Isis Bomb Takes Down Plane?


New member
The bomb was probably planted by the Putin regime. They are the ones gaining the most by this terror act.

To what end? It's true that Putin seems to be a pretty cynical operator, and he's certainly not encumbered by transparency requirements at home, but what does he gain? I'd need to see good evidence of this.


New member
The bomb was probably planted by the Putin regime. They are the ones gaining the most by this terror act. Putin has blown up stuff before and blaimed it on "terrorists". An apartment building in southern Russia for example.

Putin plays chess with the world. He does what he needs to do. Sacrificing a peasent in chess is often a smart move.

Putin is the old style leader. Brutal, intelligent and successful.

Putin only loses from this. He went in to Syria to prove to Russians how important in the world they are and that even if their economy is tanking due to the sanctions from his actions in Ukraine be can still be the hard man and make them safe from terrorists. But now it is clear that he has put Russians at risk, so he will either have to double down on fighting in Syria or cut back on attacks on Isis.

He will have been forced into action either way, making him look a weak leader. Which he will hate.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
This is one of the victims of the religion of peace and sharia law. She was on the Russian jet that muslims brought down because the victims were not muslim.

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