That's very wordy and everything but it doesn't require belief in order to have compassion and altruism for other people. Take the Parable of the Good Samaritan. It works in more than one way but his actions are at the core, not his beliefs. While people of supposed faith are ignoring the injured man in the street, the Samaritan shows true love towards his fellow man, going above and beyond to care for his needs and wanting nothing in return. I've seen that in action with people who both believe and don't. I've seen a complete lack of such attributes in people who believe and don't as well.
And you either didn’t read or didn’t understand what I posted. Action is irrelevant. The source OF the action is the issue. Judging by outward appearances is never the means of determining the quality of the SOURCE OF the action.
Self-righteousness and self-justification versus God’s in changing the condition and state of being of man’s heart are the distinctions.
All your positions and views are based upon your own conceptualizations and deductions, etc. In aggregate, this is all your own standard or set of standards as “whats”. God’s standards include ALL “hows”, including the ones about yourself you can’t or don’t know.
I’ve seen plenty of unbelievers do acts that are “good” Coram Mundo (before men), but are in no way “good” Coram Deo (before God). But you presume the resulting actIONs from actING out of a sin state of being are somehow acceptable because they appear to be the same by your external scrutiny. They’re not.
Unbelievers are incapable of righteous actions because the source OF the action is corrupt. You’re presuming that there is something innately wrong/bad/evil about eating fruit in Eden, when there was only something wrong/bad/evil about eating fruit that was forbidden by God.
Unbelievers are unable to do anything from a source of their state of being that is according to God’s standard. Anything. This explanation is replete within the term hamartia (sin) itself. It’s inarguable (validly).
Everything that an unbeliever does is sin. Everything. And much that Believers do is sin, including worshipping and praying and anything else that is not of faith. That which is not of faith (as the source) is sin (the noun demonstrating state of being and condition).
This doesn’t mean that a Coram Mundo standard that emulates God’s standard isn’t preferable and more functional for the benefit of man than a random standard that denies God’s standard. But God’s standard is regarding BOTH internal character AND external conduct, not just the latter.
Self-determination and human reasoning according to one’s own standard is sin (the corrupted state of being). So all your subjective opinions like this are sin. They’re the result of your inward condition. You’re seeking to establish a standard that is relative to external activity alone.
You don’t understand sin or repentance or redemption or justification or grace or mercy or faith or hope or love. And from all these things you have determined a standard that you insist is righteous. Your standard falls short of God’s standard, just as all other men’s standards fall short of His standards, and for all the same reasons. The primary underlying reason is the source OF the standard, which is yourself according to your own heart and mind, etc.