Islam burns a man alive and broadcasts it


New member
Would it make more sense if you knew that the man in question was informed that there were deep cover cells in your neighborhood...That they knew where your children went to school...When they got out...Where your parents liked to go shopping...Where your spouse worked? That these cells would be turned loose if you were "uncooperative"?

Please note that I don't have any knowledge that happened, but it is a typical M.O. of that sort of organization.

How enthusiastic would you be about calling their bluff? :plain: Particularly if you lived in that part of the world.

That's a thought Tom but I don't think it's feasible. We're not some haphazardly operating third world country and we're an armed society. Beyond that, if you don't think these American families are aware that their loved ones are going into these extremely volatile regions and discussing the ramification of that, as well as preparedness for it, you have another think coming. Deep cover cells? Homeland Security has a pretty decent handle on that but it's interesting to note that they rely quite a lot on the input of American citizens who, by Repentance's own admission, are not very understanding and are keeping a watchful eye.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, by questioning whether he had read the Quran or not you implied that he was speaking out of turn.
If that was not your intention then I apologize.

Thank goodness Christians never pull that stunt and demand to know if their critics have actually read the Bible.:chuckle:


New member
This is blasphemy. You are not God to command. Nor are you to command God. Instead you should say ; May God curse you!

Nick can, and does, say what he feels from the heart!
In the final moment of life we all know that the God of justice shall be our judge.
BUT! right now on this earth we must decide what is best for us and our loved ones.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
That's a thought Tom but I don't think it's feasible. We're not some haphazardly operating third world country and we're an armed society. Beyond that, if you don't think these American families are aware that their loved ones are going into these extremely volatile regions and discussing the ramification of that, as well as preparedness for it, you have another think coming. Deep cover cells? Homeland Security has a pretty decent handle on that but it's interesting to note that they rely quite a lot on the input of American citizens who, by Repentance's own admission, are not very understanding and are keeping a watchful eye.

Of course. :e4e:

Jose Fly

New member
Yes, ISIS Burned a Man Alive: White Americans Did the Same Thing to Black People by the Thousands

ISIS's burning alive of Muadh al Kasasbeh has been denounced as an act of savagery, barbarism, and wanton cruelty--one from the "dark ages" and not of the modern world.

American Exceptionalism blinds those who share its gaze to uncomfortable facts and truths about their own country.

For almost a century, the United States practiced a unique cultural ritual that was as least as gruesome as the "medieval" punishments meted out by ISIS against its foes.

What is now known as "spectacular lynching" involved the ceremonial torture, murder--and yes, burning alive--of black Americans by whites. Like ISIS's use of digital media to circulate images of the torturous death of Muadh al Kasasbeh by fire, the spectacular lynchings of the black body were shared via postcards and other media.

In fact, the burned to death images of the black body were one of the most popular types of mass culture in 19th and 20th century America.
And I'm pretty sure the people carrying out these atrocities were "God-fearing Christians".

Jose Fly

New member
I don't think that anyone would argue what happened in the past is excusable. Does that somehow make these murders that are currently being done in the name of Islam acceptable?
Nope, but it does expose the hypocrisy of those saying ISIS' atrocities are indicative of Islam as a whole, while refusing to apply that same logic to the recent history of their own religion.


Hall of Fame
Nope, but it does expose the hypocrisy of those saying ISIS' atrocities are indicative of Islam as a whole, while refusing to apply that same logic to the recent history of their own religion.

IF it's not happening in the current, how is that indicative as Christianity as a whole?

I will always rise up against any religion that attempts to harm and persecute others based on solely religion reasons. However, that isn't happening here.

Can you honestly say that you wouldn't be fearful of even speaking out against Islam if you were inside their borders?


New member
Nope, but it does expose the hypocrisy of those saying ISIS' atrocities are indicative of Islam as a whole, while refusing to apply that same logic to the recent history of their own religion.

You're trying to compare apples with oranges, the attributes of Christianity vs. the attributes of Islam by comparing the behaviors of the followers of each religion. Islam calls for the action of its followers against those who are not Islamic. Christianity does not.

"In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force." From the Muqaddimah written by Ibn Khaldun, a Muslim philosopher.

THE God, gives us a choice to accept Him, or not. Muhammad's god does not.
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Jose Fly

New member
IF it's not happening in the current, how is that indicative as Christianity as a whole?
It's not. That's the point.

Can you honestly say that you wouldn't be fearful of even speaking out against Islam if you were inside their borders?
About as fearful as speaking out against Christian racists in the South in the 1950's.

Jose Fly

New member
You're trying to compare apples with oranges, the attributes of Christianity vs. the attributes of Islam by comparing the behaviors of the followers of each religion. Islam calls for the action of its followers against those who are not Islamic. Christianity does not.
Link removed.
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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame


New member
Link Removed

Oh, that's a lovely piece of distortion and outright lies. For instance the headline, "Infidels and Gays Should Die" and the quote from Romans which states no such thing or another "Peter Kills Two People" when Peter didn't kill Ananias and his wife.

Old Testament instruction under the Old Covenant is no longer in force. Under and through the New Covenant of God, Yeshua, many things are different but God is not mamby pamby. Muhammad created his god and put words in his god's mouth. THE God speaks very well for Himself and is to be feared.

The rules God gave under the Old Covenant were for those under the Old Covenant. Under this heading "Death to Followers of Other Religions," the author of this trash listed "Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed." (Exodus 22:19 NAB) Doomed by God, not by men. There's no call in this verse by God for man to put to death anyone not under the Covenant.
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