Is the Holy Spirit Female?

Tigger 2

Active member
'Holy Spirit' in the NT Greek text is in the neuter gender and therefore the neuter pronouns meaning 'it,' 'itself,' are used with it in the NT Greek!

Any strictly literal Bible translation would have to use 'it' for the holy spirit. Since it is really not a person, but God's active force -or power-, a literal translation would be helpful in this case.

'Holy spirit' in the OT Hebrew text is in the feminine gender.

"a 1. The Hebrew, like all Semitic languages, recognizes only two genders in the noun, a masculine and a feminine. Inanimate objects and abstract ideas, which other languages sometimes indicate by the neuter,
are regarded in Hebrew as masculine or feminine, more often the latter [feminine]"! - Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, p. 222, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1910. (also seventeenth edition)

So, in the NT 'holy spirit' is neuter. And in the OT it is feminine (which is often used for neuter).
And when we combine these two, we find that 'holy spirit' is certainly not in the masculine gender, but, instead, is neuter!

This is important because in both the Old Testament and the New, a mature person will have a literal personal name ('Jesus,' 'John,' 'Mary,' etc.) and literal descriptive words ('man,' 'woman,' 'husband,' 'priest,' etc.) in the gender which matches the sex of that person.

Of course those spirit persons in heaven ('God,' 'angels,' 'cherubim,' 'seraphim,' etc.) who are sexless are given the masculine gender in the Scriptures as a measure of importance.

But the 'holy spirit' (literal descriptive word) is neuter, and it has no personal name (which a real person as important as the HS would have).


"On the whole, the New Testament, like the Old, speaks of the Spirit as a divine energy or power." - A Catholic Dictionary.

"The majority of NT texts reveal God's spirit as something, not someone" - New Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 575, Vol. 13, 1967.

"In the NT there is no direct suggestion of a doctrine of the Trinity. The spirit is conceived as an impersonal power by which God effects his will through Christ." - An Encyclopedia of Religion, Ferm (ed.), p. 344.

"It is important to realize that for the first Christians the Spirit was thought of in terms of divine power." - New Bible Dictionary, p. 1139, Tyndale House Publishers, 1984.

"As in earlier Jewish thought, 'pneuma' [spirit] denotes that power which [not 'who'] man experiences as relating him to the spiritual realm .... But by far the most frequent use of 'pneuma' in the NT ... is as a reference to the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, that power which is most immediately of God as to source and nature." - p.693, Vol. 3, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Zondervan, 1986.


Eclectic Theosophist
Further enhancing our discussion.......

Further enhancing our discussion.......


First to all following, I recommend reading my former posts here on 'God' and 'gender' in their metaphysical, relational and esoteric significance. This is vital in going on further in our research into the Holy Spirit as 'feminine'. God's character and nature has both 'masculine' and 'feminine' qualities and attributes, - these are expressed thru 'personality', as 'God' is also the SOURCE of all 'personality' and all 'personalities' - now a few points towards the dialogue below -

Quote Originally Posted by chair

Everything has a gender in Hebrew. "Wind" or "Spirit" RUACH is female. I have never said otherwise. but this does not mean that RUACH is a person. Inanimate objects have gender. Tables, rocks- everything.


Again with the awful accusation that the Third Person of the Trinity is no more than an inanimate object! What you you think She or God thinks about that? Arrogant and ignorant come to mind.

Chair makes a solid observation that while 'wind' and 'spirit in the hebrew is rendered as 'female' in gender, this does not necessarily make wind or spirit a female personality or 'person'. This would be accepted by most all orthodox Jews, since they do not assume or propose in their theology, the Spirit of God being a person, much less a person within a Trinity. I gather liberal progressive Jews of a more mystical inclination would honor Wisdom or the Shekinah as a feminine quality, spiritual presence or expression of 'God', since 'God' is both 'Father' and 'Mother' in all realms of relational reality, where procreation exists and the duality of both genders synergized.... engage one another. In fact as I expounded on earlier,...this is a universal truth revealed in the regeneration of life (Nature).

View attachment 26074

It is WOTW's insistence in holding to a presumed belief that that Holy Spirit MUST be a 'person' within a divine Trinity that is at issue here, but a purely monotheistic unitarian view does not presume or necessitate such a view, as the Spirit of God does not need to be a 'person' per se....but will naturally embody, express and reveal the 'personality' or 'character' of 'God' in its activity, since that very Spirit is God's own. So, one can view the Holy Spirit as being feminine, without necessarily making that spirit into a person. It just so happens that since 'God' is both a 'Father' and 'Mother' within creation....Deity has within it, the essence and and total potentiality of all 'masculine' and 'feminine' qualities, however those might be expressed thru 'personality' and beyond. Remember....YHWH is INFINITE. - He/She/IT contains all genders, as source and potentializer, but is also beyond all differentiation, duality, division as Pure Spirit.

I happen to honor 'God' as both 'Father' and 'Mother' EQUALLY....and this is of utmost importance, as essential, relationally speaking, as to honor both 'Creator' and 'Creation'. It could not be otherwise, since 'God' and 'Man' are revealed in mirror image as BOTH genders, equally in synergy. The two are one.


I highly recommend Simona Rich's study of the Holy Spirit here and here. (these are offered as research and educational resources for our study of the subject fostering further discussion)


Eclectic Theosophist
God is the origin of both genders, and expresses BOTH......

God is the origin of both genders, and expresses BOTH......

'Holy Spirit' in the NT Greek text is in the neuter gender and therefore the neuter pronouns meaning 'it,' 'itself,' are used with it in the NT Greek!

Any strictly literal Bible translation would have to use 'it' for the holy spirit. Since it is really not a person, but God's active force -or power-, a literal translation would be helpful in this case.

'Holy spirit' in the OT Hebrew text is in the feminine gender.

"a 1. The Hebrew, like all Semitic languages, recognizes only two genders in the noun, a masculine and a feminine. Inanimate objects and abstract ideas, which other languages sometimes indicate by the neuter,
are regarded in Hebrew as masculine or feminine, more often the latter [feminine]"! - Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, p. 222, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1910. (also seventeenth edition)

So, in the NT 'holy spirit' is neuter. And in the OT it is feminine (which is often used for neuter).
And when we combine these two, we find that 'holy spirit' is certainly not in the masculine gender, but, instead, is neuter!

This is important because in both the Old Testament and the New, a mature person will have a literal personal name ('Jesus,' 'John,' 'Mary,' etc.) and literal descriptive words ('man,' 'woman,' 'husband,' 'priest,' etc.) in the gender which matches the sex of that person.

Of course those spirit persons in heaven ('God,' 'angels,' 'cherubim,' 'seraphim,' etc.) who are sexless are given the masculine gender in the Scriptures as a measure of importance.

But the 'holy spirit' (literal descriptive word) is neuter, and it has no personal name (which a real person as important as the HS would have).


"On the whole, the New Testament, like the Old, speaks of the Spirit as a divine energy or power." - A Catholic Dictionary.

"The majority of NT texts reveal God's spirit as something, not someone" - New Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 575, Vol. 13, 1967.

"In the NT there is no direct suggestion of a doctrine of the Trinity. The spirit is conceived as an impersonal power by which God effects his will through Christ." - An Encyclopedia of Religion, Ferm (ed.), p. 344.

"It is important to realize that for the first Christians the Spirit was thought of in terms of divine power." - New Bible Dictionary, p. 1139, Tyndale House Publishers, 1984.

"As in earlier Jewish thought, 'pneuma' [spirit] denotes that power which [not 'who'] man experiences as relating him to the spiritual realm .... But by far the most frequent use of 'pneuma' in the NT ... is as a reference to the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, that power which is most immediately of God as to source and nature." - p.693, Vol. 3, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Zondervan, 1986.

Yes, - as noted earlier on God and gender here, and in a previous response to your note of 'neuter gender' of the spirit here. - I make the case with understanding the context of 'God and gender'....where such an understanding would recognize that to honor 'God' in totality, would include our recognition and relational-experience of 'Deity' as being to us, both 'Father' and 'Mother', as as divine Personality...RELATING to us in both 'masculine' and 'feminine' ways, since God begets us, and nutures us in the full capacity of both gender-expressions.

While I may not claim a dogmatic belief of the Holy Spirit being somehow a female 'person', which I dont think is stands to reason and logic that the Holy Spirit embodies, reveals and expresses the feminine aspect of Deity, as a nuturing mothering Spirit, and that Wisdom (Sophia/Chokmah) and the Shekinah...also represent feminine expressions of God's character. So, I dont think just limiting Spirit to a 'neuter gender' helps us in any way, except to note a limitation of greek linguistics, since the Spirit of 'God' MUST and WILL by nature...have all the qualities and attributes of both genders. It would naturally be both rational and logical, in fact 'appropriate' to see the Holy Spirit as the feminine aspect of 'God' (without necesarily personifying this spirit). It just so happens that God is Spirit, so God's personality will also be contained in and expressed thru His Spirit.


Well-known member

First to all following, I recommend reading my former posts here on 'God' and 'gender' in their metaphysical, relational and esoteric significance. This is vital in going on further in our research into the Holy Spirit as 'feminine'. God's character and nature has both 'masculine' and 'feminine' qualities and attributes, - these are expressed thru 'personality', as 'God' is also the SOURCE of all 'personality' and all 'personalities' - now a few points towards the dialogue below -


Chair makes a solid observation that while 'wind' and 'spirit in the hebrew is rendered as 'female' in gender, this does not necessarily make wind or spirit a female personality or 'person'. This would be accepted by most all orthodox Jews, since they do not assume or propose in their theology, the Spirit of God being a person, much less a person within a Trinity. I gather liberal progressive Jews of a more mystical inclination would honor Wisdom or the Shekinah as a feminine quality, spiritual presence or expression of 'God', since 'God' is both 'Father' and 'Mother' in all realms of relational reality, where procreation exists and the duality of both genders synergized.... engage one another. In fact as I expounded on earlier,...this is a universal truth revealed in the regeneration of life (Nature).

View attachment 26074

It is WOTW's insistence in holding to a presumed belief that that Holy Spirit MUST be a 'person' within a divine Trinity that is at issue here, but a purely monotheistic unitarian view does not presume or necessitate such a view, as the Spirit of God does not need to be a 'person' per se....but will naturally embody, express and reveal the 'personality' or 'character' of 'God' in its activity, since that very Spirit is God's own. So, one can view the Holy Spirit as being feminine, without necessarily making that spirit into a person. It just so happens that since 'God' is both a 'Father' and 'Mother' within creation....Deity has within it, the essence and and total potentiality of all 'masculine' and 'feminine' qualities, however those might be expressed thru 'personality' and beyond. Remember....YHWH is INFINITE. - He/She/IT contains all genders, as source and potentializer, but is also beyond all differentiation, duality, division as Pure Spirit.

I happen to honor 'God' as both 'Father' and 'Mother' EQUALLY....and this is of utmost importance, as essential, relationally speaking, as to honor both 'Creator' and 'Creation'. It could not be otherwise, since 'God' and 'Man' are revealed in mirror image as BOTH genders, equally in synergy. The two are one.


I highly recommend Simona Rich's study of the Holy Spirit here and here. (these are offered as research and educational resources for our study of the subject fostering further discussion)

Yes I do believe the Holy Spirit is a person and not an inanimate object, because She can speak for example. Inanimate objects can't do that. Your 'insistence' that God the Father is both male and female is as observed as calling the Holy Spirit an inanimate object. Jesus was a man, not a woman and Jesus said that if you have seen Me then you have seen the Father. They are both male, not male and female.

When God said 'let US make man in OUR image', Eve was made in the image of the female Holy Spirit and is why she looked different to Adam who was made in God the Fathers image. Two different images (US & OUR), two different beings (Adam and EVE). Otherwise Eve would have also been male (let's call him Steve) and the human race would never have been more that two people.


Well-known member
'Holy Spirit' in the NT Greek text is in the neuter gender and therefore the neuter pronouns meaning 'it,' 'itself,' are used with it in the NT Greek!

Any strictly literal Bible translation would have to use 'it' for the holy spirit. Since it is really not a person, but God's active force -or power-, a literal translation would be helpful in this case.

'Holy spirit' in the OT Hebrew text is in the feminine gender.

"a 1. The Hebrew, like all Semitic languages, recognizes only two genders in the noun, a masculine and a feminine. Inanimate objects and abstract ideas, which other languages sometimes indicate by the neuter,
are regarded in Hebrew as masculine or feminine, more often the latter [feminine]"! - Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, p. 222, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1910. (also seventeenth edition)

So, in the NT 'holy spirit' is neuter. And in the OT it is feminine (which is often used for neuter).
And when we combine these two, we find that 'holy spirit' is certainly not in the masculine gender, but, instead, is neuter!

This is important because in both the Old Testament and the New, a mature person will have a literal personal name ('Jesus,' 'John,' 'Mary,' etc.) and literal descriptive words ('man,' 'woman,' 'husband,' 'priest,' etc.) in the gender which matches the sex of that person.

Of course those spirit persons in heaven ('God,' 'angels,' 'cherubim,' 'seraphim,' etc.) who are sexless are given the masculine gender in the Scriptures as a measure of importance.

But the 'holy spirit' (literal descriptive word) is neuter, and it has no personal name (which a real person as important as the HS would have).


"On the whole, the New Testament, like the Old, speaks of the Spirit as a divine energy or power." - A Catholic Dictionary.

"The majority of NT texts reveal God's spirit as something, not someone" - New Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 575, Vol. 13, 1967.

"In the NT there is no direct suggestion of a doctrine of the Trinity. The spirit is conceived as an impersonal power by which God effects his will through Christ." - An Encyclopedia of Religion, Ferm (ed.), p. 344.

"It is important to realize that for the first Christians the Spirit was thought of in terms of divine power." - New Bible Dictionary, p. 1139, Tyndale House Publishers, 1984.

"As in earlier Jewish thought, 'pneuma' [spirit] denotes that power which [not 'who'] man experiences as relating him to the spiritual realm .... But by far the most frequent use of 'pneuma' in the NT ... is as a reference to the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, that power which is most immediately of God as to source and nature." - p.693, Vol. 3, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Zondervan, 1986.

Thanks, I had forgotten the NT uses a natural gender for the Holy Spirit rather than male. That adds even more weight to the Holy being female rather than male. (Perhaps I shouldn't mention weight when talking about the Holy Spirit, she might get offended) :)


Well-known member
No, The Holy Spirit is not female:

John 14:16-17King James Version (KJV)

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

I just want to correct myself; the NT uses a neutral gender for the Holy Spirit and not He. This adds more weight to the fact that the Holy Spirit is a She.


Eclectic Theosophist
Deity is Echad (one)

Deity is Echad (one)

Yes I do believe the Holy Spirit is a person and not an inanimate object, because She can speak for example. Inanimate objects can't do that. Your 'insistence' that God the Father is both male and female is as observed as calling the Holy Spirit an inanimate object. Jesus was a man, not a woman and Jesus said that if you have seen Me then you have seen the Father. They are both male, not male and female.

Nothing in my former commentary and observations about 'God and gender' infer or assume that the Holy Spirit is an 'inanimate object'. Neither have I claimed anywhere that 'God the Father', is the same as 'God the Mother', since their distinction and difference is apparent. 'God' is 'one' (echad) in his essential essence, nature and being. It just so happens that 'God' is a 'Father-Mother-God' as a relational 'title' as regards the 'Creator' with-in the 'Creation'. 'God' both fathers and mothers creation. The unity of God ever remains.

When God said 'let US make man in OUR image', Eve was made in the image of the female Holy Spirit and is why she looked different to Adam who was made in God the Fathers image. Two different images (US & OUR), two different beings (Adam and EVE). Otherwise Eve would have also been male (let's call him Steve) and the human race would never have been more that two people.

This is continuing the misunderstanding of my discourse so far in understanding 'God' and 'gender', metaphysically speaking. 'God' is the source of gender, because both 'male' and 'female' inheres, originates and proceeds forth from the one essence of Deity. God is the sole source of all personality, so naturally the Spirit of God will express both 'masculine' and 'feminine' personality.

I propose in my commentary that recognizing this is enough, since 'God' is echad. This unity of Being has the inherent potentializing qualities of male and female, whose synergy is recognized within CREATION. Therefore to worship God includes seeing the value and reality of God in the totality of his being, as divine 'father' and 'mother'.

A pure monotheistic-unitarian view of God is uni-singular, uni-personal, 'God' as One Personality. (if we assume original Deity as The Universal Father, this 'God' must also be The Universal Mother). - hence within this model, there is a dual unity.


Well-known member
Is the Holy Spirit the Mother of Jesus and as the Bride of Christ are we the perfect family? As it says in Luke the Holy Spirit and God the Father over shadowed Mary together when Jesus was conceived.

And when God said 'let US make man in OUR IMAGE' whose image was Eve made from?

The pronoun 'SHE' is use every time in the original Hebrew scriptures when describing the Holy Spirit, here are 40 of them:

Numbers 11:26 and SHE is resting on them the spirit and they in ones being written

Numbers 24:2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes and he saw Israel abiding according to their tribes and the spirit of God came upon him to tribes of him and SHE is becoming on him spirit of Elohim

Judges 3:10 and SHE is becoming on him spirit of Yahweh and he is judging Israel

Judges 6:34 and spirit of Yahweh SHE clothed Gideon

Judges 11:29 and SHE is becoming on Jephthah spirit of Yahweh

Judges 13:25 and SHE is starting spirit of Yahweh to agitate him in Camp of Dan

Judges 14:6 and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Yahweh

Judges 14:19 and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Yahweh and he is going down Ashkelon

1 Samuel 10:6 and SHE prospers over you spirit of Yahweh and you prophesy with them

1 Samuel 10:10 and behold line of prophets to meet of him and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Elohim and he is prophesying in midst of them

1 Samuel 11:6 and SHE is prospering spirit of Elohim over Saul to hear of him

1 Samuel 16:13 and SHE is prospering spirit of Yahweh to David from the day he and on ward and he is rising Samuel and he is going the Ramah ward 14 and spirit of Yahweh SHE withdrew from with Saul and SHE frightened him spirit evil from with Yahweh

1 Samuel 19:20 and SHE is becoming on messengers of Saul spirit of Elohim

1 Samuel 19:23 and he [Saul] is going there to Naioth in the Ramah and SHE is becoming on him moreover he spirit of Elohim and he is going to go and he is prophesying

1 Chronicles 12:18 and spirit SHE clothed Amasai head of the thirty

2 Chronicles 24:20 and spirit of Elohim SHE was put on Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest

Job 26:13 in spirit of him heavens seemly SHE travailed hand of him serpent fugitive

Job 33:4 spirit of El SHE made me and breath of Who Suffices SHE is keeping alive me

Psalm143:10 teach you me to do of approval of you that you Elohim of me spirit of you good SHE shall guide me in land of upright

Isaiah 11:2 and SHE rests on him spirit Yahweh spirit of wisdom and understanding spirit of counsel

Isaiah 40:7 he dries up grass he decays blossom that spirit of Yahweh SHE reverses in him surely grass the people

Isaiah 59:19 and from sunrise of sun glory of him that he shall come as the stream foe spirit of Yahweh SHE makes flee

Ezekiel 2:2 and SHE is coming in me spirit as which he speaks to me and SHE is standing me on feet of me and I am hearing one speaking to me

Ezekiel 3:12 and SHE is lifting me spirit and I am hearing behind me sound of quaking great being glory of Yahweh place of him

Ezekiel 3:14 and spirit SHE lifts up me and she is taking me and I am going bitter in fury spirit of me and hand of Yahweh on me unyielding

Ezekiel 3:22 and SHE is becoming on me there hand of Yahweh and he is saying to me rise you

Ezekiel 3:24 and SHE is coming in me spirit and SHE is standing me on feet of me

Ezekiel 8:3 and SHE is lifting me spirit between the earth and between the heavens and SHE is bringing me Jerusalem ward

Ezekiel 11:1 and SHE is lifting up me spirit and SHE is bringing me gate of house of Yahweh

Ezekiel 11:5 and SHE is falling on me spirit Yahweh

Ezekiel 11:24 and spirit SHE lifts up me and SHE is bringing me Chaldea ward

Ezekiel 37:1 SHE becomes on me hand of Yahweh and he is bringing forth me in spirit of Yahweh

Ezekiel 43:5 and SHE is lifting me spirit and she is bringing me to the court the inner and behold he fills glory of Yahweh the house

Spirit is neither male nor female.

The Hebrew and Greek have words that have "genders".

That is not unusual. My limited knowledge of Spanish shows that Spanish also has words with genders, the word house is female, la casa, way is el camino, male

Not because houses are female and the way is male but evidently the language developed that way.

English does not, as far as I know, have gender distinctions, all the words unless specifically talking about he or she, etc. are gender neutral


Well-known member
Nothing in my former commentary and observations about 'God and gender' infer or assume that the Holy Spirit is an 'inanimate object'. Neither have I claimed anywhere that 'God the Father', is the same as 'God the Mother', since their distinction and difference is apparent. 'God' is 'one' (echad) in his essential essence, nature and being. It just so happens that 'God' is a 'Father-Mother-God' as a relational 'title' as regards the 'Creator' with-in the 'Creation'. 'God' both fathers and mothers creation. The unity of God ever remains.

This is continuing the misunderstanding of my discourse so far in understanding 'God' and 'gender', metaphysically speaking. 'God' is the source of gender, because both 'male' and 'female' inheres, originates and proceeds forth from the one essence of Deity. God is the sole source of all personality, so naturally the Spirit of God will express both 'masculine' and 'feminine' personality.

I propose in my commentary that recognizing this is enough, since 'God' is echad. This unity of Being has the inherent potentializing qualities of male and female, whose synergy is recognized within CREATION. Therefore to worship God includes seeing the value and reality of God in the totality of his being, as divine 'father' and 'mother'.

A pure monotheistic-unitarian view of God is uni-singular, uni-personal, 'God' as One Personality. (if we assume original Deity as The Universal Father, this 'God' must also be The Universal Mother). - hence within this model, there is a dual unity.

If you are referring to God as the Trinity or God Head, then I would agree that God has both male and female attributes but if you are talking about God the Father within the Trinity then no, He is only male.


Well-known member
Spirit is neither male nor female.

The Hebrew and Greek have words that have "genders".

That is not unusual. My limited knowledge of Spanish shows that Spanish also has words with genders, the word house is female, la casa, way is el camino, male

Not because houses are female and the way is male but evidently the language developed that way.

English does not, as far as I know, have gender distinctions, all the words unless specifically talking about he or she, etc. are gender neutral

The OT has female pronouns for the HS while the NT has neutral pronouns and you can't call the HS an inanimate object, She is a Person.


Well-known member
The OT has female pronouns for the HS while the NT has neutral pronouns and you can't call the HS an inanimate object, She is a Person.

There are no pronouns. You really don't understand. I won't bother repeating what I have said before- you are not open to facts that are uncomfortable to you.


Eclectic Theosophist
My mother, the Holy Spirit......

My mother, the Holy Spirit......


We see in the Gospel of the Hebrews that Jesus refers to the Spirit in the feminine gender:

(From The Other Bible -
Ed. Willis Barnstone
ISBN 0-06-250030-904143784)

(Origen, Commentary on John 2.12.87 [on John 1:3]):

And if any accept the Gospel of the Hebrews -- "here the Savior says: Even so did my mother, the Holy Spirit, take me by one of my hairs and carry me away on to the great mountain Tabor".


Within Judaism, the Shekinah (or "visible" cloud of the Presence) is a feminine word, thought to be Yahvah's feminine aspect; therefore, they called the Spirit the "mother". You will note, likewise, that the Renewed City of Jerusalem that "descends from heaven" is also referred to as female, as the "mother" of us all. Jewish studies have shown that this Heavenly Jerusalem is a "palace of overcomers" (the Overcomer's Palace), and is called by the ancient Jewish kabbalists Binah ("Understanding"), a house with "many rooms" (in the New Covenant it is translated "many mansions"). The verse above follows the motif in the book of Ezekiel where it is stated: "And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem" [Ezekiel 8:3], i.e. to a "holy mountain". Tabor (meaning "mound"; Strong's has broken" or "fragile") was a "very high mountain" located as a landmark within the territories of Issachar and Zebulon, overlooking the Plain of Esdraelon (Greek for Jezreel); and is where Barak gathered his ten thousand men in Deborah's campaign. This is why some believe that "Har Megiddo" or "Armageddon" will be the gathering place of the final battle of the age. While it is entirely possible that this mountain is the one referred to in the book of Revelation, we must realize also that the word "megiddo" means "gathering place" and could mean any "gathering place". Isaiah refers to the Mount of the Congregation (or the Mountain in Jerusalem) as the Har Moed, the Mountain of Appointment, or "meeting"; and since all Scripture states the "Day of Yahvah" will occur in Jerusalem, we must also consider that Tabor is a "symbolic" term used because of its historical significance as a "gathering place". Note: Origen, an Alexandrian, both quoted from and used the Gospel of the Hebrews. The reason he says "if any accept it" is because many of his colleagues in the west did not.


We would also note a further quote by Jerome from this or another earlier hebrew gospel of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus being the one who says "this is my beloved Son". - so in this account at his baptism,...the Holy Spirit is speaking from a mother's perspective. I would indicate for those conservatives who might be shocked over such a new point of view,...that even within the metaphysics of orthodox Christian is no stretch or not too difficult to accept that the Holy Spirit could be seen as a 'mothering presence' within the orthodox Trinity, as a Father-Mother-Son trinity conception. In any case, as in my former commentary I unlike WOTW am not proclaiming or promoting the Holy Spirit as a female 'person', but simply honoring 'God' as both 'father' and 'mother'. - if one chooses to define or propose some personification of configuration of 'God' further (thru any number of persons or personalities), that is their perogative ;)

Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah, 4 (on Isa. 11:2)

“According to the Gospel written in the Hebrew speech, which the Nazareans read, the whole fount of the Holy Spirit shall descend upon him ... Further in the Gospel which we have just mentioned we find the following written: ‘And it came to pass when the Lord was come up out of the water, the whole fount of the Holy Spirit descended upon him and rested on him and said to him: ‘My Son, in all the prophets was I waiting for thee that thou shouldest come and I might rest in thee. For thou art my rest; thou art my first-begotten Son that reignest for ever.’” (Quote from New Testament Apocrypha, Vol. 1 Gospels and Related Writings, Ed. Wilhelm Schneemelcher, Trans. R. McL. Wilson, Westminster John Knox Press 1990, 177)

- The hebrew gospel of Matthew


Well-known member

We see in the Gospel of the Hebrews that Jesus refers to the Spirit in the feminine gender:


We would also note a further quote by Jerome from this or another earlier hebrew gospel of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus being the one who says "this is my beloved Son". - so in this account at his baptism,...the Holy Spirit is speaking from a mother's perspective. I would indicate for those conservatives who might be shocked over such a new point of view,...that even within the metaphysics of orthodox Christian is no stretch or not too difficult to accept that the Holy Spirit could be seen as a 'mothering presence' within the orthodox Trinity, as a Father-Mother-Son trinity conception. In any case, as in my former commentary I unlike WOTW am not proclaiming or promoting the Holy Spirit as a female 'person', but simply honoring 'God' as both 'father' and 'mother'. - if one chooses to define or propose some personification of configuration of 'God' further (thru any number of persons or personalities), that is their perogative ;)

- The hebrew gospel of Matthew

Yep, more confirmation the HS is female.


Eclectic Theosophist
'God' and 'personality'..........

'God' and 'personality'..........

Watchman, here is your challenge:
Count how many times pronouns such as "him" or "he" are used for inanimate objects in Exodus 4.

The link isnt working for me.

If you've followed my commentary, it is logically sound, metaphysically and philosophically speaking to view 'God' as both 'father' and 'mother', since 'man' comprises both, being the reflected image and likeness of his Creator. We naturally call 'God' Father because the father holds an archetypal priority or preeminence in the procreative order, but in the whole of nature and character of divinity, both 'masculine' and 'feminine' qualities and attributes are equally inherent and integral in and to the divine nature, and expressed thru-out creation.

Since 'God' is spirit, the Spirit of 'God' has the totality of God's nature, expresseing all the potentials and qualities of 'gender'. The debate is on whether the Holy Spirit is a 'person', or just the active force, power, influence of 'God'. Orthodox Christian Trinitarian theology has its own definition for 'person', and a Jewish concept of God as a 'personality' would also be an interesting discussion. As noted, all 'persons' and 'personality' has its source in 'God' who we may assume to be a divine 'person', but since infinite God's personality is beyond any finite defintion or understanding. On another level, 'God' could be an infinite personality (and more), but may not be a compound of 3 distinct personalities. 'God' however IS the source of all 'personality' and all 'personalities'.

For those interested in an expanded research on God the Father as the source of all personality, and interesting insights on 'personality' itself go here. (see the video-lecture presentation linked in this post). :cool:
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