Is the Holy Spirit Female?


New member
I won't for you. I choose when and to whom I bother to give scripture. You want to verbally slander me and call me liar, then you want me to do something for you...not going to happen.
I just want you to keep your word.

Not doing such is an obvious sign.

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Well-known member
There is only one God and He is the Father. Jesus is that God.

Well I would agree with the Athanasian Creed (also known as Pseudo-Athanasian Creed):
The Father is God, The Son is God, The Holy Spirit is God; God is the Father, God is the Son, God is the Holy Spirit; The Father is not the Son, The Son is not the Father, The Father is not the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit is not the Father, The Son is not the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit is not the Son."

What does this mean to you:

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

This chapter is about the new covenant being better than the old as it sets us free from death which the Law brings. The end of this verse echo's this. Therefore the Spirit of the Lord that Paul refers to can be either the Holy Spirit or Jesus Himself as Spirit since both give freedom. Paul may have meant one or the other or both but either way there is no way to divide the Lord Jesus from the Spirit for the Lord and the Spirit are one. Furthermore the Spirit can even be called the Lord Spirit.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

God's Truth can speak for herself.
It is what GT teaches.
She teaches that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are not three distinct persons, but that all three are the same person.
In her Godhead, there is only one person, not three.

In her doctrine ....
The Father is the Father.
The Father is the Holy Spirit.
The Father is the Son.

Her doctrine is akin to modalism.
One person that just uses other titles for Himself - Father, Son, Holy Spirit.


Eclectic Theosophist
God's Truth;521988 said:
Your so called wisdom and learning is really ridiculous.

Recognizing both masculine and feminine principles in Creation is actually respecting wisdom (Sophia), and honoring the Creator. It also respects the universal law of honoring both father and mother. You cannot worship God fully without honoring God in all his potencies, qualities, attributes and creativity, since the Spirit is the womb, matrix, generating power, nurturer, life-giving presence, breath of the all-mighty.

God is One. It matters not how one presumes God in different forms, names or personalities,...the Prime creator, Universal Father is the father of all things and beings (divine or not). Therefore much Trinitarian debate is frivolous, pointless, confusing instead of edifying. Which is why a simple Unitarian view resolves so much.

One Deity IS. - you can embellish Him, Her, It as you please. Absolute Reality remains as What Is (what is always present, potent and all-pervading), regardless of what theology or god-concepts you assume. Since God is love, and the source and power of all, love is the law and the way. This love unifies, integrates and is whole, it does not confuse.
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I am glad that You call Jesus your Savior and your King.

You bow to your King? The scriptures say only bow to God.

Do you believe Jesus is God?

How many heavenly Kings do you have?


Today is Rishon, the first day of the week. I believe today is Aviv 16, counting from Rosh Chodesh but not having seen the new moon.

Your questions are foreign to me.

Do you know about the following, that At the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue declare that You are God. There is one God.



God's Truth

New member
Well I would agree with the Athanasian Creed (also known as Pseudo-Athanasian Creed):
The Father is God, The Son is God, The Holy Spirit is God; God is the Father, God is the Son, God is the Holy Spirit; The Father is not the Son, The Son is not the Father, The Father is not the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit is not the Father, The Son is not the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit is not the Son."

The scriptures say there is only one God and He is the Father.
The scriptures say Jesus only does what the Father does; and he only says what the Father says; and when you see him you can say you see the Father. They are never separate or different. They are one and one even means the same.

The trinity doctrine says they are three different and separate Persons that are together as one. That doctrine cannot be correct. When that doctrine cannot defend itself it is said that it is not explainable.

If it is not explainable then it cannot be defended.

This chapter is about the new covenant being better than the old as it sets us free from death which the Law brings. The end of this verse echo's this. Therefore the Spirit of the Lord that Paul refers to can be either the Holy Spirit or Jesus Himself as Spirit since both give freedom.
It is the Lord Jesus who came with a new covenant and gave freedom.
Paul may have meant one or the other or both but either way there is no way to divide the Lord Jesus from the Spirit for the Lord and the Spirit are one.

Hold that thought, because you now just rightly went against the trinity doctrine which says they are separate and distinct/different. The trinity doctrine contradicts itself.

Furthermore the Spirit can even be called the Lord Spirit.

I gave you one scripture that says the Lord is the Spirit when speaking of Jesus. I can give you more.
Jesus is the Spirit because he is the Spirit.

God's Truth

New member

Today is Rishon, the first day of the week. I believe today is Aviv 16, counting from Rosh Chodesh but not having seen the new moon.

Your questions are foreign to me.

Do you know about the following, that At the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue declare that You are God. There is one God.



I asked a simple question.

Now give an answer.

Do you believe Jesus is God?