ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
He's the gift that just keeps on giving!Normally I don't reply to an NPC like expos, but asking me for an example of his stupidity in his very post! It's too much comedy gold not to mention it!![]()

He's the gift that just keeps on giving!Normally I don't reply to an NPC like expos, but asking me for an example of his stupidity in his very post! It's too much comedy gold not to mention it!![]()
Vaccines do work as touted, unlessd the recipient gets really sick or dies, the number of whome is well below 80% of those who take it.How about some evidence that the vaccines are not working?
Leftist brainstorm: 'To h*** with d*** religious and individual freedoms, let's force everyone to wear masks, shut down businesses and churches, move into rest homes, and take the mandated experimental vaccines to cure this disease.'Ah yes, Christian love in action - let these "old people" slip silently into the night.
No wonder the church is a laughingstock.
Democrat evidence that masks work: Fauci and hundreds of boot-lick, government-paid scientists and officials say masks work, so they must work.You lie.
There is tons of evidence that masks work. Want me to provide such evidence? All you have to do is ask.
You are a liar. Deny it all you like. The thread is all still here as proof. You directly accuse me of things that I am not only not guilty of but that you KNOW that I'm not guilty of but that you flatly are guilty of and that you don't even deny being guilty of. You are then both a liar and a hypocrite and a complete and total waste of time.Don't be a doofus. I am not lying, even though I am a liar in one sense because the Bible says all men are liars.
Psalm 116:11
I said in my haste, All men are liars
Your luck has just changed for the better, marke.You are a liar. Deny it all you like. The thread is all still here as proof. You directly accuse me of things that I am not only not guilty of but that you KNOW that I'm not guilty of but that you flatly are guilty of and that you don't even deny being guilty of. You are then both a liar and a hypocrite and a complete and total waste of time.
That's it! I'm done with you.
I'm sorry if you think I wronged you. I don't think I have but I'm sorry if I did because I must have done so unintentionally.You are a liar. Deny it all you like. The thread is all still here as proof. You directly accuse me of things that I am not only not guilty of but that you KNOW that I'm not guilty of but that you flatly are guilty of and that you don't even deny being guilty of. You are then both a liar and a hypocrite and a complete and total waste of time.
That's it! I'm done with you.
Can't find even one example, could you?Normally I don't reply to an NPC like expos, but asking me for an example of his stupidity in his very post! It's too much comedy gold not to mention it!![]()
Misleading, of course.In just one week, another 150 vaccinated people tested positive for coronavirus in Massachusetts, according to the latest state data, bringing the total breakthrough cases to nearly 4,000 to date.
Liar.Democrat evidence that masks work: Fauci and hundreds of boot-lick, government-paid scientists and officials say masks work, so they must work.
Nonsense, of course.Leftist brainstorm: 'To h*** with d*** religious and individual freedoms, let's force everyone to wear masks, shut down businesses and churches, move into rest homes, and take the mandated experimental vaccines to cure this disease.'
linkI do not believe it. Even if it is true, it needs context. Perhaps the tests mentioned were not performed for some good reason (i.e. perhaps they weren't relevant) and I don't know of anyone who has ever suggested the vaccine stayed at the injection site.
Further, it is known for certain, because of the way the mRNA is designed, that it does NOT, in fact it CANNOT, stay in the body for long. The cells the mRNA is introduced into do not reproduce themselves. They do their thing and then they die. The body replenishes them by making more but the new ones are back to the regular version and don't have the mRNA. If this were not so, you wouldn't need to get more than one shot because the protien producing cells would persist in the body for much longer.
And then there is the fact that literally hundreds of millions of doses have been administered with no statistically significant complications.
Leftist stupidite: 'If we stop the covid mandates too soon and even one more person dies then those pushing an end to covid restrictions and mandates are no worse than murderers.'Misleading, of course.
To any out there who actually think, the absolute number of breakthrough infections is not relevant. What is relevant is the percentage of vaccinated people who get infected.
From Harvard, an institution whose doors have no doubt been darkened by any here:
More than 10,000 of these so-called breakthrough cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the US. Seems like a large number, right? But keep in mind that nearly 133 million people have been vaccinated, so these breakthrough cases represent less than one in 10,000.
Scientific evidence and reasoning opposed to wearing masks are far superior to the weak scientific support and reasoning proffered as a reason to wear masks.Liar.
This is not at all the basis for the claim that masks work.
A wise course of action to properly deal with highly contagious illnesses is obviously to follow some other course than the one tried by democrats and proved extremely harmful instead of helpful.Nonsense, of course.
Let's be clear: the wise course of action to take in a pandemic is to enforce public health measures that, yes, temporarily limit freedom.
If you live in a magical world, you can imagine that we can reduce spread of a highly contagious illness without impinging on personal freedom.
Making light of the thousands of who have gotten blood clots after taking the vaccine should be a criminal offense.link
sorry for the long post but the context is needed
Dr. Byram Bridle an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph
So this is the case. The SARS 2 coronavirus has a spike protein on its surface. It is the spike protein that enables it to infect our bodies. That’s why we used spike protein in our vaccines. We use a vaccine to make the cells in our body produce this protein. If we manage to generate an immune response against this protein, theoretically we will prevent the body from being infected by the virus. This is the theory behind the vaccine. However, if you look at the disease, severe Covid-19, everything you just described, heart problems, many cardiovascular problems, bleeding, and blood clots are all related to severe Covid-19. Science has found that the spike protein itself, once it enters the bloodstream, causes cardiovascular damage almost entirely on its own. In fact, when purified spike protein is injected into the blood of experimental animals, all kinds of damage to the cardiovascular system occurs and it can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause brain damage.
At first glance, this does not seem to be a problem as we inject the vaccines into the deltoid muscle. Until now, it has been assumed that these vaccines behave like all our conventional vaccines, that they do not get anywhere beyond the site of injection. So they stay in the arm. Some of these proteins travel to local lymph nodes to activate the immune system.
However, it is here that the latest scientific discoveries appear. And this is where things start to get scary: by asking a Japanese regulatory agency, I and some international colleagues gained access to a so-called “Biodistribution Study”. For the first time in history, scientists have gained insight into where these messenger RNA vaccines are found after vaccination. In other words, is it safe to assume that they remain in the deltoid muscle? Short answer: absolutely not!
And it is very disturbing. The spike protein is found in the blood and circulates in the blood for several days after vaccination. It accumulates – once it enters the bloodstream – in many tissues such as the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, and also, which worries me particularly, it accumulates in fairly high concentrations in the ovaries.
This is confirmed by the approved publication of a research paper. Thirteen young healthcare professionals who had received the Moderna vaccine, a new type of messenger RNA-based vaccine that we use in Canada, were tested and confirmed. They found spike protein in the circulation, and so in the blood of 11 of the 13 health professionals who received the vaccine. What it means: We have long known that spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It’s a toxin. It can harm our body if it gets into circulation. Now we have clear evidence that vaccines that are designed to stimulate our bodies, muscles, or cells in our deltoid muscles to produce this protein, cause this protein to enter the bloodstream.
When it enters the bloodstream, the spike protein can bind to receptors (ACE2) that are found on our platelets and cells that line our blood vessels. When that happens, it can do one of two things. It can cause platelets to stick together, which can lead to blood clots. This is why we have seen blood clotting problems with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding. And of course, the heart is involved. It is an important part of the cardiovascular system. That’s why we see heart problems. This protein can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage. Therefore, in fatal cases of blood clots, it was repeatedly found in the brain.
He couldn't even understand what was said!Can't find even one example, could you?
Liar.Scientific evidence and reasoning opposed to wearing masks are far superior to the weak scientific support and reasoning proffered as a reason to wear masks.
Not even one example?He couldn't even understand what was said!![]()
Oh boy, you make this so easy for us.link
Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)