Well for crying out loud..............
Well for crying out loud..............
Then you can hammer away at your keyboard all day, but only you and Freelight will give a flip what you type. I'm not trying to be a donkey... butt it's the raw truth.
Hi EE,
If I can chime in here, my catalog of past commentary and research compiled
here lays some ground before, for those interested in my 'opinion' on the matter. Putting Caino and I in the same category in general is wrong, since we are different, and my path is more universal and eclectic than his,...we are brothers in the Lord of course in Spirit (respecting and honoring our Creator-Son Jesus), and both have studied and are familiar with the Urantia Papers, and share thoughts on that 'revelation' in the UB thread, - there is a more particular 'shared catagory' of interest in that subject, but even there,
I have my own thoughts, interpretations and opinions on various topics. - the UB is only one religious book in my library of religious writings, there are many others, and wonderful treasures from many other religious traditions, cultures and schools of esoteric knowledge. DEITY is INFINITE. - unfortunately some think they can put Deity in a box,...that's impossible, foolish and totally unnecessary.
People with a snapshot and keyhole view of things can often make false assumptions just because they see a persons posts in one thread, topic or subject...and then put them into a particular 'catagory' or 'label' based on just one little sliver of a whole pie, - this is a sad case of marginalizing, done by the likes of GM, Lon, and others. They don't see the forest for the trees.
My view includes various aspects of universalism and soul-death, and is NOT limited to the Bible, but because I do include the Bible in my religious studies and consider all WRITINGS on the topic, my view here is just as valid, insightful and meaningful as one who has CHOSEN only to use the '66 books' as their 'golden standard', and even more because I have the benefit of a more all-inclusive vision. I've shared this in much commentary before, for those interested.
You believe in GOD... even if you feel "caged" by the 66... don't you believe that God can help you pick up that old, weathered BROAD SWORD and swing it in HIS NAME?
Just a book canonized by men,...its not 'God'. 'God' is uncontainable.
Come on... will you do it for this one time? I'm telling you that I can discredit all of your discrediting of it. It is chocked full of defense of the LOVING CHARACTER of God.
Of course there are good things in it about God being love,....in some parts.
If you will bite... and for this single thread you are interested... I will give you some quick keys to get up to speed in the 66 alone to defend Annihilation without effort. You're about to see an irrefutable blood bath and I'm about to bring it straight out of the 66. Look at what I just posted after the post you just quoted... If you don't see how uphill that rebuttal is... you're missing it. I'm not even at 4% usage of scripture on this topic yet. I kind of snapped and I'm unloading now.
Use the '66' all you like, its still a limited collection of varied writings, and you've got simultaneously the ECT bunch spitting out passages just as FAST, or any other view all having their handy little "proof-texts",...join the academy

Anyone can claim some idea, belief or concept is 'biblical'. - add slavery, genocide, blood sacrifice, and more goodies to the list.
Is the Character of God worth your usage of the Bible to defend Him... or do you simply want to use a method that throws everything you type out the door... off rip?
I don't think Caino cares too much about getting the entire audience of bible-only folks to listen to his viewpoints, unless they find value and meaning in whatever he shares on the topic at hand,...in a shared forum everyone has the 'right' to share their opinion. Also if buffoons still want to go bashing and demonizing the Urantia Papers without first really knowing what they are really about by proper investigation, that's their fault of ignorance, since while on the subject,...the UB has a very detailed explanation of the soul, its path of progress/ascension and the fate of those who undergo 'death' (soul disintegration),...I too have offered my own speculations on the metaphysics involved, as a soul that undergoes the '2nd death' is absorbed back into the OverSoul of Creation. All spirit-energy returns to the Infinite Creator. The UB also reveals the most wondrous 'Paradise Trinity' and expounds on various other trinities, tri-unities and triodites thru-out the cosmos! So it it certainly NOT anti tri-unity by any means. It also has the most complete record of Jesus life and ministry extant, if not one of the most detailed (there may be other channeled works that have more, I'd have to research that again).
Anyways,...I don't think a one-book only approach is the most perfect or complete, but I do respect that this thread presents the discussion if ECT can be justified or proved within the standardized '66 books',...the thing is...since it is limited, and varied in its descriptions and terms, its a complicated matter, since religionists are interpreting terms and their meanings differently, particularly and contextually. So,....have at it. I'll review your last post, but this subject is becoming 'old hat' as it were.
All the best!
Paulie Pooh