Is White Privilege Real?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You're talking about the Flynn controversy, right? The sanctions involved aren't only about Crimea, but I do agree that Flynn talking to Russia about sanctions isn't as bad as it could be in the context of transitioning administrations. Most people I heard said the primary issue was in Flynn lying about talking about it, not that he did.

But I'm not sure why you only brought that up. Russia being our enemy or not goes beyond the Flynn situation.

if we force russia to give crimea back, shouldn't we give back the southwest to mexico?

I've heard that tongue is the best tasting part of the animal. :cool:

i see what you did there :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Still wondering why so many individuals are able to overcome "white privilege."
You shouldn't. It's not a death sentence for those who don't possess it, it's simply an advantage for those who do. Don't you know people from your HS or college days who weren't particularly gifted students but who excelled anyway through determination and effort?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Still wondering why so many individuals are able to overcome "white privilege."

You shouldn't.

seems to me like it's the heart of the matter, if we're really interested in advancing the lot of those who are disadvantaged

if, on the other hand, one is only inclined to whine about how much better whitey has it and a brother can't never get a fair shake....


Well-known member
I am no guru but I did excel at sociology and psychology. As such, two observations from a novice:
1) "If" there is an inherent privilege, isn't that Aryan?
Is it racist to say that a certain race is better at something? If they can get it to pay, that'd work. It 'seems' the problem is entrepreneurial to me. Creative and determined people get it done. I'm not certain if rap, for instance, is an inherent ability. I'm not certain if athleticism is either. I know for a fact I'm discriminated against for my inability to run. There is no way I would have or ever will make the team. Is that discrimination? I think it is, but isn't it okay? Who wants to see me playing mediocre football or coming last at the Olympics? :idunno:

-Is there anything inherently racist about my comments? I think there actually is BUT more importantly, is that really a bad thing? I AM disadvantaged for being paid multimillions in a sports career. Do I have a right to that money? It 'seems' to me, when we are talking politics, we are talking about exactly the same thing: it is simply about people, grouped together regarding some condition. I honestly don't think anybody is inhibited in this country from making money. They may not make it the same way another makes it, but that IS democracy. Didn't Lincoln fail
7 times before Presidency? Was there an entitlement need? Do all welfare recipients never get out? I think being 'nice' and giving a leg up a good thing. I honestly think we lose something if we have to mandate it. Rich people need a heart, not a new law. I don't think 'making' someone do something actually does anything. Worse, I think it causes friction and polarizing.
2) I think encouraging values is better than mandates. Laws are for law-breakers. I really, honestly, truly, don't need a law, personally. I realize we have to have them for crooks. If we are a nation of crooks, we are in a LOT more trouble than most of us realize. A good portion of society agrees with that, but I'm not certain we shouldn't be spending some of our time and efforts having meaningful meetings with corporate heads and millionaires. For instance: Bill Gates will not allow his foundation to give to any religious charity. Sad, because food banks don't discriminate. Everybody, even millionaires, could come through that line. It is a sad thing, imho. A mandate that he must? I don't think that works. Rather, convincing him that it is for the good of all, that he give to even religious charities, would better suit the need. Someone needs to have a sit-down with him or things will never change. In a nutshell, AA has strong-armed. March for rights is friction rather than a meeting of minds. The bottom line, in my studied-theology opinion is Jesus. People need a reason to do good to all men. In Him, there is no white or black, Jew or Gentile, male or female. In Him only, is the playing field level.

Politics, imho, is an attempt to make a level playing field in a constant earthquake zone. It will always cause unevenness in some other part of the field. I realize optimists and hopefuls will never share that sentiment. In my humble estimation, it is a fantasy and hope placed in a fantasy. the last 8 years polarized America, didn't level anything without making a mess of the rest of the field (nonprofessional observation and opinion here).