. You've simply assumed (for whatever bizarre personal reasons of yours) that ISIS hasn't killed anyone and have taken your assumptions from there.

James Foley's from my town. If this was a psy-op, fake job, false flag, or whatever the hell you want to call it, it was unduly elaborate, pointless, and accomplished absolutely nothing other than upsetting people and breaking the hearts of his loved ones. For you to safely, snidely presume ISIS hasn't actually killed anyone--because, you know, reasons, or whatever--is frankly despicable. And insulting to their victims and those they've left behind.


I don't excuse it. Not at all. Religion at times brings much harm and misery to the world. You might want to retake 4th grade reading comprehension. Just stick with it, you'll eventually make it to middle school.

Although I will admit religion wasn't the sole factor in any of these deaths (although it was certainly a contributing factor). Do you agree? Does Christianity sometimes contribute to leading people to burn and torture child "witches" to death, as Islam sometimes contributes to leading people to burn or behead men to death?
Jordan's King Abdullah condemns killing of pilot by cowardly, "deviant group" with no relation to Islam

The moment a Muslim commits a murder according to our President, :Nineveh: he is :scripto: no longer a Muslim. Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT :CRASH:


New member
"You know how I'd die? Well I'd do the exact opposite of this guy."

That's where I get the idea, GI Joe.

Well prove anyone died on 9/11, or at Sandy Hook, for that matter. Prove Kennedy died in Dallas. You've simply assumed (for whatever bizarre personal reasons of yours) that ISIS hasn't killed anyone and have taken your assumptions from there.

James Foley's from my town. If this was a psy-op, fake job, false flag, or whatever the hell you want to call it, it was unduly elaborate, pointless, and accomplished absolutely nothing other than upsetting people and breaking the hearts of his loved ones. For you to safely, snidely presume ISIS hasn't actually killed anyone--because, you know, reasons, or whatever--is frankly despicable. And insulting to their victims and those they've left behind.

I don't care if James Foley is from your town. I care if he's alive or not. I'm neither making any presumption nor am I insulting anyone. You're overreacting. And again, Sandy Hook, 911 or Kennedy's assassination aren't even remotely similar incidents. The point of my post was to ask if the executions could have been staged because the victims weren't behaving as though they were about to die. Islam wants a war. They can't get it without support and without people willing to rise up and fight.


New member
Hall of Fame
I care if he's alive or not.

And I'm sure his grieving parents would be positively touched by your concern.:yawn:

I'm neither making any presumption nor am I insulting anyone.

Horribly wrong, on both counts.

The point of my post was to ask if the executions could have been staged because the victims weren't behaving as though they were about to die.

You have no idea what the hell that's actually like and have no idea how anyone is "supposed" to act in such a situation. You're an arrogant, ignorant, asinine little pipsqueak, and borderline depraved to boot. What you're also implying is that you expected cowardice when these victims actually displayed bravery.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You're critiquing videos of people being murdered. Color commentary, as it were. And the only thing you can imagine is "fake" because this depravity doesn't live up to your Hollywood stereotype expectations.

Must be nice.:loser:


Hall of Fame
Anyways, back to the OP. Admittedly, I did NOT click in the link for one reason: This is something I just do not wish to view.

There is no question in my mind that Islamic extremists are barbaric.


New member
And I'm sure his grieving parents would be positively touched by your concern.:yawn:

Horribly wrong, on both counts.

You have no idea what the hell that's actually like and have no idea how anyone is "supposed" to act in such a situation. You're an arrogant, ignorant, asinine little pipsqueak, and borderline depraved to boot. What you're also implying is that you expected cowardice when these victims actually displayed bravery.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You're critiquing videos of people being murdered. Color commentary, as it were. And the only thing you can imagine is "fake" because this depravity doesn't live up to your Hollywood stereotype expectations.

Must be nice.:loser:



New member
And I'm sure his grieving parents would be positively touched by your concern.:yawn:

I think his parents thought more of their son than you obviously do.

Horribly wrong, on both counts.

Well, that's your perception, not mine.

You have no idea what the hell that's actually like and have no idea how anyone is "supposed" to act in such a situation. You're an arrogant, ignorant, asinine little pipsqueak, and borderline depraved to boot. What you're also implying is that you expected cowardice when these victims actually displayed bravery.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You're critiquing videos of people being murdered. Color commentary, as it were. And the only thing you can imagine is "fake" because this depravity doesn't live up to your Hollywood stereotype action movie expectations.

Must be nice.:loser:

I do know what it's like to have someone on top of me, squeezing the life out of me, subduing my body, threatening my life and making me bleed. It's not cowardice to fight. It's normal and Hollywood stereotypes have nothing to do with it. I don't think there is anything wrong with me.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I see you don't acknowldge the difference between ISIS and Islam?

Why don't you tell us the difference between islam and the islamic state.

I have a better idea, I will tell you. In an islamic state, islam is the law and is followed to the letter. If you followed the Lord Jesus Christ by the letter (which you don't) you would turn the other cheak and live in poverty. But don't let facts get in your way, you demon possessed pervert.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Weekly Jihad Report
Jan 24 - Jan 30
Jihad Attacks: 61

Allah Akbars*: 6

Dead Bodies: 508

Critically Injured: 546

Now show me how many murders were committed by turning the other cheek.


New member
Anyways, back to the OP. Admittedly, I did NOT click in the link for one reason: This is something I just do not wish to view.

There is no question in my mind that Islamic extremists are barbaric.

That was my point, Rusha. There's nothing to view. It's not that I have some sadistic desire to view a person being burned to death. I would simply like to know that it truly happened before I respond in any way.


New member
Hall of Fame
I think his parents thought more of their son than you obviously do.

Doesn't that go without saying?:duh:

Well, that's your perception, not mine.

See above.

I do know what it's like to have someone on top of me, squeezing the life out of me, subduing my body, threatening my life and making me bleed. It's not cowardice to fight. It's normal and Hollywood stereotypes have nothing to do with it. I don't think there is anything wrong with me.

You wouldn't. But your judgment is ghoulish, hands down.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Islam murders catholic priest.

According to locals and eye witnesses, ISIS beheads an Iraqi priest who captured him 7 month ago.

Local says ISIS militants announced beheading of priest Polous Yacoub is done by group sharia court's order.

Beheading is done in one of eastern neighborhood of Mosul.

According to Wall Street Journal, after many ISIS violence against Christians, hundreds of Christian men are picking up rifles for the first time at a Manila Training Center- former U.S. military facility in the hills of northeast Iraq - and training to reclaim their towns from ISIS militants who stormed the country last year.


Hall of Fame
That was my point, Rusha. There's nothing to view. It's not that I have some sadistic desire to view a person being burned to death. I would simply like to know that it truly happened before I respond in any way.

My point is that knowing what we know about Islam, I didn't question whether or not they really happened.

They are barbarians. This is what they do. While I realize my view on Islam will be considered bigoted, I frankly don't care. The reality is they are living a religion of hatred and spreading it onto their children.

It's a sick twisted belief system ... and don't need to watch any broadcast to be convinced about this.


New member
My point is that knowing what we know about Islam, I didn't question whether or not they really happened.

They are barbarians. This is what they do. While I realize my view on Islam will be considered bigoted, I frankly don't care. The reality is they are living a religion of hatred and spreading it onto their children.

It's a sick twisted belief system ... and don't need to watch any broadcast to be convinced about this.

I completely agree with your assessment of Islam.