Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Excuse me, but I have not done this, if you accuse me of this, you have to give proof supporting your baseless accusation. Everything I've posted has been backed up by clear undeniable scripture. Your accusation is completely false.

You slither around the truth.


New member
Those who are told "depart from Me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels...will go away into everlasting punishment" will be destroyed for they were not created for it...they were created for everlasting life, but they chose to abide in death.

All who say to the murderer "Go in peace it will be well with you" must share a measure of guilt, they failed to their duty and is no love to fail to warn.

Does the Bible say that the wages of sin is death or does it say that the wages of sin is eternal life in hell being tormented alive forever while you are dead? Nobody here is saying "Go in peace, it will be well with you." We are discussing whether the eternal punishment consists of eternal conscious torment as Aimiel claims, or whether the punishment is death, as the Bible says.


Well-known member
The more open to understanding scripture I became the more open I became to examining popular doctrines and rejecting man's silly traditions. You should try it.
I wasn't taught... except by The Holy Spirit. I've long ago rejected phony religion. I walk in God's Presence. I'm not going backward any more. :thumb:


Well-known member
We know the wages of sin is death... but The Bible also says that after this comes judgment. That isn't merely another death, simply because it was nicknamed the 'second death.' It is eternal conscious torment, clearly described in several different places in Scripture. You have to be pretty thick to ignore the clear warnings in Scriptures.


New member
You slither around the truth.

That is a lie, and it is a very offensive statement. Do you have any proof of your accusation? Any at all? Where have I ever slithered? Is anyone who believes in Eternal Conscious Torment capable of decent Christian behavior? Must you all behave like this?


New member
We know the wages of sin is death... but The Bible also says that after this comes judgment. That isn't merely another death, simply because it was nicknamed the 'second death.' It is eternal conscious torment, clearly described in several different places in Scripture. You have to be pretty thick to ignore the clear warnings in Scriptures.

The warnings in scripture are of death, destruction, perishing, being completely destroyed by fire, consumed by fire, becoming ash, etc

NOT eternal conscious torment. I don't understand why you can't see this. If it is eternal conscious torment, why is it called "the second death".

You are just stubbornly ignoring the truth.

Totton Linnet

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Does the Bible say that the wages of sin is death or does it say that the wages of sin is eternal life in hell being tormented alive forever while you are dead? Nobody here is saying "Go in peace, it will be well with you." We are discussing whether the eternal punishment consists of eternal conscious torment as Aimiel claims, or whether the punishment is death, as the Bible says.

The body dies because the spirit is dead, slain in tresspasses and sins, the inner man is already dead hence "let the dead bury their dead" but you are aware aren't you of your inner being? so death is not what you suppose.

"It is appointed for man once to die and after this the judgement" so if death were an unconscious state how can they be judged? how could they hear the words "depart from Me ye cursed.....into everlasting punishment?"


New member
The body dies because the spirit is dead, slain in tresspasses and sins, the inner man is already dead hence "let the dead bury their dead" but you are aware aren't you of your inner being? so death is not what you suppose.

"It is appointed for man once to die and after this the judgement" so if death were an unconscious state how can they be judged? how could they hear the words "depart from Me ye cursed.....into everlasting punishment?"
According to the Bible, they will be resurrected from death for Judgment. That is when they will hear his words.
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." 2 Corinthians 5:10
This happens on Judgment Day when everyone is resurrected to stand before Christ. Those who have received Him receive eternal life, those who have rejected Him must then pay the wages of sin themselves, the wages of sin is death. So they go to their second death, just as the Bible says.

And you still have not provided any proof that I "slither". Take back your offensive and completely UNTRUE accusation.


Well-known member
But we are talking to Christians. Shouldn't we expect better behavior from people who want to follow Christ? When we discuss what the scriptures say, should we expect to be insulted by other Christians? Even if we are wrong about what the scriptures say, aren't Christians commanded to love their enemies? And shouldn't we be commended by other Christians for believing scripture rather than man-made (or serpent-made) traditions about hell?
Believing Scripture is one thing but setting oneself against the clear teachings of Scripture and then denying what Scripture clearly teaches is another. I can only hope and pray that you discover your error before you find yourself being punished for it. We do commend those who follow Christ, but you seem to be following some guy named Jebus, who is NOT Christ. The Lord taught about hell and warned us clearly about it being torment, not merely sleep or an end of existence. It is punishment for eternity, or Scripture wouldn't say so.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
According to the Bible, they will be resurrected from death for Judgment. That is when they will hear his words.
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." 2 Corinthians 5:10
This happens on Judgment Day when everyone is resurrected to stand before Christ. Those who have received Him receive eternal life, those who have rejected Him must then pay the wages of sin themselves, the wages of sin is death. So they go to their second death, just as the Bible says.

And you still have not provided any proof that I "slither". Take back your offensive and completely UNTRUE accusation.
They DO hear the judgement "depart from Me ye cursed into everlasting fire" and these will depart into everlasting punishment. These are the dead. They were raised, the sea was commanded to give them up so that they hear their punishment.


New member
Believing Scripture is one thing but setting oneself against the clear teachings of Scripture and then denying what Scripture clearly teaches is another. I can only hope and pray that you discover your error before you find yourself being punished for it. We do commend those who follow Christ, but you seem to be following some guy named Jebus, who is NOT Christ. The Lord taught about hell and warned us clearly about it being torment, not merely sleep or an end of existence. It is punishment for eternity, or Scripture wouldn't say so.

You have not shown even one scripture that says the lost go to hell when they die where they are to be tormented alive for all eternity. I am not setting myself against scripture. That is a false statement. Show me one verse from scripture that you think I am setting myself against. The truth is that you are setting yourself against scripture. Scripture says that the wages of sin is death, but you deny that by claiming that the wages of sin is eternal life in hell being tormented alive forever. I'm praying that you will open your eyes and believe scripture instead of man made traditions.


New member
They DO hear the judgement "depart from Me ye cursed into everlasting fire" and these will depart into everlasting punishment. These are the dead. They were raised, the sea was commanded to give them up so that they hear their punishment.

So we agree?

When are you going to take back your false accusation that I slither around the truth?


Well-known member
You have not shown even one scripture that says the lost go to hell when they die where they are to be tormented alive for all eternity. I am not setting myself against scripture. That is a false statement. Show me one verse from scripture that you think I am setting myself against. The truth is that you are setting yourself against scripture. Scripture says that the wages of sin is death, but you deny that by claiming that the wages of sin is eternal life in hell being tormented alive forever. I'm praying that you will open your eyes and believe scripture instead of man made traditions.
You simply have no understanding. :nono:


New member
You are slithering now for we do not agree, neither do you agree with Christ.

I agree with Christ, have you read His words?

Do you think that everyone who disagrees with you is slithering? How arrogant of you. Apparently you are under the impression that you are infallible. Do you think that you are actually God? You must, because you believe that anyone who dares to disagree with you is "slithering". You've accused me of a lot of stuff. But you have not shown any proof of your accusations. Do you know that Satan is called the Accuser of the Brethren? When you accuse Christians of "slithering", you are doing the work of Satan for him. It is not good to side with Satan.