Perhaps if you understood Einstein's general relativity theory you would. Space-time is curved. The Bible says that God sits on the 'circle' of the earth. That circle is: time. He is everywhere at everywhen. Before creation, before He began time, He was. He opened time and He will close it.I don't see how you come to that conclusion.
Perhaps if you understood Einstein's general relativity theory you would. Space-time is curved. The Bible says that God sits on the 'circle' of the earth. That circle is: time. He is everywhere at everywhen. Before creation, before He began time, He was. He opened time and He will close it.
You are the one adding that it means not to exist anywhere.No, the definition of destroy does not mean "to put an end to is as we know it". As we know it is your own personal addition to the definition. You didn't look up the definition, did you?
Disappearing is about not seeing that person anymore. It does not mean not to exist anywhere.No, perish does not mean "to disappear from one's sight". Look it up.
They live in prison/hell.Does the Bible say that unbelievers live on in spirit forever? IF so, where?
Listen more carefully. The scripture tells us that men CANNOT kill our bodies with the spirit. That is proof that the spirit lives on after the death of the body.This does not say the soul and body cannot be destroyed in hell. It says that the soul and body CAN be destroyed in hell. This PROVES that the body and soul can be destroyed, just as I said.
Perish does not mean not to exist anywhere.I'm sorry that you can't accept this, but God's Word says that the lost will perish.
You are wrong. The body is dead without the spirit. See James 2:26.This is wrong because one is dead until made alive in the resurrection.
and you need the body to experience such things.
Take note all who read--
The rich man was in his body after his raising and judgment passed upon him and the parable depicts the millennium situation, not after the last judgment.
Your understanding of the fact that God being at any place in space-time always would cause you to understand that God is not subject to time but that time is subject to God, since it is one of His creations.I do not need to understand Einstein's general relativity theory to know God's Truth. God just is.
That's why I suggested that you enlighten yourself on the subject of space-time.I just did not see how what you were saying was correct. You said "Being omnipresent precludes both". I do not see how that is what precludes both.
Exactly. His bigger than time and space. He is above space-time while we are subject to space-time. His Ways are higher than ours.You also said "There's no time or distance with God." I just do not agree. Heaven is God's throne, and earth is his footstool.
Again, I do not need to study the subject of space-time. Omnipresent means to be in all places at all times. Preclude means to prevent from happening; make impossible. How do you get that because God is everywhere, and in heaven where His throne is, means time and DISTANCE cannot happen?Your understanding of the fact that God being at any place in space-time always would cause you to understand that God is not subject to time but that time is subject to God, since it is one of His creations.
That's why I suggested that you enlighten yourself on the subject of space-time.
We know that. I was just wondering why you would say there is no time and distance with God? He is exalted. Our days are like a mist. He is far from the wicked.Exactly. His bigger than time and space. He is above space-time while we are subject to space-time. His Ways are higher than ours.
Yes, there is no distance to Him, via time or space. He is everywhere and every-when at all times. He is God. His BEING is beyond our understanding. Thinking that He is subject to time and space like we are is our fault for being temporal beings, limited to our space and time.Again, I do not need to study the subject of space-time. Omnipresent means to be in all places at all times. Preclude means to prevent from happening; make impossible. How do you get that because God is everywhere, and in heaven where His throne is, means time and DISTANCE cannot happen?
We know that. I was just wondering why you would say there is no time and distance with God? He is exalted. Our days are like a mist. He is far from the wicked.
Yes, there is no distance to Him, via time or space. He is everywhere and every-when at all times. He is God. His BEING is beyond our understanding. Thinking that He is subject to time and space like we are is our fault for being temporal beings, limited to our space and time.
It is true. God is Omni-Temporal and Omnipresent. God exists beyond his creation. Also, what we perceive to be good or moral, God is so much more, too. His ways are higher than our ways. Meaning God is Omni-righteous, too. He is righteous in all His good actions and ways. However, if you believe God punishes someone beyond what the crime fits, then that would be making God out to be immoral and not righteous. Now, I am not saying that all people who believe in eternal torment are trying to make God unrighteous. I am just saying that they are following a teaching or looking at Scripture in an askewed way to defend the traditions of most churches without really thinking about the morality of God.
In other words, God's morality is not inconsistent with Scripture. People only blindly follow what they think the Bible says at face value without really comparing Scripture with Scripture. They would rather be accepted by their church and think the church is without error than to stand out and stand up for the truth of what God's Word actually says. Jesus said we would be persecuted and not accepted.
Now, here is where the rubber meets the road. The ECT (Eternal Conscious Torment) Proponent cannot explain the justice or righteousness of punishing somebody forever for an infinite amount of crimes done against God and man. All they can do is point to the Bible upon their false interpretation of Scripture. In fact, the Conditional View weighs in more in favor with the Bible with words like perish, death, destruction versus those few small handful of verses that supposedly appear to say otherwise.
In other words, the ECT proponent cannot and will not ever be able to explain the morality behend their position. It is just not going to happen. Unless of course you want to follow a God who is unrighteous in his actions.
Anyways, I hope this helps.
May God bless you all.
And please be well.
That is correct. Just as Jesus, Who appeared in the room with the Apostles after they had locked the door, God can step into time at will.I just do not believe there is no distance to Him or time.
Amen. And, just like He exists above time-space (which is beyond our capability to understand) He also exists ABOVE our moral judgment. Our judgment of Him as immoral (should He condone eternal suffering) is not correct, since we don't have the moral capability to find fault with God in ANY way.It is true. God is Omni-Temporal and Omnipresent. God exists beyond his creation. Also, what we perceive to be good or moral, God is so much more, too.
No, it would just mean that we simply don't understand His Righteousness.His ways are higher than our ways. Meaning God is Omni-righteous, too. He is righteous in all His good actions and ways. However, if you believe God punishes someone beyond what the crime fits, then that would be making God out to be immoral and not righteous.
Not really:In other words, God's morality is not inconsistent with Scripture.
I believe that God sees us in our sinful state as we are: sinners, deserving punishment. He gives the punishment equally to all who deserve it. No one can argue with His Judgment. If we offend in ONE point, we are guilty of all. God said it and it is true, whether anyone believes Him or not.Now, here is where the rubber meets the road. The ECT (Eternal Conscious Torment) Proponent cannot explain the justice or righteousness of punishing somebody forever for an finite amount of crimes (not an infinite amount) done against God and man.
All they can do is point to the Bible upon their false interpretation of Scripture.
In other words, the ECT proponent cannot and will not ever be able to explain the morality behind their position. It is just not going to happen. Unless of course you want to follow a God who is unrighteous in his actions or not be able to explain the morality of the ECT position.
I just posted the definition as it is in the dictionary. I didn't add anything.You are the one adding that it means not to exist anywhere.
Disappear? The lost perish, this means they do not stay alive.Disappearing is about not seeing that person anymore. It does not mean not to exist anywhere.
I didn't mean "Where do you think dead people live?" I meant "Where in the Bible does it say dead people live?"They live in prison/hell.
You didn't read that verse all the way to the end, it actually does say that body and soul can be destroyed,Listen more carefully. The scripture tells us that men CANNOT kill our bodies with the spirit. That is proof that the spirit lives on after the death of the body.
Perish means "suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way." If you think it means to continue to live forever in hell being tortured alive, you need to show an official definition that says this. Perish simply does not mean "continue to live on forever".Perish does not mean not to exist anywhere.
Amen. And, just like He exists above time-space (which is beyond our capability to understand) He also exists ABOVE our moral judgment. Our judgment of Him as immoral (should He condone eternal suffering) is not correct, since we don't have the moral capability to find fault with God in ANY way.No, it would just mean that we simply don't understand His Righteousness.Not really:
James 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
God is Just. He punishes evil-doers. Who are we to question His judgment? He judged the angels the moment they sinned. They stood in His Presence. We walk in darkness, so when we sin He gives us a chance to repent. If we don't then we suffer the same punishment that is given to all sinners: torment of flames, forever.I believe that God sees us in our sinful state as we are: sinners, deserving punishment. He gives the punishment equally to all who deserve it. No one can argue with His Judgment. If we offend in ONE point, we are guilty of all. God said it and it is true, whether anyone believes Him or not.
Show the dictionary definition that says it means not exist anywhere.I just posted the definition as it is in the dictionary. I didn't add anything.
Prove that it means they do not exist anywhere.Disappear? The lost perish, this means they do not stay alive.
There were those who disobeyed and died before Jesus came to earth, though they were dead their spirits went to a prison, unlike the spirits of the righteous. After Jesus was crucified, he preached to those who were dead, he preached to the spirits in prison, the spirits of those who had died and disobeyed long ago (see 1 Peter 3:18-19). Those people who disobeyed and died before learning of Jesus...Jesus preached the gospel to them, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit (1 Peter 4:5-6). For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God, even those who lived and died before Jesus.I didn't mean "Where do you think dead people live?" I meant "Where in the Bible does it say dead people live?"
You missed it again. Listen; a man CAN kill another man…he CANNOT kill his spirit too.You didn't read that verse all the way to the end, it actually does say that body and soul can be destroyed,
Matthew 10:28
"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
Are you able to see that Matthew 10:28 says that the soul and body CAN be destroyed?
Perish means "suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way." If you think it means to continue to live forever in hell being tortured alive, you need to show an official definition that says this. Perish simply does not mean "continue to live on forever".
All will be raised to life because of Jesus…the righteous and the wicked.The Bible says "Whoever believes in Him shall not PERISH (suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way) but will have eternal life. Why would Jesus tell believers that they can have eternal life if EVERYONE has eternal life? Think about it.
No, The Bible says so. I'm just in agreement with It.What are you saying? Are you saying we can be offend in one point?
Actually, the truth is that the one would be a liability of all. And the reality is Jacob called James didn't say anything that stupid.No, The Bible says so. I'm just in agreement with It.
James 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.