Is the Holy Spirit Female?

God's Truth

New member
It is what GT teaches.
She teaches that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are not three distinct persons, but that all three are the same person.
In her Godhead, there is only one person, not three.

In her doctrine ....
The Father is the Father.
The Father is the Holy Spirit.
The Father is the Son.

Her doctrine is akin to modalism.
One person that just uses other titles for Himself - Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There is only one God and He is the Father and He came to earth as a Man.


So you don't believe that Jesus is God, yet you bow to him and call him 'King'. Correct?

I believe that we should worship God. We worship God at the name of Jesus. God is King. Jesus is King. This may have to do with the definition of worship. Do you remember about when Jesus was born?

God's Truth

New member

Today is Rishon, the first day of the week. I believe today is Aviv 16, counting from Rosh Chodesh but not having seen the new moon.



Jacob, God can take away your OCD, or whatever else it can be called. You say 'Shalom' all the time, which means 'peace', but you have no peace. You don't have to tell us what day it is in every post. I get it that you probably spend a lot of time and pride in learning Jewish traditions to be close to God, but you don't understand that it is not here and there. Jesus can be found right under your nose, in your heart. Look down under your nose, it is where your heart is. Jesus is love and if you have repented of your sins and called on him to help you, he will come and make his home in your heart.


Jacob, God can take away your OCD, or whatever else it can be called. You say 'Shalom' all the time, which means 'peace', but you have no peace. You don't have to tell us what day it is in every post. I get it that you probably spend a lot of time and pride in learning Jewish traditions to be close to God, but you don't understand that it is not here and there. Jesus can be found right under your nose, in your heart. Look down under your nose, it is where your heart is. Jesus is love and if you have repented of your sins and called on him to help you, he will come and make his home in your heart.

You have just presented me with false teaching.

God's Truth

New member
Recognizing both masculine and feminine principles in Creation is actually respecting wisdom (Sophia), and honoring the Creator. It also respects the universal law of honoring both father and mother. You cannot worship God fully without honoring God in all his potencies, qualities, attributes and creativity, since the Spirit is the womb, matrix, generating power, nurturer, life-giving presence, breath of the all-mighty.

God is One. It matters not how one presumes God in different forms, names or personalities,...the Prime creator, Universal Father is the father of all things and beings (divine or not). Therefore much Trinitarian debate is frivolous, pointless, confusing instead of edifying. Which is why a simple Unitarian view resolves so much.

One Deity IS. - you can embellish Him, Her, It as you please. Absolute Reality remains as What Is (what is always present, potent and all-pervading), regardless of what theology or god-concepts you assume. Since God is love, and the source and power of all, love is the law and the way. This love unifies, integrates and is whole, it does not confuse.

You have not entered through the gate. You are as a thief. You don't want to give up your new age beliefs from men who have made a lot of money teaching things stolen from God.


Try to show me what is false in what I said. As for whether or not I am a woman, it is merely an attack by you to try to degrade another.

No. It is not. The Bible says that a woman should not teach a man. Yours is false teaching. And I do not need to repeat a woman's false teaching even if I am married to her. The end.

God's Truth

New member
No. It is not. The Bible says that a woman should not teach a man. Yours is false teaching. And I do not need to repeat a woman's false teaching even if I am married to her. The end.

I hope you are under someone's care, whether they are a man or a woman.